Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thought crime

Is thinking now a federal crime? Former Westchester County, NY District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, now running for State Attorney General against Andrew Cuomo, is under federal investigation for talking to former NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik about planting a bug in her husband Al Pirro's room on a cruise ship to see if he was having an affair. Got that? We all have a skeleton or two tucked away neatly in our closets but Kerik has a whole haunted mansion and fun ride deal, real Grim Reaper/Cryptkeeper stuff and you need a 25 volume encylopedia just to read about all the scandals he's been involved in. Anyway, Kelli Conlon of the pro-abortion group NARAL of New York City says that Jeanine once betrayed her on the issue of abortion (read "partial-birth abortion"). Get a grip Kelli and grow up, this is not an episode of Fashion House (or is it?).

Time was the major source of stress in the world was the Cold War and mushroom clouds but at least you could talk and dialogue with the commies, after all we both had the Bomb and it was in our best mutual interests to talk but what do you do with these radical Islamist men who think that if they blow themselves up there will be 72 virgins waiting to feed them honeycakes? Whoever thought that the peace and security of the whole world would one day be threatened by radical assholeism? Mind-blowing.

The New York Post had a story yesterday about gals who, before dating men, have background checks done on them. There are now Internet companies that specialize in this. Now I suppose if you engage in massive dating this all makes sense but why anyone in their right mind would be into this dating crap is beyond me. I prefer the classic model, two people fall in love and then go out, not go out and then see if you like each other. Then you have your people at work who are adamant about don't dip your pen in the company ink, if you break up the woman may then claim sexual harassment against you. True but we are now using the rare psycho cases to influence our decision-making. I don't like groupthink, I don't like herd mentalities. Most of the women I've gone out with have been from work and I still have my job and bank account intact. Fear and worse case scenarios are now the order of the day but I strongly believe in taking chances but then again I think I have a healthier outlook on life because I don't watch a hundred crime shows a week. Don't hate, participate. Do we have to give up living? If so then let me move to Europe where they laugh at us.On the Right


  1. There is a similar scene in the excellent Glengarry Glen Ross where two real estate salesmen are in a bar discussing breaking into the office and stealing the prized Glengarry leads. "We're just discussing this, right? Burglary is a crime you know but we're just talking right? What are we talking about?"

    So this is where we're at. Sean Hannity said today that they had this tape of Bernie and Jeanine talking for over a year now and they come out with it right before the election. I guess if you have some humanity and are against stabbing unborn babies in the skull with scissors then this is what happens to you. Jeanine is right, there needs to be an investigation of the investigation.

  2. U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia is working with the FBI in concert with Jeanine's former office in Westchester County on this one but shouldn't terrorism be on the front burner for the FBI right now? Ever since she started to run for Hillary's Senate seat the forces that be were against her and carped and nitpicked about she forgot some lines in her opening campaign speech and wouldn't let it rest until she dropped out. Makes you wonder what she did to piss everyone off.
