since it's still percolating out there and the state of CT has just passed some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. I only thought I'd do another Newtown thread if I have any fresh insights and so let's begin with the mathematics of Newtown. Now all these massacres of late within the last several years are being lumped together somehow but in the vast majority of shooting massacres grown adults are the victims. That's tragic enough but what happened at Sandy Hook is on another level totally IMO, a kind of existential quirk. In fact it's bizarre and I don't think there's a snapshot anywhere of Adam Lanza where he's not a bug-eyed bastard, such a joyless individual. Now the math angle, if you gun-controllers want to prevent another gun massacre ok but if your goal here is to prevent another Sandy Hook you're trying to prevent something that may not happen in another 150 years or ever for that matter. Another point - how did the post-Newtown debate/discussion somehow evolve into ONLY talking about guns and gun control with a healthy side of mental health and no mention of DRUGS whatsoever? meds, PCP, bath salts, prescription abuse, airplane glue, whatever but it's high past time authorities lay it all on the table so maybe we can have that other discussion. One senses just another generic post-gun massacre political debate with an angle or two being deliberately suppressed and I've been wondering why. Lastly since I'm trying to be fresh in this blog, to look at these things from another angle when you post comments I'd like some fresh and original thoughts too, maybe give yourself an aerial view of the issues instead of same-old same-old, left/right-wing talking points. NRA Bad, ok we get that but how can you legislate exactly against or to prevent the tragically bizarre which is what Newtown was? Conclusion: I'm not disagreeing with you about gun control per se but could Sandy Hook have been prevented? I'm gonna go with a no:)