Saturday, May 11, 2024

Don't book 'em Danno. It's legal now

One late afternoon sitting on my porch having my fine cigar and a funny aroma came wafting over.  Hi neighbor!  In my travels I'm noticing more cannabis shops opening up.  One changed its sign from Cannabis to Leafology.  A sign might say the Legal Cannabis Store and that's right next to the legal sneaker shop.  Many pot hobbyists are fiercely anti-smoking cigarettes.   Lived in my aunt's apartment for a time and my cousin had a meltdown 'cause I smoked a few.  At the same time he's a heavy pothead who keeps cholesterol graphs for his health.  I'm fine with the Christian Brothers/Tito's scene.  No need to take it to the next level.


  1. Dunno much about the stuff, effect-wise or even the smell. I guess legalizing it may make it cheaper and more acceptable. Big thing around here is the fentanyl craze- 100 times more powerful than morphine. Not sure where that would be on the Christian Brothers scale. Making fentanyl is quite complex, not a basement hobby, so there must be illicit factories south of the border. Progress - Back in the day, Timothy Leary (tune in-turn on-drop out) introduced LSD.
    Ever optimistic, he declared that the PC was the LSD of the 90s.
    I was always a counter-culture denier, so no inside dope here.

  2. The Fujita tornado scale. The Richter Scale. The Hurricane scale. The CB or Christian Brothers scale. I like that.

  3. For me the implicit social messaging is contradictory. On the one hand you have the unwavering public health position that tobacco in all its forms is bad for you. Back in the day you could pick up some cheap Dutchmasters or a Dr. Grabow pipe at say a CVS. No longer. Places like CVS no longer carry those products. On the other hand you have this sudden social tide of legalizing cannabis as if it's good for you that seems to me at least to be the implicit social messaging of government. Cigs bad pot good. Something seems wrong with this picture.

  4. Will cannabis products eventually come with some type of government warning label like tobacco products have? What is the status of this? Are crack stores down the road?

  5. :LSMFC - lucky smokes mean fine cannibis?

  6. Ever wonder if those people with heroin holes all over their arm are
    afraid of Covid shots?

  7. Hyper-vaccination vs. heroin. Dunno BB.

  8. Why not massively expedite new cancer drugs? Long-range safety data is so yesterday.

  9. If Ben Franklin had any business sense, he would have made a fortune selling lightning rods. Especially for those golfers standing at the fifth
    hole holding their putter straight up. But no, he tried to sell almanacs.

  10. My friend is big on As Seen On TV products although he says stay away from the inflatable garden hose. Recently bought some Flex tape. When sanitation comes by to pick up recycling they fling everyone's empty bins back on the sidewalk. Then I see cracks on my recycling bin. That's what I get for being a good citizen.

  11. Last I checked you were watching Barney Miller.

  12. I remember I had my first prostate exam years ago at the doctor's office and I was like shouldn't we see a movie first?

  13. Hey Z-man... if I buy a shirt from an ad on your blog, do you make some extra $$$, or do just get the click money?

  14. Hi, Z-Man! Thanks for coming's been years :-) Ya, I was driving down the big Los Angeles Street, Wilshire Blvd, in Santa Monica, with a friend..lamenting HOW MANY "FOR LEASE" signs there's scary.....and I added "Except the Pot Stores are opening all over!" And, as you know, Biden's trying to get Marijuana officially less dangerous a drug JUST when doctors are starting to say it is more dangerous than they thought! @#$(*@#&$(Q@#&*

    1. I was wondering too with pot becoming increasingly legal and many workplaces still requiring drug testing how does this work? Worked with a young guy recently. Did good work in the morning but after his little, er...break got lazy in the afternoon and just played with his phone and then said he had too much work to do.

  15. What will all the pot-sniffing dogs at the police station do now?

    1. They're all reading the doggy version of High Times...

  16. Drug testing at work: One time I spent half an hour in the restroom.
    Not a drop. The Safety inspector says "Drink some coffee" Cafeteria
    coffee - a couple carafes. Got half a cup. Later that night, guess what I did all night.

    1. My friend applied for a job once. I drove him to the drug testing place. Couldn't go. Not a drop. I can always go at least a little. They don't need much. It's not like they hand you an empty milk bottle and say here fill 'er up.

  17. What is the criteria for making some stuff legal or illegal? Say brandy
    vs LSD, Prince Albert Pipe tobacco vs Pot, Ozempa vs Heroin etc.
    Do they consider high taxes on stuff as a goal? I know an old lady
    totally hooked on Diet Pepsi. Can she be saved?

  18. They're legalizing pot but want to ban TikTok. Dunno about the criteria.

  19. the Idaho legislature is banning library books. Any little old librarian
    can be fined and thrown in jail if a minor finds something salacious in the stacks. Like what kid would quit e-net porn for a frigging library? Mrs. is fighting back- took cookies over last week. For the librarians, not the smarmy kids. Any book burning in Yonkers yet?

    1. The kids have PornHub why would they read "Lady Chatterley's Lover"? Anyway the public library I go to the most here had the uncut DVD of "Last Tango In Paris" in its DVD collection now it's been missing for weeks. Did a patron lose it? Did a librarian weed it out? We've been over this ground before. Last Tango is softcore basically breasts and vulgar language throughout. I've seen more explicit movies. Where is the replacement copy?

  20. Your Prince Albert pipe tobacco BB what are your favorite flavors? My friend tried an apple tobacco once and liked it and now has trouble finding it.

  21. My favorite was Crosby Square - chunk, mild, easy to smoke and smelled good. Prince Albert is one of the few mild ones left. The flavored ones tend to go out a lot. Prince Albert- fill the bowl, tamp it lightly, take several puffs to get the top lit and you are ready to go.
    Where's the Christian Brothers?

  22. Guy at work heavily into vaping. Doesn't seem the same.

  23. Tobacco can reads 'known to cause cancer in California'. Not sure what it causes elsewhere. Gotta light up now.

  24. Everything is known to cause cancer in CA. Buy a recliner chair and the fibers cause cancer in CA. Only in CA mind you. You don't wanna get cancer don't live in CA.

  25. To say nothing of LA smog.

  26. There is a Godzilla Vs. The Smog Monster. Free download public domain.

  27. God sent to a cardiologist for A-fib. "Any symptoms?" Nope. "You smoke or drink? Yup. Wife says did he tell you to give up your pipe and brandy? NO. "Well some cardiologists are stupid"

    1. Typo correction - Got sent - not God sent. My keyboard seems left-handed anymore.

    2. Doctors don't understand basic philosophy. We don't live that long so choose your poison.

  28. Could it be that we humans are on a flight path between Ancient Aliens
    and Artificial Intelligence? Help - leave us alone, we got enought problems.

  29. Transhumanism. The Singularity. Elon Musk. Too much on our plate.

  30. Robot reproduction seems to lack romance.

  31. The relationship is bound to get a little rusty.

  32. Kindergarten robots - to they say the pledge of allegiance to the microchip?

  33. They pledge allegiance to Elon Musk.

  34. Elon Musk sounds like a French perfume.

  35. What's that that smells like a lithium battery fire? Oh, it's my Elon Musk
    perfume, with AI undertones.

  36. The cowardly lion singing in the Wizard Of Oz - why does a muskrat
    guard his musk? CCCourage!

  37. Saw a conspiracy theory somewhere once. A la David Bowie and "The Man Who Fell To Earth" Elon Musk is really an alien using his alien smarts to bring technological resources back to his home planet. After two tumblers of the Christian Brothers it starts to make sense.

  38. Another one. Zuckerberg is an android. I can see that.

    Robert Bork looked like a Christmas ornament you hang on your tree.

  39. Rodney Dangerfield always looked harassed.

  40. Always wondered if Ammon Bundy was related to Ted.

  41. That gotta be rough if a person's real name is Ted Bundy. Job interviews, going out. Awkward.

  42. Knew a guy named Steve Dick, had the same problem.

  43. Of course there's always a Mr. Frankenberry in the phone book.

  44. Was thinking about the Hunter Biden case. lying on a gun purchase application. Pretty normal here in Idaho. Ya think they have a case, or is it just more revenge stuff?

  45. The thing with Hunter Biden is it's not just that. It's prostitutes and crack his laptop and his dealings with China. Don't know where to begin he's like a walking wiki of scandal. Btw every time I put a comma after crack Google felt compelled to put a capital C in front of the word. Is it a proper name?

  46. Is it normal for Secret Service to find crack in the WH? A bottle of Christian Brothers maybe.

  47. I see there area a couple of gun rights people on the jury. Hmmm

  48. Wonder if all the people with Crack and Guns were brought to court...
    Probably another Nuremburg Trial with dozens of judges.

  49. The My Pillow guy wrote a book about how he went from crack addict to CEO. Last I heard the FBI took his phone away.

  50. I thought the My Pillow guy was Tom Selleck.

  51. That's reverse mortgages not to be confused with Lady Gaga's migraine medication.

  52. Thanks Z-man. Us old guys tend to get confused, ya know?

  53. That's OK. I get Lee Marvin and James Coburn confused.

  54. Gregory Peck and Cary Grant confuse me.
    Andy Warhol and Rock Hudson perplex me.

  55. Andy Warhol's famous saying everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes. Taylor Swift is well beyond that. Paying for groceries and she's on every magazine cover.

  56. Wonder if Taylor is related to Tom Swift, the kid's adventure writer and the victim of the 'Swifty Jokes' Like "Gosh that was a big shark, Tom
    said off-handedly" or "Where's the anesthesia, Tom moaned painfully"

  57. As near as I can tell, Taylor is on a long hard schedule in Europe.
    Kelce bragged he picked up a ring, but it was a Super Bowl one.
    Lemmee know when she leaves him for Joe Namath or she
    marries Kelce after another half dozen years of cheap publicity.

  58. Why does David Letterman look like a caveman?

  59. High percentage of Sasquatch DNA in his Ancestry test?

  60. If and when Taylor and Kelce finally break up she'll write a revenge song about him.

  61. Like 'So long Mr. Kelce, I found someone else. i'm big time Taylor Swift and I've been badly stiffed' ?

  62. She's like Winona Ryder in terms of men. Should have stuck with Calvin Harris.
