Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our cashless society

I was watching this paid program on NBC last night about low fixed-rate loans by the government so more average folk can buy homes, it's Uncle Sam's way of trying to solve the subprime mortgage mess. The loans are completely protected by the federal government so lenders would not lose anything, they are guaranteed. Hey, I'm no egghead economic scholar, sounds good but the part that got me were the four people at the end who had questions for the expert. They had various questions about the loan program but all four were swimming in credit-card debt, not only that but the show's financial authority figure said nothing on this like tear 'em up and don't use 'em for now or only use them to rent a hotel room or if your car breaks down on a cross-country trip. I kid you not but the other day at Wendy's I saw a young couple whip out their piece of plastic to buy some burgers, is this worth going into debt over? I've made the personal decision to not use credit cards for now, I paid them off years ago and you know something? I'm better off, have more money in the bank and live well within my means. So these four troopers who maxed out on their credit cards are going for these government loans to own a home, well good luck but this Gotta Have It Generation doesn't set an example for the Next Generation.


  1. The government has got to use some tough love one of these days and wean people off the teat of the USA.

  2. Now it's true the money guru,

    ah gurus

    said to those people that you can use this new low fixed-rate loan assured by the US government to pay off all of your credit-card bills too and whatever else but nobody learns anything through this, they don't learn how to behave in a financially responsible fashion. Credit cards call for you living way beyond your means, after all it's invisible money. McCain seems to be taking a more conservative position in all this saying the market forces should be allowed to work freely and the subprime mess will correct itself but I really think he's just saying this, it's like he put a towel on that RINO horn of his, and of course Barack and Hillary are offering the typical big government solutions.

  3. "the teat of the USA"

    isn't that the Democratic Party platform in a nutshell? Maybe then can go Betsy Ross one better and, oh never mind.
