Wednesday, February 03, 2010

A serious aside for a moment - the anti-smoking and pro-marijuana movements

The commercials against smoking are getting more and more ghoulish. The latest has some black woman who lost her fingers to the stuff (???) and another one that claims smoking can cause irreversible blindness. Now I'd have to say this is pure propaganda, dubious at best but to refute it would take the better part of a blog so on to the larger point. While the anti-smoking movement has taken on new heights, new passion in public-advocacy zealotry at the very same time the pro-medical marijuana movement is picking up steam, has made some inroads of late such as in the Garden State where then outgoing governor of NJ Jon Corzine just signed it into law. The smoking evil/pot good formula seems a very contradictory public health message at best, seems to me the only two logical options would be either smoking bad/pot bad or smoking good/pot good. In my experience and this is purely anecdotal as I always stress but people I have known who were regular pot users did not become more mellow over time. In fact it was quite the opposite, their personalities seemed to change for the worse, harder to get along with although when I drop comments like this at other blogs where the subject comes up the pot legalizers always deny this. Then there is the rather common practice of dealers adding more dangerous ingredients like PCP to the mix unbeknowst to the pot user. In fact judging from a workplace situation I've been blogging about recently angel dust and ANGER are inextricably intertwined and the person under its influence will often develop an angry and paranoiac view of the world, major anxiety on an existential level (the downplayers will chalk this up to alcohol but alcohol doesn't have those effects, not all in tandem that is), these people over here are enemies see? they need to be dealt with. The person sinks into a weird depression, he or she may go to work in the morning with a strong sense of impending doom, becomes detached from his environment, detached from himself (ego-death) and detached from reality, enters a dissociative fugue state.

So to cap it off a young person absorbing all this like a sponge might form the not unexpected conclusion to not smoke but that it might be preferable to light up a joint every now and then especially when you have a medical condition (geez you'd think modern medicine was lacking in the pain management department). The other thing the pot legalizers will often throw at you is that you want to throw their sorry asses in jail. I don't, I'm half-libertarian on the issue but I have the right to opinions, impressions formed over the years by social interactions with these people and on balance I find them more annoying than your traditional drunk. In that case the effects wear off by morning whereas imho pot somehow alters the chemistry of the brain, how we think and it's been said marijuana is like a low-dosage of a psychoactive like LSD, it's mind-altering at least to some extent and in my observations not in a positive direction.

Potheads should be free and contributing members to society, just thought I'd offer a few thoughts counter to the pro-pot trend .


  1. I would suppose that some who have smoked pot and did not have any ill effects (soapie) could argue that the bad stuff didn't happen to them, to which I would suggest that it seems like before you smoke pot, nobody really knows how it is going to affect you. In other words, its like roulette, maybe it will alter your mind, maybe it won't, but I say why take the chance?

  2. I could say the ditto for cigarette smoking, it really has no benefits and lots of potential risks for disease, so why take the chance? Isn't there something else people could be growing and/or doing with their money?

  3. That's a good point Beth. Ever work with a pothead? lazy man and they lack initiative. What gets me though is and I've heard anecdotes about this many pot smokers will yell at a person in their midst if they light up a cigarette. I posted this recently at a blog and of course the pot advocate said she doesn't know anyone like this. In fact to illustrate my point I personally know someone who is very concerned about his health, practically keeps charts on his cholesterol levels but is a habitual pot smoker, even devises new ways to smoke the stuff (tinfoil funnel anyone?) but in every other aspect watches everything about his health. Just seems contradictory to me is all.

  4. I take your view in your second comment here Beth but where I come down on this and where I part company with the anti-smoking zealots is it's a FREE CHOICE and we've had the warning labels on cigarette packs since when, 1965? I personally know people who smoke as well and they pretty much know it's bad for them but you ain't changing their minds. Maybe they see it as a slow form of suicide and don't really care (the psychological angle) but just seems to me this pro-pot movement needs to be counterbalanced.

  5. Yes there is free choice, but I don't see a problem with the anti-smoking people trying to give them an informed decision. Back in the day (your fav saying lately) they didn't know how bad smoking was, but now they do and why anyone starts is beyond me, for cigarettes or pot. I have not known anyone in person that I knew smoked pot, but it just doesn't seem natural to me. Of course, I take Advil like its M&Ms, so maybe I am a hypocrite.

  6. but Beth they make Advils look like M&Ms.

  7. I guess I have a lower tolerance level for this sort of stuff. Why don't they say the same things about abortion?

  8. Having smoked a pipe (Prince Albert, you suspicious guy) for nigh on 50 years, as well as sipping bourbons before dinner...I must repsectfully recuse myself...

  9. I'm sorry, what did you say? I was smoking a doobey and went into la-la mode for a bit. Something about a sponge? But I can handle my pot. It doesn't affect me. Dude. What?

  10. I say smoke 'em if you've got 'em. In my heyday, I'd go to work at the restaurant stoned and I could bang out the short orders and the dishes in such a methodical system that it made half the straight laced folks shake their heads in bewilderment (and they didn't even know I was stoned).

    Individual Liberty. It means people are going to do shit that you might otherwise not approve of.

  11. I was thinking about soapie's point and why in my own personal orbit the people I've known who've used pot impressed me so negatively. Maybe it's those extra ingredients I was talking about, the mixing of pot and angel dust. Now to anyone who thinks their local drug dealer has a code of ethics, moral standards you're an idiot, an idiot but the point of this here blog is why pot smokers routinely put down those who drink and smoke as if their habit or vice is somehow superior.

  12. BB I've kind of taken a hiatus from the pipe, problems keeping it lit as we discussed once then ya gotta clean the damn thing but it smells nice don't get me wrong. It's a confusing public health message to say smoking is bad for you but pot may hold out some bennies.

    I don't think the War on Drugs is invalid and it bothered me when the folks over at the National Review under the helmsmanship of the late William F. Buckley Jr. began saying so and pushing for the complete legalization of all drugs. The issue is why do they want to narcotize the masses when our country's screwed up enough? Pot smokers say pot is not a gateway drug but I've been wondering how many pot smokers eventually try things like coke?

  13. "Pot smokers say pot is not a gateway drug but I've been wondering how many pot smokers eventually try things like coke?"

    Depends on the person I suppose. I never had any interest in doing coke or meth.

    But your intitial point is dead on Z. What the hell is going on when we're banning cigarette smoking even on a damn golf course for crying out loud but embracing marijuana and wanting to legalize it.

    I guess they figure if everyone's stoned and zoning out on 3D television, they can continue passing idiotic legislation without too much revolt.

  14. They want to narcotize the masses soapie, I think you're onto something. The other thing about pot smokers is etiquette. Now I'm not saying they're all like this but used to go fishing regularly with a guy, a real reefer aficionado, and we'd go out on my johnboat on one of the reservoirs good for bass and trout. You have your DEC officials who motor around some days and check your fishing license and watershed permit so I constantly told this guy in a nice way I'm not lecturing you about the pot just do it on your own time but he never did. Pot smells like stale urine in a hallway, not my thing but the guy was a dick for not giving me this one little courtesy.

    I sometimes compare pot to soft-core. Let's say you're tired of the Playboy stuff, the vase in the way and wanna get into some real dick-sucking you're gonna go a little more hardcore (and then a little more) so there you have it, my Gateway Theory.

  15. Again, on your theory Z it depends on the person. My thing was always that when I wasn't working, I just mostly wanted to chill. Have a couple of cold ones, listen to some tunes or watch a movie, play some vids and whatever. And so puffin' on a spliff just came naturally (especially if you're groovin on some Peter Tosh or Marley etc.) For me, it wasn't about getting all whipped into a frenzy and zooming around the place at breakneck speed.

    Different strokes for different folks to be sure.

  16. To touch on the alcohol again there is the tendency to blame everything on the spirits. Take the Yonkers Fire Department case that I've been blogging about. A quiok recap - some firefighters there have been charged with giving some of their fellow firefighters acid without their knowledge. Now the way it is alleged the department and the city of Yonkers dealt with this was to blame some of the symptoms of the victims on, yup you guessed it the evil drink. It's also alleged they covered up the bloodwork so far easier to say so-and-so likes to hit the bottle than to address the issue of psychos in your own department. Now do alcohol and drugs have some similar effects? you betcha! but there are also some marked differences. Generally speaking you don't get all paranoia-like and anxious from the bottle, you don't see pink elephants although it's been responsible for a few bar brawls don't get me wrong. Alcohol, smoking and drugs - well all I can say is a smoker might be destroying his own lungs but you can still reason with him, the drinker maybe you can reason with him in the AM but if you're always zoned out I don't have the number where I can reach you.

  17. I think you were a night-time toker soap at best but some of the people I knew practically smoked 'em like cigarettes all day long. Surprised they didn't eat the damn things! Like I know folks who smoke four packs a day and some who only smoke one. Oh yeah I may as well mention this, more and more places you apply for a job at these days now require the drug testing. On this issue I'm definitely a libertarian. If you're gonna be a pilot or a surgeon, even a bus driver I have no problem but they won't hire you to cut deli meats if you toke? I'm like let's say your department needs help real bad and you're making the applicants jump through hoops and by that time they're living in a cardboard box somewhere underneath the overpass. Let's say you smoked pot, stalked an ex-girlfriend once and said something wrong on Facebook, something's wrong in my book.

  18. With regards to the drug testing for jobs. I come down like this.

    If you can still perform the job of which you were hired for without error, then it's no one's god damn business what you do in your free time.

    But, somehow it's become acceptable by this premise that if Jack goes home at the end of the day and drinks a case of beer he's deemed a desirable hire while on the other hand Sally goes home and smokes a joint and is somehow not???

    That's seriously flawed if you ask me.

    Same goes for people that make the "well you don't want people driving around while they're stoned, etc....."

    The issue is not people driving around stoned. The issue is people being stoned and as such causing an accident.

    I mean children drown in bathtubs everyday and yet you don't here this legislative call to ban bathtubs in the home do you??

  19. I agree with your first part there soap. Now bear in mind we're talking the most mundane jobs that now require drug testing, not only that background checks galore. You got some people in companies whose job I guess it is is to troll the Internet for what you may have said about your job on MySpace or Facebook. Nothing better to do f'n pencil-pushing geeks? You probably lose some really good people this way. You mentioned drinking beer in your downtime is ok but maybe someday it won't be, that'll be covered too. God they check you like a fine toothcomb for spitting a fuck'n chicken let's say and who's a Saint anyway? You know if you fill in an application at Walgreen's now they wanna know your entire credit history too, figure if you've had bad credit you'll be dipping your fingers in the till is my guess. WHERE IN HELL DOES IT END??? We need help! hire the fuckin' homeless guy down the block who comes in for coffee, get an apron on the dude and put him on the schedule. Used to be that when you went in for a job and if they liked you they simply shook your hand and said "can you come in tomorrow?"

    but that was back in the day.

  20. Back in the day when I was young...I'm not a kid anymore but somedays I still wish I was a kid again....

  21. Employer drug testing is an industry; quite lucrative. Back in the days it cost us $85 per urine test. I went through it several times and the worst part was 'pissing on demand'.
    One time, early morning thing where they were out to grab some unsuspecting soul, I couldn't muster a drop. This was considered
    suspicious, so a tester was assigned me while I drank two pots of company coffee. That finally worked, passed the test (and could not sleep for two nights). I agree to some extent with Soap: having seen some people 'caught' who were
    above average employees. Go figure...

  22. Yeah and then you get some straight edge dude who can't even cook an egg sunny side up for Pete's sake. Go figure is right....

  23. B you should go write a book.

  24. Soap I worked with an alcoholic woman once who was always punctual regardless and it was the perfectly sober ones who were always "running late." Go figure.

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