Monday, May 23, 2011

Fresh from the bin Laden kill Bam thinks he can solve the Mideast Crisis

Every president has to give it a shot, it's the irresistible political version of Rubik's Cube. President Obama has told Bibi to go back to Israel's pre-1967 borders before the Six-Day War. This apparently didn't go over too well, guess Obama has more important votes to get than the Jewish bloc. WHY do we have to spend so much time on this subject? Don't other parts of the world merit attention? I mean yeah they get covered like the Ivory Coast but they don't turn into foreign policy obsessions. Immigration reform and the Mideast, Obama put alot on his plate just now. Why not wait 'til a second term unless, don't think the World is ending soon do you?


  1. Obama is simply an arrogant ass, which explains his arrogant and asinine Israel speech last week. I honestly expect nothing better from the man.

  2. Now he's saying his remarks were misinterpreted, folks didn't pay enough attention to what he meant by mutually agreed upon swaps. He's an idealist, pushes his idealism in an arrogant way and doesn't seem to want to compromise with political reality, the way the world works.
