Monday, June 13, 2011

The guy has a first name you know

The weird part about the Anthony Weiner scandal is he didn't actually have sex with any of these women so it's like a kind of pseudo-scandal, it'd be like going to hell for masturbation and where in hell does Bill Clinton get off being mad at him? Now if you're name is Weiner and you do decide to engage in this type of behavior wouldn't you go with a legal name change first? You know there's a side street over by Cross County in Yonkers called "Hiscock Place" and it'd be like if Mr. Hiscock ran for office and got embroiled in some big gay sex scandal you might wanna dot your i's and cross your t's first is all I'm sayin'. The existential coldness of Anthony Weiner's situation, even his own party wants to throw him overboard. Maybe he didn't push abortion enough, dunno but Slick Willie got away with more, far more and it made him stronger. Been meaning to pose this: so who do conservatives hate more, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama? You remember back in the day you couldn't live through 24 hours without hearing of Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey or even Juanita Broaddrick, dead teenagers on the Arkansas train tracks and drug-running at the Mena Airport, Whitewater, Lewinsky, those 500 or was it 900 FBI files? Ken Starr, Chinagate, impeachment, last-minute pardons......we don't even talk about that anymore, that's like a Three's Company or Sanford and Son rerun but the void has been filled by one Barack Hussein Obama. I must caution the Republicans if they're buying tickets to board the big old PhallusShip into the next election. An overindulgence in Weiner minutiae is not gonna get you there but with Huma being pregnant and all this throws a curve into normal conservative thinking. Mr. Weiner doesn't even have a business or law degree to fall back on like some of the others, what's he gonna be a deli clerk? and you wouldn't want those economic pressures to lead to a bad decision here. BTW some rich guy is gonna scuba-dive for bin Laden's corpse in the North Arabian Sea next month and our corporate media is wasting no time in calling him an eccentric.


  1. In Burlington NC about 50 miles from here (which counts as quasi-local) there is a little strip mall called 'Cum Park Plaza'. I shit you not, and spelled like that. I took a picture cause I couldn't believe it.

    I mean, who named that?!?!? Ew.

  2. We should collect these and send them in to Leno.

  3. That strip mall sounds like the perfect place in which Weiner could be a deli clerk! :-)

  4. You want mayonnaise on that? We got really nice salamis in the back room...and I got a big crunchy kosher pickle, just for you.

    Perverse food double entendres aside, I've been waiting for you to talk about Fox News using Tina Fey's picture whilst reporting on Sarah Palin. Cmon.. that's some seriously classic hilarity.. the woman WORKS THERE. And how about Gov Perry supporting his 'bring non-Christians to Christ' thing? I thought that using one's political position to further a particular religious stance was at least unethical and at most unconstitutional. Not to mention the upcoming GOP thing with all the Christian extremists participating. Cmon, since when am I more up on this stuff than you??

  5. When I was in the doctor's office yesterday they had CNN on and I saw Perry's name thrown about in the GOP field. Something about J-Lo sitting on the fence re next seasons' Idol, the U.S. having an atrocious average life expectancy rate behind even Martinique and Costa Rica. Lots of leg shots of some CNN anchor.

  6. I had this thought though: Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Charlie Rangel. So what's so different about Weiner?

  7. From your list, they are all idiots and should have resigned.

  8. That BE my point but they didn't did they and there was no CONCERTED Democratic chorus calling for their resignations and the Barney Frank case even dealt with a gay male 'ho. There's more to this story than meets the eye and maybe they didn't like this Weiner guy that much in the first place. It's like in the workplace, some people are untouchable, they must know where the bodies are buried and others are like...oh well he was transferred wasn't that good in the first place.

  9. You correctly identify the
    surname Weiner and Hiscock as problematic. We should add that deceased mayor of
    Ft. Wayne that they refused to name a public
    building after-Harry Baals.
