Thursday, July 07, 2011

Government needs to go to Rehab

DON'T raise the debt ceiling.


  1. It simply amazes me that the government can do all sorts of things that would land any of its citizens in jail for doing.

  2. Let me quote a poster over at Shaw's called TOM,

    "Let those Republicans who want to hurt the American economy (by not raising the debt limit)"

    Get the horses back in the barn Molly!! that's the problem right there, they keep raising the debt limit so Gov't never learns. Now Anthony Weiner's in sex rehab but that'd be like giving him one porno a month.

  3. Sounds like Tom has no basic understanding of economics, nor does Obama.

  4. The current debt ceiling is a mind-boggling $14.3 trillion. Will not raising the debt ceiling have disastrous consequences here and abroad? I really don't care and if it does that's because the whole global economy is based on gangster principles to begin with. Nobody, certainly not gov't learns anything if the debt ceiling is raised over and over again. Anthony Weiner is now in the sex rehab, it'd be like if they allowed him one free sex text a month. He ain't gonna get any better. In other words NOT raising the debt ceiling is a form of tough love.

  5. BTW only 18,000 new jobs added for the month of June and the unemployment rate just ticked up to 9.2%

  6. The unemployment rate doesn't take into account those who have given up looking. It sucks out there, and raising the debt limit ain't gonna help. Bailouts and government spending does NOT work already, when are the idiots in Washington ever going to learn?!?

  7. I honestly can't wait until the house of cards comes crashing down and the idiot masses get their goddamn comeuppance.

  8. & this keeps getting put off because they keep raising the debt ceiling for one. It's the only way we're gonna learn.

  9. The Ben Bernanke is now talking about another round of Quantitative Easing.

  10. It's just a debt ceiling.
    According to Investment Watch
    It was raised 18 times (every 5 months) under Reagan.
    It was raised 7 times (every 13 months) under Bush
    It was raised 4 times (every 24 months) under Clinton
    Under Obama, it has been raised
    twice (every 15 months)
    ...apparently its good when conservatives do it, but.....

  11. BB I've come across a conservative or two who didn't feel Reagan was all that conservative (Joe Sobran for one). Your table there is very telling and just proves soapie's point and mine that there really is no substantive and deep-seated philosophical differences between the parties. It's what I call the Matrix of Politics and why things will never change. Thanx for your input here, you proved a point.

  12. The idiotic notion that "we can't default" ignores the simple fact that A) we've defaulted before; and B) debasing the currency (which has been done ongoing since the creation of the Fed) is a default in and of itself.

  13. Beth is right, if you and I did this stuff we'd be in jail. Let me see, I've used my credit cards to spend like a drunken sailor and had trouble paying it all back. Sure raise my ceiling, think it'll be done?

  14. Doesn't really matter if it's done or not considering the devaluation of the currency at present.
