Friday, August 31, 2012

Wage discrimination addressed

A conservative POV to explain the so-called pay gap between men and women:

You don't even have to agree, in fact you're not expected to but we've been accused lately of not addressing certain things around here.  So grab a cup of java sit down and let's hash 'er out.


  1. Will this be the first of a series?

  2. I have to chuckle though. I'm not exactly making the big bucks and living high on the hog myself, how 'bout terming it the human gap? Like you hear this alot with whites and blacks, blacks always get the shit end of the stick compared to us rich white folks but like where's my Lamberghini? I don't even have cable.

  3. Now there's a twist, does the black guy working at Wendy's make more than the young white woman you see coming out of the bank for her lunchbreak?

  4. Good article, I know I for one totally fit the description to a T. I work part time getting much less more per hour than someone who didn't take 10 years off to raise my kids and so that I can be home when they get home from school. The flexibility to me is worth way more than getting more money. The shorter work day also allows me to do volunteer work.

  5. Most detailed studies indicate a wage 'gap'. Usual factors, like women chooseing lower paying fields, 'mommy tracking' like Beth above, low
    women employment in physically
    demanding jobs, etc are well understood. In my experience,
    men and women doing the same
    factory jobs were paid the same;
    men and women in laboratory jobs
    were paid the same. In some
    jobs, a requirement was to be
    able to lift 50 lbs overhead
    regularly-a physical challenge
    to some women (and men). In
    other positions, women were preferred (visual inspection
    control..and believe it or not,
    ballistics) because they seemed
    to concentrate better than men.
    Whether unfair or not, often men
    were more available for overtime,
    the hours certainly more difficult
    for a mother; so they got promotions more often. But it
    seems straightforward: if a person
    does the job well, they should be
    paid the same, both genders.

  6. I think where the problem comes in and this addresses Saty's main point why Republicans allegedly support this wage gap but the problem comes into play when if we accept the premise that this wage gap is based on employer discrimination then the next step is obviously legislative/government solutions and this flies in the face of course of conservatives' traditional call for less government and free markets. What I'm sayin' Sat is it ain't based on hostility towards women the positions Republicans sometimes take but it's been ginned up as a war on women.

  7. Talked to the head of Human Resources the other day, a woman and this is only a guess but she probably makes more than me. Again only a hunch but I think it's way more.

  8. OMG, are you kidding me? ONE issue, maybe even TWO, you could put off as whatever, but when you look at the LIST OF ISSUES... no, that's become more than just a coincidence, that's a war.

  9. And really, really looking forward to you addressing all the OTHER issues on Emilyslist.

  10. I think that we should give NObama more credit than we have been he is perfectly is confident in deciding when and where to play golf without anyone else's help..

  11. Well Clint Eastwood made my day!
    In fact I'm thoroughly convinced that Clint Eastwood's empty chair routine got under Jugears' skin more than anything the republicans have done or said in the last 4 years. The hypocritical left has been mocking sitting Republican Presidents since Nixon.
    How fast people forget when Whoopi Goldberg gave that speech at a fund-raiser for John Kerry and made those off-color sexual synonyms for President George W. Bush's last name. grabbing her crotch and comparing her genitals to President Bush.
    You lily livered liberals were laughing our heads off. Waaa happened? Loose your sense of humor?
    Did Whoopi Goldberg care about the “ disrespect” to our President when she was doing it to Pres. Bush? No, she was participating in it.
    Where was the outcry then Mr. and Mrs. Liberal?
    I wonder who would win in a contest of Most Obnoxious, Joy Behar or Whoopi Goldberg.
    And I guess the filth and slander they piled on Sarah Palin, and her family was all in good fun?

  12. There's another productive addition to the topic at hand.

  13. Glad to see your keeping count. And shocked that you could even count.

  14. It doesn't help your cause when you don't add anything productive to the discussion, Radical.

    I don't necessarily know that you HAVE anything productive to add, in which case, you should keep shut.

  15. This site is a Charter Member of The Empty Chair Movement and celebrating National Empty Chair Day.
    This replaces Labor Day because there are No Jobs.

  16. This is how the Right addresses issues?

  17. Yeah Right Satyavati devi dasi ... Deal with ut!

    “We own this country . . . Politicians are employees of ours . . . And when somebody does not do the job, we’ve got to let them go.” –Clint Eastwood

    Bizarre? No it was Brilliant!

    That was one of the best,and truthful things I have ever heard.
    Thank Mr. Eastwood for saying what needed to be said

  18. Satyavati devi dasi said...

    "This is how the Right addresses issues?"

    Would you rather we had a representative who told the Blacks that we were gonna put Ya'll back in chains?

  19. Clint made my night. "This is our country and the elected are our employees, and if they FAIL at their job, we have to let them go!"
    I thought that was brilliant.
    This seems to be the biggest story to come out of the Republican's Convention
    That mock empty chair debate will be no match for Paul Ryan debating Joe Biden's empty head.

  20. I'm not quite sure how your comments address the gender-driven wage gap, Jarhead. Perhaps you can explain?

  21. Explain?
    Just saying what needs to be said, in-case you missed reading it in my blog.

  22. Yes...the topic is wage discrimination..wondering if you could explain how your comments address the topic?

  23. Saty: "But when you look at the LIST OF ISSUES..."

    & every issue usually has multiple sides and POV's otherwise there'd be no discussions. As for Emily's other issues you mentioned a congressman who said a congresswoman should have acid thrown in her face. Name the guy and that'll be issue #2. You can't defend that and it escapes me why somebody would even say that and if Repubs didn't castigate him then I'll concede they should have. So we can start with that.

  24. Actually Sat Redneck did add good things to the discussion so far which if we're gonna discuss remarks made by Rush and Akin then we should discuss all offensive remarks made by folks across the political spectrum. Actually folks on the Left can be pretty vile and I think if civility is the issue then we need to discuss everything. What was the point of Whoopi's remarks exactly? When the day comes when liberals condemn these things too then I'll have more respect for them.

  25. "I'm not quite sure how your comments address the gender-driven wage gap Jarhead."

    Since when does this blog not meander? My blog is a mountain stream bubbling and gurgling and flowing off in all directions. It's...refreshing!

  26. That actually was an error on my part when I went to go get all the references. It was the campaign spokesman for a Republican Representative who said it, and actually, despite my error, it's even worse than that, because the Representative the spokesman's managing the campaign for is female; Nan Hayworth from NY.

    So, my apologies for the error, but the fact remains that it's an attitude that's coming from the Republican side of the coin. The last things I had read indicated that somehow this guy still had his job, which is possibly the most mindblowing part of all of it.

    I was wrong in attributing it to a Congressperson but on the other hand, it's the campaign spokesman, who's mighty high up in the framework. So, a qualified apology from me on the error, but not for calling it part of a war on women.

  27. The guy sounds like a psycho. If you live in the NYC area not a few months go by when you don't read a story in the paper about this sort of thing. Just the other day in one of the boroughs a 69-year old disabled father in a wheelchair deliberately doused his own daughter with "El Diablo" some highly caustic drain cleaing fluid consisting mostly of sulfuric acid (!) and the woman was in agony with her skin literally burning off in front of witnesses and is now recuperating at Presbyterian. I'll concede the point, the guy should simply be fired not only on the grounds of what he said was wrong but to even have this enter your head he may be one of them psychos.

  28. Since we're bubbling like a mountain stream let me say I am livin la vida low carb. After a few days of living on nothing but cold raw vegetables (with very many radishes because they are like zero carb) I was highly motivated to come up with some pretty good recipes. Right now in the oven is a lasagne except instead of pasta I ran a (peeled) eggplant through my mandoline set to just about the thickness of lasagne. Everything else is a regular lasagne recipe, just pumped up a little spicewise because eggplant's pretty bland. I'm not being hysterical OCD Atkins, just getting rid of the major carb contributors (you know, everything yummy). I put a couple other recipes on my blog for your perusal. Anyway, it's working so far :)

  29. The eggplant lasagne came out pretty good. If I were to do it again (and I will) I won't use as much basil and I will add some Yves crumbles to the sauce. I guess I really don't like basil.

    Otherwise it was kickin.

  30. Mandolines have always kinda scared me. Ever cut yourself on one? Eggplant lasagne like I never thought of this. You don't know whether to make eggplant parm or lasagne so you make eggplant lasagne, brilliant! You made this up yourself?

  31. Googling some stuff weightwise recently and seems Atkins has fell out of favor. When I went to school they taught you carbs were good for energy. I did read in a book recently though that radishes are a superfood great for your health.

  32. Yes I HAVE cut myself with the mandoline... that thing is so sharp you don't know you're cut until you see blood everywhere. What a mess.

    Yeah, I made it up myself. I was really just looking for some sort of pasta replacement, some way to have something without really having it. That makes no sense, but anyway, that's what I was doing. I did one the other day with a zucchini, same concept. If I could think of other vegetables that might work I'd probably use them. The eggplant really worked well though, better than the zucchini I think. I like spaghetti squash but let's face it, those people who say 'it's JUST like spaghetti!' are totally full of shit. I have tried it with sauce and cheese and it just ain't right.

    I'm trying to not be hardcore about all of this, just rearranging my calories, trying to focus more on protein. I could LIVE on pasta, rice, potatoes, bread so those things I've cut out. I'm not counting carbs either, just trying to be aware where they're coming from. Today I had a Slimfast shake for breakfast (they do low carb now), a piece of string cheese for snack (twice), and for lunch I had radishes, celery, mushrooms with a little container of Greek yogurt. I dunno what I wanna do about supper, but I'm gonna have to decide soon.

  33. Oh! I found a recipe somewhere for pizza you make on a portobello cap. I might try some of that.

  34. I'm heavy on the Greek yogurt lately esp. Chobani. It's not the end of the world but I do hate aluminum foil cuts. A straight knife cut I can deal with but the foil cut! OMG

  35. Of all the Greek yogurts I like Fage the best but I go with Oikos cause it's cheapest.

    Foil cuts, I had that at work not long ago. Like a paper cut magnified a thousand times.

    Fear the mandoline.

    actually I think I will make some Boca burgers and have them between slices of portobello cap for a 'bun'


  36. Interesting thing in New York State right now, Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to boost the yogurt industry here but seems the environmentalists are getting in the way with their endless regulations like how many cows a farmer can have. Just goes to show everything is political these days.

  37. Until you've driven through land that's overfarmed with livestock, you don't know how awful it can be.

    The hog farms on i-40 are like a little slice of hell.

  38. We have that and the fracking issue in upper NY State. On the conservative side of the coin both a growing yogurt industry and hydrofracking for natural gas would create boatloads of jobs and don't get me wrong I love the environment but doesn't the economy need a cortizone shot right now?

  39. Oh there's no way I can support fracking.

    Once you've seen the people who've got so much gas infiltrate in their water table that you can (literally) light their tap water on fire...

    Not to mention the geological side of it all. F-ing around with fault lines? Creating new ones? Really? This is something you wanna mess with?

    No, not from any viewpoint at all can I support this.

    Certainly supporting dairy farmers and yogurt is a good thing but once you get into overfarming of livestock you get into all kinds of issues. Do you really want to live near that kind of stink? Do you even know what kinda stink you get off of something like that? Then you have wastewater management, which, again, isn't much of a concern for people who don't live in the area. There are a lot of issues to consider.

    I live in a farming area and there's always concerns about pesticide use and leaching, and then you have the whole GMO thing which really we don't have to deal with here... but our farming isn't primarily livestock; most people who have cows might have 2 dozen instead of 200 or 2000 or more.

    After Hurricane Floyd, most of the eastern half of NC was flooded. The livestock loss was insane, literally millions of turkeys and hundreds of thousands of hogs. They had to build huge piles of corpses and burn them because there was nothing else to do with them. It was horrible.

    The issues with these things are so much more than what you'd think at first glance.

  40. I think that's why you have these tensions and conflicts between environmentalists and conservatives. Conservatives are right that these projects would create thousands of jobs and jumpstart some local economies and yet the environmentalists may not be totally wrong. Then there was the XL Pipeline which Obama said no to...just sayin' do they give any thought to some of the much-needed jobs that would be created?

  41. Oh for the love of Pete. The pipeline is built, the pipeline is RUNNING. The XL part of the pipeline is what was said no to, and all that does is move the oil down to the coast so it can be EXPORTED.

    Not kept here, mind you, EXPORTED.

    So since that part of the pipeline, which was going to run through aquifers and water people have to drink in order to live, was denied, transporting that oil is keeping a lot of truckers and trucking companies in jobs.

    So instead of a finite amount of construction jobs to move oil from point A to point B (to be exported, mind you), we have an ongoing need for trucks and truckers to keep on moving that oil for an indefinite period of time.

    You do the math and you tell me which part of it isn't more conducive to long term health of the economy, while keeping the potential catastrophe of a large-volume spill in an aquifer off the table.

    People love to tout this pipeline thing, like that it doesn't exist at all. It does.

  42. I say this, there are times when conservatives should agree with the environmentalists but there are also times when the environmentalists should agree with the conservatives. Remember I'm a closet environmentalist myself. The snail darter always breaks down along party lines.
