Thursday, July 18, 2013

Are we a nation permanently divided?

and it seems to have gotten worse under President Obama.  This blog is a good example, the fault lines on so many moral, social and political issues run deep especially lately.  There's no sincere search for common ground or if there is one it goes along the liberal lines of agreeing to force religious employers to provide birth control since hey pro-lifer you want to reduce the number of abortions right?  Gay marriage - Obama could have simply let the issue play out in the states during his second term instead of issuing his now famous evolved statement on the issue.  It may not be most conservatives' cup of tea but many of them seem happy enough it does play out in the states, things were going slowly but surely steadily Gay anyway and yet the liberal pressure groups always want to short-circuit the whole traditional democratic process and take it all to the SCOTUS.  They want a permanent Roe vs. Wade re gay marriage and on other issues like Race there's Obama's "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" remark and it's out in the open now but the Justice Dept. early on spent money and sent some of their own people down there to organize rallies and such and these protests weren't in favor of Mr. Zimmerman needless to say.  ObamaCare which is actually aggravating our country's underemployment problem as more places of business with over fifty workers cut hours under the 30 hr./week threshold but not to worry because there are now free meetings at public libraries to explain the nuts and bolts of the Affordable Care Act but despite no amount of education and enlightenment most of the public still seems to be against it, the ignorant masses.  Drone strikes in foreign lands, NSA surveillance of your phone records and e-mails here at home (a great big liberal yawn), immigration, guns/gun control.  We didn't start the fire but we are a nation permanently divided, we take our sides and rock the blogs and social media networks and on it goes.  It wasn't a requirement that you like Bush, why is it a requirement that we like Obama?


  1. The ignorant masses are ig norant because they have been spoonfed lies about death panels and socialism from minute one. People who have stated they are 'against' Obamacare, when asked how they feel about specific benefits and changes that Obamacare has made are overwhelmingly supportive. It seems that regardless of whether he waved a magic wand and made every last person a millionaire you would continue to find reasons he's the WORST PRESIDENT EVER and okay maybe you have to do that for whatever psychological reason, can't admit that a lot of things are improving, maybe if you did it would wreck your conservative cred or something.

    I am sure that no matter how I lined up the facts you would continue to find ways to discount or ignore them and that's fab, everyone has an opinion but it sure is hard to heve that opinion taken at all seriously when it operates in an alternative reality. But you're not alone, Fox News has made millions that way.

  2. I don't know about death panels but America is as much socialist/fascist as any country.

    Whereas perhaps there was at once something profoundly different between America and any other country such differences have been thoroughly eroded.

  3. And such a slide began long ago.

  4. I've always said keep the good parts like the preexistings but dismantle the rest and start over. I'm going by what my own labor union said, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union which now opposes ObamaCare because they feel a solemn promise by Obama has been broken namely that we'll all get to keep our insurance if we like it. Remember the UFCW supported Obama over Hillary during the Democratic primary season even before he won his first term that's how supportive they were. That's not me talking that's my union!

  5. Incidentally I've had a Spam problem of late. Looked at my spam folder recently and there were perfectly good comments by everybody that weren't published including mine just the other night! I was on my cell and published two short comments the other night arguing about pro-choice basically and my e-mail said they were published but when I checked the next day they were in spam so I published them. I made the decision to cap two threads because I'm getting more into mobile commenting and don't wanna scroll down forever. Was gonna let Saty have the last word and then lock it but as I said my mobile comments wound up in spam first. WTF, anyway you can continue all the fun pro-choice talking points down pat here if you like. BTW got a new mini wifi tablet the other day and looking at accessories and why the hell do they assume everyone has an iPad this or that? Even with my LG cell I finally have a decent screen protector now but had to custom cut it and again you go in the stores and everythings made for the damn iProduct.

  6. Ooooh a wifi tablet. Android platform?

    You should see if you can download the Aldiko app.

    If you can or if there is another app on the device that reads .epub files I highly suggest heading over to and downloading as many free books as you can muster.

  7. Having a lot of really deep and absorbing thoughts about sexuality today. I work in an environment where a large percentage of the female staff are lesbians, most in marriages (obviously from another state) and some have adopted children. So some of them live quite close to another coworker (straight and married) and have invited her several times to dinner, etc. The coworker (whom I love dearly, probably the only one of my coworkers I would be willing to say that about) is just TOTALLY freaked out by the entire thing and just can't even bring herself to have supper with these girls (much less a pool party which got brought up today with the inevitable skinnydipping jokes). So it brings me to thinking about sexuality, why do people react in such forceful ways? I personally wouldn't have an issue getting in a pool full of naked lesbians (me taking my clothes off would be verboten because I don't do naked with ANYONE except my husband) and I'm not at all disturbed by the thought of social invitations suchlike. And I'm wondering, is it because Jane for example, is identifying people primarily by their sexuality, eg, Joanie the lesbian who lives in Henderson with Patty who she married in Massachussets in 2009 and who's the newest hire in the physical therapy department who drives a Highlander? As opposed to Libby who's a PT, drives a Highlander, lives in Henderson and oh btw is a lesbian, her wife's name is Patty. So I'm rolling all this around in my head, how are we identifying people? And then I come to the thought that, okay, now that people can safely be out about their relationships (I work in a place where people are very comfortable being out), then are they inviting this approach by being out, but I don't think that really has merit, because if I make a correlation to race, well, are we identifying people first and foremost on the basis of their race? Anyway it's all still very jumbled up in my head and I'm still working it out, trying to understand what it is that freaks people out about gay people, because I truly am not getting it.

  8. BTW I told my beloved coworker that basically she's just a chick magnet.

    She's so traumatized. I laughed my ass off.

  9. I work with a fair amount of lesbians. Not the hot type though.

  10. I think it's because she's a woman. Let's face it men are more tolerant concerning Sapphic love. Much of mainstream hetero porn has alot of lesbo action but for some reason not guy-on-guy. A friend of mine, his Dad accidentally rented a gay porno once, something ain't right, watched a few minutes and it looked like he ate a raw onion:)

  11. We spent a lot of time talking about all this today and we really didn't get any closer to understanding each other. If I got the other side of the argument right, the fact that I'm OK with a lesbian telling me I'm beautiful makes my sexuality suspect and that there is no difference between lesbians and men (except that men are OK and lesbians are not). Seriously at one point I had to ask, do you really think you're all that, that every lesbian in the world is checking you out?

    I don't get that shit.

  12. Actually I checked out your union site and it seems that their beef with Obamacare is that the employer mandates are being delayed. It would appear that they support Obamacare, and are taking issue with the fact that employers are getting more time before they have to engage.

    At least that was what their official statement said.

  13. By the way I would recommend to you to read the following:

    Not that I expect you to care or anything, but I at least wanted to present a first hand alternative viewpoint.

  14. Why didn't you hyperlink? You know I'm lazy.

  15. OK the UFCW -- as to your point that's interesting but I'm not surprised. Seems the UFCW may be backtracking from the press accounts so I'll take your point. The UFCW and the other unions it's like a classic love story or romance. They fell for Obama, started a relationship, got involved then broke up for a time and then got back together again. The whole thing has that Taylor Swift element to it.

  16. Saty about your co-worker, look sexuality is like tea. You've heard "that's not my cup of tea" of course. Sapphic love is not her cup of tea obviously, anal hijinks ain't mine. You can't expect someone to like all teas. Just accept it:)

  17. 'Are we a nation permanently divided?'
    Yes, pretty much along the Mason-Dixon line. You might consider joining the Old South: President Bachmann, VP Trump, Secretary of Morals-Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of Correct Sort Of Mormon Thinking-
    Glenn Beck, Minister of Propaganda-Ann Coulter, Chairman Of No Health Insurance-Reince Priebus, Secretary of Cheaper Labor Yet-
    Koch Brothers. Please just stay down there with Honey boo boo. :)

  18. We'll get a Spike Lee/Al Franken/Oliver Stone thing going tomorrow.

  19. Al Sharpton, Head of Race Relations - Oliver Stone, Minister of Paranoia - Chairman of Health Insurance Michael Moore - Minister of Propaganda Sean Penn - Sec'y of Morals Bill Clinton - Warren Buffett, Head of the IRS - Surgeon General Mayor Bloomberg (why not?)

  20. What? No position for Weiner? I know you will come up with something that fits. :)

    1. He was at the top of my list but nobody wants him. He's been ousted by his own party. Head of Technology/the Internet?

  21. Hard to find a fit for Ted Nugent too. Dunno, maybe he and Chuck Norris could.....

    1. I don't know why the Right even spends time with him. It'd be like the Left bothering the lesbian from the Brady Bunch.
