Sunday, August 04, 2013

The narrow political focus of Obama Sucks

Some folks want me to narrow the focus of my blog down to Obama and the Scumbags. It is indeed a fucked up world but I don't know how to unfuck it. Dunno, what do you want to talk about? Snarky is good but don't just be a drive-by, stay awhile.


  1. What's the fun of a narrow focus? People who have a too-narrow focus are the cause of a lot of problems in this world. Blog large.

  2. It's your blog, you can make it as wide or as narrow as you wish.

  3. No, no, no, I agree, you need to blog about more current news and less about that boring abortion subject. Abortion is a boring subject, it's been kicked around for years and years and will never be solved or agreed on. So why not go forward and discuss Benghazi-Gate or any of the other scandals?..

    1. Well the NY Times doesn't seem to find it at all boring. Saw the link to that article on the mobile web, found it interesting and it'd be kind of odd if they can publish a piece on abortion but I can't publish a reaction. Everyone has political fixations these days only the pro-lifers get regularly called out on it. It's kind of odd that with over a hundred topics to talk about you're not supposed to talk about the one topic. Maybe I'll limit that subject matter to the summer solstice and vernal equinoxes. Benghazi, been pounded into the ground already and blogging everyday about Obama and Michelle doesn't change things.

  4. You have 60+ topical refs on your side bar, which seems fairly broad. I am interested in the cheffing and NYC area economics:
    cost-of-living sounds problematic in the Big Apple. The subject of
    colonoscopy seems mundane, but has resulted in some interesting discussion.

  5. Dieting is a popular topic around here, so...

    The Maiden concert is in 29 days and we will be seeing some of his highschool friends there. This naturally sets off my motivation to look as good as possible and so I'm restarting Atkins on Wednesday. I have this set of workout DVDs and the one I'm going to start with is called Tabata Inferno. You go as hard as you can for 20 seconds and then rest for 10. I looked it over a little last night, the guy seems pretty good, he runs around his people with a stopwatch counting down the seconds and that had a sort of positive impression for me. I am going at this with my usual style, bought a bunch of Atkins stuff, a lot of cheese, radishes and celery, some new shoes and a book of reward stickers (a la kindergarten) to put on my calendar every day I work out. When I have one entire month (no missed days at all) of stickers I'm taking myself to Aveda for a Me Day. There are 10 DVDs today (this is one of those 'get ripped in 90 days' things but I am going to start off with just the cardio type ones. Actually I'm going to ramp up super slow and just do some Leslie Sansone today and tomorrow. I'm optimized, so I feel like 15 pounds is not unreasonable for a goal. T=9/3/13.

  6. I don't wanna be like Old Ham Bone with an extremely narrow political focus on only one topic all the time. You have to broaden your subject matter otherwise it gets boring in a hurry.

  7. The political blogosphere these days can be roughly divided into those on the Left saying Obama is Great and those on the Right saying Obama Sucks. This is the advice being given to me by the two newcomers, in short to turn this into a cookie-cutter blog. Ain't my style.

  8. Well old chap, constantly blogging about abortion IS cookie-cutting.

    1. The thing of it is consider the tons of right-wing blogs we have now who constantly and I mean constantly rake Obama over the coals and his wife I might add over everything and sundry. Now all these right-wing blogs I'm talking about hardly ever in my memory even talk about abortion, in fact I don't think they do but how effective are they? They put abortion on the side and concentrate on Obama totally day in and day out and that's the bloggers' rights but have they changed things? NO so strategically speaking what difference does it make if they never discuss abortion and I do? girl scout cookies, that's all it is. Also Darth your constant right-wing ad-hominems against left-wing commentators here is cookie-cutting right there. It's not debate and frankly it's boring and not even clever.

    2. The thing of it is consider the tons of right-wing blogs we have now who constantly and I mean constantly rake Obama over the coals and his wife

      As far as I'm concerned it's never enough, and never boring .

    3. Picking your nose with your elbow but is it effective?

  9. The Linda McMahon case in CT. She's the wife of Vince McMahon of wrestling fame of course, tons of money and ran 2X for Senator from CT and she took all the positions as a good Republican that advisers and political strategists on the Right always say to take. She was conservative on fiscal matters and had moderate stances on all the social issues and yet she still lost TWICE! I actually thought she was a good candidate on paper and I was actually more than a little surprised she lost the second time around but just saying the advice being given here might not work politically or it just might be irrelevant.

  10. From what I understand the current rank and file Republican feels that their party is not by any stretch of the imagination conservative ENOUGH. They feel that Republicans compromise TOO MUCH and are diluting the party line.

    Yeah, I really read this and it wasn't written satirically. Go figure.

    1. Saty that's the base but the political strategists on the Right usually go with be fiscally conservative but moderate on the social issues. Here's the fly in the ointment though that these bright lights don't consider, what if a large swath of the voting public isn't fiscally conservative? About moderation I've always had an issue with it and true Rightists and Leftists hate it and here's why: does moderation stand for anything besides moderation?

  11. People that are addicted to Honey Boo Boo also vote.

  12. Now my blog compared to most right-wing blogs out there is much more broad-based but the snarky newbies here only focus on one item, it bothers them and that's interesting. That an issue isn't settled and may never be doesn't mean you can never talk about it. I'm told to discuss Benghazi, I believe the Congress has already looked into that and as usual that's pretty much all Congress does is "look" into things. I'm much more focused on ObamaCare right now perhaps because many part-timers at work got their hours cut. Benghazi ain't going anywhere but our hours are.

  13. IMO, an employer that offers full-time and benefits should attract topnotch workers. Example: our town has an owner of several restaurants who pays minimum $8/hour; the rest of the places pay
    the Idaho min for food service- $2.50/+ any tips. Guess which places are the most popular? Culpability isn't confined to gov't.
    I just returned from a long drive and spent some time in the coal
    fields in Wyoming. Average pay there- $75,000 a year + a busload of bennies.

  14. Idaho upped it to $3.25 last year. Red Lobster servers last about
    2 weeks.

  15. But it pays part of the rent before they go to their other full time food service job, grab a coffee and attend their college classes. It's the new
    American way.

  16. I would think BB there would be alot of strippers in Idaho with so many folks making minimum wage.

  17. Idaho is a bit different. Last week some guy cut off his testicles
    and left a trail of blood down the street; another fellow was pissed at his girlfried, tied a homemade bomb to her dog's collar and blew fur over half the town; the Koreans have been shipping huge apparatus for the Alberta oil sand fields and trucking the
    200 ft long 16 ft wide things along the sole highway that runs through several National Forests along a designated Wild River.
    The enviro-whacos picket, but the whole Nez Perce tribe showed up, blocked the road and rolled boulders down. Of course most of us are peaceful stay-at-homes, although I ran over a very large toad
    with my mower a few days back and I think my mower may get warts.
    ..and we could use the Yonkers Ghost Hunters too..

  18. The thing about small towns with very small crime rates is things will be peaceful for 30 or even 50 years, maybe three murders all that time then some guy'll come along and eat Cap'n Crunch out of a skull.

  19. I think people should look to Costco for the way to do it right.

    1. We have one right here in Yonkers next to the Stew Leonard's.

  20. They treat their people right and they STILL make a profit. Plus they benefit from advertising how well they treat their people... the public appreciates stuff like that. Us personally, we have a Costco membership. Wouldn't think of Sam's Club. I only shop at Walmart because I have no real viable options.

    1. The Walmart in Mohegan Lake on Rte. 6 has a great electronics dept. I'm opera mini'ing on my mobile right now.

  21. How close is that to the VW dealership? You know I went to school in Mohegan Lake... it is no longer a Catholic HS but a Muslim community center and I find that irony to be sublimely delicious.

    1. There's alot of car dealerships up this way and so it's probably not far. I like the Walmart up Rte. 7 in New Milford CT but generally it's too far for me. Did you hear what Rush said about Huma Abedin sticking with Weiner? Since she's Muslim he said she's afraid of divorcing him since she might be stoned or beheaded and I'm like what country are we in? I honestly think it time for Rush to hang it up.

  22. Weiner and Abedin: Jew and Muslim: pervert and mommy: about your Odd Couple

    1. They have a new kid. I wonder if it'll take after him or her.

  23. I think you may find that Rush is going to hang it up whether he likes it or not.

    Hannity getting bumped too... we may be seeing the beginnings of a sea change, it may be the time when the pendulum is finally going to swing the other way and the majority finally get louder than the minority.

  24. I have four words for you, Al Franken and Air America.

  25. Talk radio is definitely a right wing phenomenon. Oddly, talk radio's biggest complaint is 'media bias'.

  26. Alex Jones. That guy is seriously psychotic.

  27. You guys got NPR, what are you complaining about?

  28. ..all that dang leftist highbrow classical music.

    1. You know you have the hots for Nina Totenberg.

  29. Rush, Beck, Hannity, Jones, Coulter etc...what would they do for a living if it weren't for an adoring (and damned gullible)audience?

    1. No secret, they tapped into the public's disdain for media bias.

  30. Nina Totenberg? Well, now that Helen Thomas has passed away...
