Tuesday, February 11, 2014

When dorks become dangerous

Bored with masturbation and stalking the girl next door they've turned to malicious code. Turns out my techno-problem is fairly common and yahoo'ed it yesterday. Others say too they can't sign into their blogs from their smartphone apps even though they're using such premium browsers like Google Chrome and Opera. Last night I had a fairly long web session on my phone, wasted more than a few minutes but judging from the various sites I visited I came to the fairly strong conclusion we're in the middle of a kind of minor cyberattack. I mean you're trying to download a Kasperskey antivirus scanner but what gets downloaded instead is Spicy Games, c'mon. Tech support forums, imo most don't help the user to resolve his or her particular problem. It's usually the same old pat techno-answers probably by some guy in Rangoon (clear cookies, cache or go to Settings and get a signed browser, works better) and in the end the gadget-user still has the problem. It's like with tinnitus, most mainstream doctors will tell you there's about four or five main things that cause it only it doesn't explain your tinnitus. So whether it's the doctor who can't just admit ignorance and bafflement or one of them techno-advisors it's always our analysis of the problem HAS TO be right, try it again. So the moral of the story is there are alot of sucky sites out there only Healthcare.gov is the most prominent and gets the most press. Blame those Chechen contractors if you like.


  1. Good luck with the cyberthugs. The nefarious code writers
    arise from may places for many reasons. You may have run into a 'rogue anti-virus,
    anti-spamware operation. These announce an infection and direct you to a program
    which can be downloaded, which is a worm. They even use legitimate names and
    are quite fiendish. Never had that with landlines.

    1. I had that happen with my tablet. You'll get this important message that there are say 5 infections on your system and being new to tablets you'll think it's the tablet's security warning you. So then a "free" app is offered to you for download like this one called Armor for Trojan and they offer a quick scan for free but also a deep scan and then a screen pops if you choose the deep scan asking for your credit card info which doesn't make sense if the app was for free to begin with. Before wiki'ing malware I knew to stay away.

  2. I was pondering why people do this. Clearly they're very intelligent people, hell I can't even hook up a DVD player without a friend's help so why do they use their intelligence for evil? I think there's many answers. First off since they have the technical knowhow to do this that's it at its most basic level, it's possible. I also think there must be some hormones and chemicals released in their body and brain that makes them feel good about this. It's a rush and dunno if there's studies about this but there are studies that show that people who are always getting mass outraged over the latest anti-pc statement by a famous person do get that rush and it's pleasurable physically to go after a Seinfeld or some Duck guy. It somehow raises their self-esteem these wormers and hackers and they feel important, powerful and in control and have influence but are shielded by their shadowy anonymity. Another reason is maybe it's political at times. My apps work fine for most browsing but won't let you sign into your own blog, that's kind of a narrow use. Seems to me most of these people aren't caught least I don't read much about it 'cept maybe a few times so there really isn't much deterrence.

  3. I think it is a type of vandalism, one of those things that some youths do for the thrill of it. Create a bit of maleware and sit around at the bar with other geekers having a
    laugh, ya know?

  4. The Big Bang Theory crowd. I've worked with a couple of guys over the years and I'm fairly certain they have the technical knowledge to do this stuff. One guy is Eastern European, maybe there's some connection there as I was reading some of the contractors for the ObamaCare site came from Chechyna and the odds were good they'd pump mal into the site. He knew how to hack into the bakery scale at work and make false and funny labels for products which for him was probably a piece of cake (hey is that a pun?).

  5. The Big Bang Theory is my favorite show. I have been at work since yesterday morning and will be until tomorrow night and i am tired. Things are very bad here. Over 6" at my house more to come sounds like nothing to you but THIS IS NORTH CAROLINA. And i am tired but getting manic by the minute.

  6. Dangerous Dorks: out this way, the legislature wants to lower the big game hunting age to 10 and force the colleges and universities to permit armed students.

  7. I don't know whether my tablet is buggy or haunted but the other day I decided to delete all the files and just chuck it in the garbage. I got alot of use out of it, kinda rationalize it as a beginner's tablet and enough is enough. Finally knocked off those few extra pounds I've been talking about. Been shoveling so much the last couple weeks and walking here and there instead of driving the pounds just melted away!

  8. We got 9" btw. Did you see the picture of Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh with the car on fire?

  9. Over here in NYC the new Mayor Bill de Blasio is under heavy fire for deciding to keep schools open during the last snowstorm. Funny about progressives they're all liberal and caring and all but in some areas they're worse than conservatives.

  10. In NYC no matter what you do youre gonna piss someone off.

  11. I'm reminded of soapie's go-to-work-in-a-blizzard work ethic. Gotta train 'em young.

    1. Never had a snow day during K-12. Grew up like the kid in 'Christmas Story'. But, in large urban areas with their freeways and million vehicles,
      to say nothing of hundreds of miles of side streets with parked cars, snow
      and ice are definitely a problem. You may want to check here if you are getting a different
      car before next winter.

  12. Work ethic. I lived at my job 2.5 days. It has completely undermined my stability right now.

  13. Have you noticed that spending time linked-in doesn't burn many calories?

  14. It's a simple corollary, the more advanced we become the fatter we become. Even when people shovel snow they do a half-assed job.

  15. Was interested in where the word 'snow' originated, so checked it out. Saty will be
    glad to know that 'snihyati' in Sanskrit is the first written cognate "he who gets wet".
    Linguistic historians trace it further back into the hypothetical Proto-Indo-European,
    presumably spoken by the pre-historic Celts/Goths etc. It shows up in various languages from medieval times with numerous curious spellings. During WW2,
    the term 'snow job' was invented by disgruntled GIs, along with such niceties as
    SNAFU. Something to ponder while shoveling the damn stuff.

  16. Well I woke up this morning to find fairly major damage to my front hood. Another care parked on the other side also had some damage to the front driver's side and the mirror was broken. My suspicions, either one of them annoying behemoth SUVs backed up into me during the night when I was enjoying my goblet of brandy and my new tablet or else one of them sanitation trucks always going the wrong way like they're kings of the road. This winter sucks!

  17. Contrary advice and I had to interrupt my blogging but sent an email to my insurnace co. since I was on the computer before anyway and got a respose to make a claim but also to file a police report. Went to my local precinct and the desk cop said it wasn't really necessary and talked about deductibles and these things happen. I can drive the car, the headlights wipers and washer fluid ducts all work so I'll probably be one of those people you see who drive around banged up cars for awhile.

  18. Oh man that's something that would make me nuts. Jethro had a chip in the windshield last year that suddenly bloomed into a giant crack and I moved heaven and earth to get that thing fixed before the highschool reunion. Bad enough I sound like a Hee Haw reject and I drive a truck to begin with, I'll be damned I show up with a truck that's got a busted up windshield. Girl gotta have standards.

  19. Ya know it happens every winter, there's the storm and then there's the damage not caused by the original storm per se but by people who can't handle it like the idiot that backs up his SUV into your hood. I can deal with the original storm just not how people behave in an abnormal fasion after a storm. This thing with my hood happened several days after the last big storm and during a warming trend so you ask yourself what's the problem?

  20. Lately I'm feeling I've been annoying my local police dept. Several weeks back as you'll recall I called about the roving dog who killed a stray cat and most recently went to talk to the desk cop 'cause the insurance woman recommended filing a police report over my damaged hood. OK so my concerns are not what you'd call upper-tier in terms of priorities of Yonkers government which kind of strikes me as having a touch of "I don't wanna help you." Not asking to send any squad cars out just take down the info ya know? I mean maybe if I get hit by a beer truck and my head's rolling down the street they'll upgrade my little dilemmas a notch:)

    1. They don't bother unless you've got a relative on the force. Wanna bet you don't get invited to theirannual formal dance ?

    2. Yonkers is vaguely Dukes of Hazzardish.

  21. They're Yankees. That's Yankee attitude.

  22. Golly, there are some real weird hobbies out there.

    1. Is there ANYTHING we don't cover in this blog?

  23. Incan matrimonial headmasks**??

    ***Bonus points if you get the movie reference

  24. My friend would probably get it as he sees almost every movie that comes out. Most movies could suck I just think he likes the whole movie experience.

  25. It was Oceans Eleven (the one with George Clooney and Brad Pitt, not the original).

  26. My mother had a great line about Nicholas Cage. She said if he wasn't an actor he looks like he'd be a tollbooth collector.

  27. She's got that right. Saw an anon quote someplace that went, "If Hillary gave Obama one of her balls, they would both have two."

  28. In dealings with Putin I think he'd respect Hillary more. Sometimes you just have to come across as a bitch. Now if some pundit on MSNBC or FOX had just said that it'd be mistaken and there'd be a brouhaha but what I mean is Obama comes across as this idealistic intellectual type who seems to feel he can talk to or about various dictators across the globe and they'll change course.
