Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why not just have a coyote app?

Actually it'd be far cheaper than subscribing to Sarah Palin's new Web TV Channel.


  1. "Make yourself appear large" Like, rent a Chris Christie costume?

    1. Is it just me or does he need to get the rest of his stomach stapled?

  2. So Palin is charging 10 bucks a month to be a subscriber to her new Web TV Channel. That works out to $100/year. She talks about impeachment ALOT. Republicans got a taste of impeachment with Bill Clinton and they like it. It's like a weird form of masturbation:)

    1. You a charter member?

    2. I was gonna give you a gift subscription but if you don't want it I'll give it to Saty.

    3. The GOP is finally getting serious. They're bringing out their heavy hitters.

  3. Can't...we only have free tv.. but thank you for thinking of me. I think she ought to go in on this with Glenn Beck. If they got together with Alex Jones they could have like a whole sattelite network, CRAZY.TV

    I have been down with pancreatitis the past few days, didn't have to go to the hospital but it was miserable anyway. The biggest problem was I couldn't take my regular medicine while I was sick so I went back to work yesterday and was ready to kill people. Today was my scheduled leave day so that was a very handy thing and maybe by tomorrow I'll be safe for human interaction.

    Why won't anyone do anything about Israel? Why is it okay for them to commit war crimes on the Palestinians? Is there some kind of societal guilt that pervades the whole world over the Holocaust and so Jews get some kind of a free pass to exact revenge? In an interesting twist some of the Hasidim have come out in protest of their Zionist brothers, and good on them for being bold enough to do so. I heard that one of the members of that kiddy band One Direction (and I have never heard any of their songs) tweeted some Palestinian support and is now getting death threats.

    1. Saty, didn't you have a serious bout with pancreatitis within the last couple of years? Doubt chronic, but possibly recurring acute pancreatitis. Gallstones? Your drug regimen? Gaza: yes, the kill ratio there is startling,
      something like 30 Israelis and 1200 Palestinians. The IDF ran themselves low on 40mm ammo and mortar rounds, which the US promptly replaced.
      The Mideast has been a hotbed of disagreement and killing ever since the
      Romans invaded and no one seems able to figure it out.

    2. I have to say though if you read his site Alex Jones is pretty good on overall libertarian issues. For instance those two white flags some group put on top of the Brooklyn Bridge in place of Old Glory well it turns out the NYPD has been doing some serious scooping up of various data from hordes of innocent cell phone users. Does Rush talk about this?

    3. Sounds like it was a pro-pot group. Sort of the Greenpeace of marijuana.
      IMO, sort of a harmless prank, although security folks wonder that the perpetrators could get up there with impunity: like maybe someone with
      bombs or anthrax instead of faded flags? Have you had your Ebola shots?

    4. Not only that but isn't the iconic Brooklyn Bridge supposed to be one of the prime target spots for terrorists? and no.

    5. Maybe the cops assigned the Brooklyn Bridge were too busy bothering black folk about selling loosies.

  4. We learn that an apparently effective Ebola vaccine is being made by planting
    its DNA in growing tobacco leaves to quickly create monoclonal antibodies. Meanwhile, ya can't roll your own?

    1. ..forgot the requisite link . No one reads links, but they reinforce your credibility.

    2. Is it just me or does Brian Williams have a very anxious way of speaking? I'm watching the news last night and I'm getting all jittery.

    3. How does Bloomberg feel about this?

    4. Brian Williams; barely seen the guy on the news. But I looked up to see why he had a crooked nose; got onto some blog discussion about his appearance 'his chin goes right, his nose goes left and it drags his smile
      clockwise" some fem groupie wrote, "I love men with asymmetrical faces" and another wag replied, "Well, you would love the Elephant Man."
      Just killin' time, ya know?

    5. All I know is he and Chris Matthews have a big man crush on Obama.

  5. It's not just coyotes; gotta keep an eye out for the other types of wildlife .

    1. I never even knew otters were capable of such a thing. What's next squirrel attacks?

  6. Coyotes and otters are relatively harmless considering: humans killed by wild animals per year-
    bees/wasps 53
    dogs 6.5
    spiders rattlesnakes 5.5
    cougars 1
    sharks 1
    -Makes one wonder why there are so many sci-fi movies about sharks.

  7. Sasquatch attacks - 0 (except those under the influence)

  8. Ever notice how sasquatches are portrayed as an orangutan face on a hairy Dolph
    Lundgren body? How many TV shows are there about 'finding sasquatch', 'chasing
    sasquatch' etc. IMO those dweebs ought to put that sort of concentration into a cancer cure, or even calorie-free eclairs. Meanwhile, should a sasquatch attack,
    I'd go with the Yonkers sign advice- 'yell, wave your arms..make yourself appear large. Except, I'd edit the last phrase to 'make yourself disappear'

  9. Said to my friend once if Squatch is really out there the Gov't would've caught one by now. He said but they'd cover it up. I asked him Why? & he said they're weird that way. They probably have one right now doing menial janitorial work at an army base somewhere in S. Carolina. Let's ask Alex Jones:)

  10. The existence of Sasquatch traces to the NW Indians; large hairy creatures that snuck down from the mountain forests to steal fish at night from their nets (probably
    the Chinnooks from down river) and has taken on the story from their. Are you of the opinion that if and when a Bigfoot is found, his DNA will match that of the NYC
    police force?

  11. Definitely Pat Lynch of the PBA.

  12. The Sasquatch hunters/believers/trackers/students currently are arguing about whether the creature could be a descendant of heidlebergensis, the ancient pre-human that ranged Europe well before the Neanderthal. Me, were I a parabeliever,
    would go with the gigantopethicus, the 8 foot extinct Asian gorilla, the last of which
    were believed to have gone extinct ca 100,000 years ago. Since miniature homo erectus survived in the Flores Islands up until 10,000 years ago and were certainly contemporaries of modern man in that area, we admit a tiny possibility within the bounds of current paleontological thinking. Within the bounds of current theological
    thinking, we note that none of these creatures ate of Adam's apple and thus remain
    free of original sin.

  13. What I wanna know is why we can't say Redskins but we can still say homo erectus.

    1. Sshh! The paleoanthropology society thought they fixed the problem when
      they changed the pithecanthropus erectus to homo erectus. Should have stuck with the original Java Apeman, huh? (Or be like the creationists and
      insist that the creature was just another old monkey.) BTW, team names-
      wise, there is a high school upriver in a small town that also houses an institute for the severely disturbed. The kids mascot is "the Maniacs", sort
      of tweaking the PC conscious among us, no?

  14. There's the Ravens football team, but you never hear about the birds complaining about the term

  15. What do think of Hinckley being charged with another murder? I mean how many murdered folk get to walk around for 30+ years?

    1. My opinion; dumb, will never happen. My legal opinion runs thusly- Hinkley
      shot Reagan at the same time and Reagan died much earlier than Brady.
      Since he was not charged THEN, precedence was established, so the
      current charge is without merit. And for no charge, cadit quaestio/el incumbit probation qui/ex post facto and other SCOTUS talk.

    2. By this reasoning every person shot in the Bronx who dies thirty years later their shooters should be charged with murder. Prosecutors must be bored or high.
