Wednesday, May 11, 2016

So Facebook doesn't like the Drudge Report

Now they're calling for a federal investigation.  I thought the main attraction of FB is to socially interact with other people on the web.  Where else can you have 1,000 friends?  Always going after Zuckerberg.


  1. Senator Thune (R-ND)claims Facebook is extremely biased and wants a hearing. FoxNews has made it their main news: focusing on political bias by Facebook. I humbly suggest the
    good Senator and F-News sniff their own butts first, ya know? Pompous Hypocrisy, IMO. How come every odd persuasion has to have their own network, anyway? Do they have a network catering to retired explosive chemists?

  2. My thing is even if FB is biased and they probably are did they do something illegal? did they break the law?

    1. Nope. There is no law against bias in this country.
      Congressional investigations have become political harassment going back to Joe McCarthy's "Did you then, now or ever, even think..." which set the stage
      for Watergate and all the 'gates' since. I figure that
      like FoxNews and Rush, Facebook is optional.

  3. FB can ignore Drudge all they want but I'd hazard a guess most folks know there's a Drudge Report and can check it out if they want.

  4. A social media Watergate not.

  5. They will be digging into 'Christian Mingle' next.

  6. I'm sure you're seeing "Amerigeddon" tomorrow. In other news it has been reported that Caitlyn has been having second thoughts & George Zimmerman has been trying to auction off the infamous gun.

    1. No. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Got to barricade myself in the basement with my arsenal and survival gear. Maybe catch 'My 600 lb Life'...

    2. Destined to be a prepper's cult classic. Five years from now it'll be in the $2.99 dvd bin at K-Mart.

    3. As near as I can tell the plot involves the NRA saving America; sort of an automatic weapon civil
      war. Needs Tom Hanks?

    4. The film is directed by the son of Chuck Norris and heavily endorsed by Alex Jones so there you go. Meanwhile Trump doesn't remember being his own publicist in '91.

    5. What gets me is the premise of the movie. The UN and the US Gov't attack the power grid to set up a martial state. In real life the UN can't even stop genocide.

    6. Umm..does Congress invade Facebook HQ? I heard that
      Alex Jones has a cameo..probably in drag as Kaitlyn whats-his-name. Undoubtedly a niche blockbuster.
      Have you considered dating a nice Canadian

    7. Dating - used to be the big issue was when to go to bed and that could be navigated but that's old school. Now everything is about the orals, almost an expected requirement but I digress...

  7. Oral- is that venial or mortal or non-catechismal? Thomas
    Aquinas is silent on the matter, But St. Paul considers it
    grave. Of course St. Paul was an anti-fun type guy.

    1. According to my best knowledge of the church's position and don't quote me but if it's used as foreplay it's ok but not through to completion. I really feel sorry for women in today's dating scene. Some are into it, some aren't but most guys like it (the porn diet) so it has to be in the back of many women's minds. Me? I don't make demands so I can widen my net;)

  8. We ponder the tiny but apparently powerful transgender community stance on the subject.

  9. I like you have had a fear of rejection so have never been on the prowl. My first rejection well it does lower your confidence level so instead of adding to the count my system now is I've socialized with women, gone out with a couple over the years from work but without the official culturally mandated male asking the female out. I don't know why we burden ourselves with this anymore. It's like applying for a job.

    1. Once in awhile, usually after an old episode of 'the
      Twilight Zone', I wonder where I'd be if I had made
      different decisions at different times. Like the 'Zone' though, it is the stuff of nightmares.

    2. On my daily walks I go through the Past too at great length. I analyze every decision and event and wrong turn and it ain't always pretty. Sometimes you'll wake up at 3 in the morning and go through the same stuff. Life can be a nightmare and grand at the same time. Sometimes I wonder who wrote this script. On a lighter note Glenn Beck is gonna meet with Zuckerberg and when FB's trending news starts tilting right watch the liberals complain.

  10. On a previous subject so far I haven't had any strange but beautiful women leaving gifts in my car. Not that you want that to happen but I exist ya know? How come I don't have this problem? I keep scouring my Inbox for suggestive emails.

    1. Sounds like you need to get on 'Christian Mingle' and
      specify you are looking for a good looking rich stalker woman? She's gotta be out there. :)

    2. I'm offbeat enough to consider a female pursuer. On the downside if you ever try to leave her she might try to kill you.

    3. My junk e-mail folder consists of stock tips, requests for political donations and once in awhile
      a note from "Julie" or "Connie" who is lonely and would like to share. Share what? I'm 75, don't read stock tips, avoid political donatins and no
      interest in Julie & Connie. Geeze!

    4. As I said stalking is one of those topics that never seem to die out. I've never understood it. Who has the time to follow someone 24/7, the effort involved. Telescopes, photography, phone calls & texts, gas and mileage. The job takes alot out of me, I'm too tired and disturbed at the end of the workday and go home to my Christian Brothers and fine cigar. My philosophy - put in your application and every once in a while see how it's doing.

    5. My spam folder consists mainly of financial advice and hardcore porn with occasional hair care products thrown in.

  11. I'm guessing that a couple of well equipped drones might make the stalking hobby less frenetic. Betcha that private
    eyes might find a use for them as well.

    1. ..and thinking that some nerdgeek is busy inventing an anti-drone drone.

    2. I'm thinking the discussions on stalking misses a logical point. It's not like if you give in to your pursuer male or female your first date is gonna be in a swamp ("mind if I bring my 5-iron along?"). It's that if somewhere down the road you have to break up the person turns into O.J. Simpson so to have an average partner who may turn into a cheater while not great is less of a threat. There's always therapy for that. I still don't know how it's supposed to turn somebody on so the commonness of it escapes me unless there's some kind of evolutionary cheetah gene at work here.
