Friday, March 15, 2024

Random Thoughts On Last Tango In Paris (1972)

Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci.  Widely seen as a landmark in the history of sexual explicitness in cinema.  So where was the explicit sex I must have missed it?  Even the uncut version is not overly graphic.  Many people if the movie is mentioned automatically think of butter.  That's a childish mind.  Some of the scenes that come to my mind is the character of Paul played of course by Marlon Brando talking to his dead wife alone in the room as she's being prepared for burial.  To my mind this is some of the best acting in the history of cinema.  Also the classic ending where Jeanne played by Maria Schneider shoots him.   The ending is so open-ended it called for a sequel but there never was one.  She's rehearsing her lines for when the police will interview her later (he was a lunatic, I never knew him, he tried to rape me) but so many people had already seen them together at the dance hall but the movie simply ends with the sultry music coming on.  My takeaway - she was okay with having a kind of strange even perverse relationship with him.  She kept going back to him in the apartment even though she was engaged to another man yet when Paul wanted a normal loving relationship with her she basically kept saying it's over and killed him.  A cinematic and much discussed enigma.  Although not by any stretch an exemplary character he's been through the mill after his wife's gruesome suicide and this is his fate.  A movie with many layers to it it's worth a watch or a few.  The actress appeared nude in many of the scenes while Brando kept his clothes on except for one brief scene early on where they didn't show much.  Much vulgar language throughout.  So that's my take the movie is worth diving into.


  1. Good summary. I'm more of a "Ace Ventura, Pet Detective' type viewer

    1. Police Squad but it's now tainted by the presence of O.J. Simpson. That 70s Show but one of the main stars is now serving time for rape. Can A.I. fix this?

  2. So I recently googled the first ten search result pages for Last Tango. Even took it to twenty. So where are the misinformation police when you need them? They've ginned up a newer controversy about the butter anal rape scene with some websites going so far as to say that Brando literally assaulted the actress. The late Schneider (actually everybody I think who was involved in that movie is either late or dead) has said the scene was simulated but she was somehow a little traumatized by the whole thing just the same. So don't become an actress. Was Ned Beatty traumatized by the rape scene in "Deliverance"? They also say Brando and the director sprang the butter on her as a surprise but when you watch the scene and Brando says to get the butter she doesn't fumble the line or act surprised. The scene is mildly explicit and becomes uncomfortable to watch but that's the movies.

  3. Worked in a food market once for many years and the Jamaican chef brought up Marlon Brando twice and for me Last Tango automatically came to mind. The little Italian lady in the kitchen got annoyed and said I always talk about that movie (only mentioned it twice) like I can talk about "The Godfather" but not the other movie. Must be a sore point with some Italians. Most people have probably not seen the movie. Typical might be when I asked my friend if he saw it and he said no but he heard of it.

  4. It seems Brando didn't get on well with actors and directors. Maybe that is what made him appealing?

    1. My understanding is maybe Bertolucci wasn't the best scriptwriter so he allowed Brando to ad-lib a lot in Last Tango. "In ten years you're gonna play soccer with those tits" - to me that sounds like something he might say. I think he kind of let Brando steer the movie after awhile. "I have a prostate the size of an Idaho potato but I'm still a good stickman" he says to Jeanne towards the end of the film when he wants to have a normal relationship with her. Let Brando be Brando.

  5. Watched "The Seven-Ups" recently on YouTube because I like Roy Scheider. Excellent car chase scene on a par with the chase scene in "Bullitt" but other than that I kind of feel they threw this movie together. Ever watch a movie and you can't quite grasp what's going on? Then it's over.

    Director David Lynch is another matter. Always found his movies interesting but "Inland Empire" was more like three hours of a bad dream after you've had too much to drink. Even the actors didn't know what it was supposed to be about.

  6. I gotta say, 'Last Tango In Paris' is considerably more provocative than
    'Last Polka in Keuterville'. Both classics though.

    1. Now the search results for Last Tango are considerably more woke. We're living in woke times. With the PC crowd people get upset about this and that. Woke people are upset about everything. The bulk of the search results and I'm including twenty pages worth have to do with one particular scene in the movie and that's it. No actual film criticism of the whole work. It's how they wrote the character. It's a movie. The woke crowd never talk about the ending though when she kills him. Maybe his aggressive weirdness in the apartment preyed upon her mind and was one factor into why she pulled the trigger. People don't know how to categorize the movie. It's not really a romance but it's definitely provocative.

  7. Not up on Woke, except that is me when I'm not sleeping. My favorite
    Brando movie was 'The Young Lions' - a WW2 film which included oddly,
    Montgomery Clift and Dean Martin. Brando changed the ending so that he got killed. Wermacht Woke?

  8. A typical Dean Martin movie - forget the name but I was channel surfing one night and he's in the back of some fancy car with a drink in one hand and a cig in the other and a broad. You couldn't do that today.

  9. Real life is a bit different. You talk about people at work, unwanted advice etc. When I was an explosives synthesis manager, I had a far
    flung experienced crew scattered amoung barricaded buildings with remote equipment and chemical tanks. I usually walked through once or twice a day to chat about their families, work concerns etc. Two days in a row when i went out, they were huddled in a corner laughing
    and grinning. On the third day, I checked to see if my fly was open.
    Asked a couple of them what they though was funny. "Can't tell ya, Bob" A few days later I caught up with Sally after first break. (she was the petite one with a bullfrog voice). "Hey Sal, how come the bunch laughs when I go by?" "Well, to be honest and I hope you aren't offended, one of the guys was watching a Bob Barker quiz show. He said Bob was asking questions and he came to this little old prim lady from England. He stuck the mike under her prim lips and inquired,
    'where is the most unusual place you ever had sex?' She though briefly and replied, 'In the butt, Bob". They got over it after a few days.
    Your workplace like thta?

    1. The exact polar opposite. Older lady I work with in the kitchen said I should be more aware of when she needs cold fried chicken so I said that's why we have a prep list on the wall so "put it on the fucking list." IMMEDIATELY got called into the manager's office so fast I didn't know what hit me. My offense was the profanity. We have brief courses online on this and that. Sexual harassment a biggie. My takeaway don't say anything. Things you're talking about that's back in the day.

  10. Maybe "Don't get your Depends in a twist' would be acceptable?

  11. Last Tango. Not a porno but you'd change it if your mother entered the room. Would have been a good Brady Bunch episode if Greg saw it. First time I saw it I rented it from a video store. My brother-in-law visited me at my apartment on the eve of a fishing trip and so we watched it. Here is a man who served in Vietnam and halfway through the movie he said "the language". The scene where he insults his deceased wife in the casket he was like OMG. Ned Beatty can get raped in the woods by a hillbilly and that gets an R. The debates over Last Tango are forever.

  12. You gonna do an analysis of 'Debbie Does Dallas?

  13. No but I did make the mistake of renting "Caligula" once. Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole, Sir John Gielgud, Helen Mirren all in an actual porno historical drama by the late Bob Guccione. Roger Ebert called it sickening. Tango is mild with a bit of a kick to it.

  14. Caligula- one of the nutty emperors. Like Nero, his career was short and ended at the wrong end of a Roman sword. Power corrupts. Any body with an older brother knows that.

  15. The Romans when you get right down to it were no better than ISIS in their savagery and creative violence yet we seem to celebrate them. Watched some travel show and the host was like here is the Colleseum.

  16. Yup. They crucified by the thousands. Jesus was in the wrong place.

  17. Any idea of what Johnny Depp looks like without eye makeup?

    1. You don't recognize him. The court case I'm like who's that?

  18. Is he related to Pee Wee Herman somehow?

  19. You remember Tiny Tim the tiptoe through the tulips guy? Who hired him?

  20. Yep. Saw him marry Miss Vicky on the Johnny Carson Show. She stuck with him several years and they had a daughter. He divorced and married three more times, gaining weight and still performing. (I suspect the wives hated his singing in the shower) He collapsed and died on stage in Mpls at age 64. (I'm no expert, but can read Wiki)

  21. Andy Kaufman was another New Yorker who was a touch bizarre.
    Died at age 35, although some think it was another of his hoaxes.
    Jonathan Winters had a long if somewhat squirrely career. Always
    made me laugh. I considered Bob Newhart sort of a mirror image.
    Then Harvey Korman at the dentist (Tim Conway) still makes me laugh. Mentioned it to my dentist last time in and we both laughed,
    and he was more cautions with his articaine needle) All stuff on You Tube to sit back and watch with a cigar.

  22. Then there was the Monty Python Department of Silly Walks.

  23. Drug Commercials. Dozens all the time on the telly. I'm waiting for
    Miracle Drug: "For moderate to severe tinnitus", Do not take with food or liquid. Common side effects include leprosy, blindness, spasms,
    premature senility, difficulty passing stools and rigor mortis. Not intended for pregnant women, small infants or house pets. If Big Pharma used all that $$$ for research, tinnitus would be long gone.

    1. My doctor won't even give me a working theory like the CIA is doing this to people. Just says something like people get this sometimes then talks about colonoscopies.

    2. You might have to bite the bullet and check with the ex-nurse
      at the deli.

    3. Might be more useful than my doctor. Offers nothing in the way of holistic tips. Seems unduly fascinated by colonoscopes.

  24. Test (failed to publish an hour ago)

  25. I guess viewing colonoscopies all day is sort of habit forming - like your favoirte TV series. At my advanced age, colonoscopies are not recommended. Nor is jury duty. Some of the few perks of being
    older than dirt.

    1. But not too old to run the country.

    2. Blame the Constitution: To wit-
      No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. Art II Sect 1. Clause 5.
      We are both qualified Z-Man Of course we have more sense than to want that job.

    3. Obama has always looked like to me if he wasn't a president he'd be an underwear model.

  26. In Last Tango Paul says to the girl she'll always be alone unless maybe you go right up into the ass of death and find the womb of fear......They don't write scripts like that anymore.

  27. There's a commercial with a few teenagers escaping a masked killer.
    Girl says. "Hey, there's a car with the motor running, .let's get outta here" The rest of the group disagrees, " Naw, we better hide under that rack of chain saws. Don't remember what they were selling other than it wasn't chainsaws. They shouldn't write scripts like that. Should they?

  28. I know the commercial but don't remember what they were selling. Insurance maybe. Obviously a reference to Texas Chainsaw Massacre which I never saw. I'm eclectic in my movie tastes. I did see "I Spit On Your Grave" only because a co-worker gave it to me to watch. I'm not into movies with over-the-top violence (e.g. the Saw Series). Hitchcock had the ratio about right. Funny people will watch all kinds of cinematic excesses but keep putting off Tango.

  29. "Silent Night Deadly Night" about a killer Santa was recently shown here during prime-time hours on one of the Channel 5s. Now with digital tv every channel has like 3 or 4 related channels. The movie was quite explicit for over the air free tv. Last Tango eternally controversial. Double triple and quadruple standards.

  30. Had a couple day visit from daughter. The grand daughter watched the entire Harry Potter series on SyFy from 8AM until midnight. Daughter is a yuppie, only drinks French press Columbian bean coffee. All I got is Folgers Instant. She says "Gee, that tastes just like mine". I says, well, it IS. If I put too much in the hot water, I yell Sacre Bleu! Do they have a relative exchange someplace? BTW, Harry Potter gave me nightmares.

  31. I went into Starbucks once and got confused. I don't want Vietnamese coffee or whatever coffee of the day I just want plain Java with cream and sugar.

  32. If Nicholas Cage wasn't an actor he'd be a toll booth collector.

  33. They got connoisseurs for coffee, wine, beer, horses etc. You know, the snooty type - I detect a bit of pomegranite note in this can of Budweiser. Other than being a full-fledged Christian Brother, I'm generic in my approach. Cheese is cheese (with the exception of Limburger - was that the result of a mistake?) coffee is coffee etc. Bottled Water: thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard of,
    considering free water anywhere . Probably why I ain't a millionaire.
    4 year olds, sweaty after 2 hours of soccer - can we skip the park
    water fountain and each get a lukewarm bottle of Aquafina at the convenience store?

    1. Guy in my neighborhood he made three or four trips down the steps to his house lugging bottled water on his shoulder. That's not even counting his food. Do people seriously drink that much water? I try to drink more water myself. Make it my aim to but the thing with constantly drinking water is it gets boring after awhile. Sometimes you just want a Snapple.

    2. I seldom drink water. Wife is big on water, always has a glass with ice in it. I'm not the one that gets up three times a night.

  34. Always thought Nicholas had a thoughtful pained look. Like his fruit of the looms were three sizes too tight.

  35. Just got an ad for a 'weatherproof outdoor TV". WTF?

  36. Recently got a smart TV but don't find myself using the smart part that much. I kind of prefer a computer.

  37. AI - the Y2K threat of the year. Worked with a draftsman, some odd religion. They would predict the end of the earth - Armageddon-, sell
    all their stuff and go stand in a group on some knoll outside of town.
    No problem, but this guy did it THREE TIMES. If at first you don't succeed?

  38. CERN is supposed to do something during the solar eclipse. Perhaps push us into a higher tax bracket.

  39. Photons, plasma, Cherenkov Effect. Back in the old days they got rid of an eclipse by sacrificing a couple of goats. Always worked.

  40. So there was still a fair number of oblivious shoppers in the store and mall yesterday during the eclipse time-frame not even mildly curious about a fairly rare natural phenomenon. I call them the DGAF crowd. It could be the last day of the world as we know it and you'd have to light a fire under them. They'd still be at the courtesy desk at Target.

  41. Big Bang TV: I'm thinking Sheldon, Leonard, Howard & Raj would have an extensive array of scientific instruments on the apartment roof: hooting and dancing. Penny would be doing her toenails.

  42. I liked the episode with Bob Newhart.

  43. We are friends with an Evangelical couple. Nice folks, very biblical.
    They will not watch Big Bang, being creationists. Their trip this year was to visit the full sized replica of Noah's Ark in Kentucky. Mrs. told me not to bring up the old "how do you get two of each of the 2.3 million known species into a boat?"

    1. NOT to mention feeding them, where do they go to the bathroom? etc.

  44. Favorite line - Am I still sleeping or is this really happening?

  45. Credulity- which section had the mosquito pair and did the rattler eat the rabbits? Genesis 6:9-22 is big on advertising, but rather scant on the technical details (but given credit for the cubit thing) 510 cubits long.
    Were those quantum cubits, or what?

  46. 'Last Tango In Paris' sequel? It would have to be the Stallone thing, like
    the epic 'Last Tango In Paris 2- More Butter 1' Dunno, you are my source on all things Brando.

    1. Without a sequel the movie is just self-contained. We wind up regurgitating the same movie. How much can you talk about butter? The controversy becomes dated.

  47. Apparently there is a movie mistake in Last Tango In Paris. In the final scene after Jeanne shoots Paul and he lies crumpled on the ground you can see the reflection of one of the cameramen on the glass of the door that leads out onto the balcony. Trivia.

  48. Good catch. I like the Stone Age Adventure movies where a jet goes over in the distance.

  49. What is that movie One Million Years BC with Raquel Welch in it. I didn't know they had beauty salons in caveman days.

  50. Raquel did a lot for the image of cro-magnon feminity.

  51. We ponder when primitive humans first began to use language. Did the grunt and gesture crowd start talking when Raquel strutted by the cave?

  52. OK. I pondered up "Hey Grog, check out the knockers on that babe" and we had the birth of primitive language. Dunno, just pondering here.

  53. The Flintstones had adult themes. Remember when Betty couldn't conceive and they went the adoption route? Priming kids for reality. Ever ponder why Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton never had kids? Maybe Norton hurt himself in the sewer.

  54. Even Homer Simpson skipped donuts once in awhile and fathered some
    kids. D'oh! And didn't Donald Duck have Huey, Dewy and Louie?

  55. Reading about early reaction to "Last Tango In Paris" and William F. Buckley Jr. and Harry Reasoner both denounced it as pornography without having seen it. Reasoner said it was "pornography masquerading as art." At least I can say I saw "Caligula" and can say it's pornography masquerading as pornography. Harry Reasoner the great journalist and William Buckley the great conservative. The anonymous sex in the movie came with a heavy price the end. If you're gonna have an opinion on a movie at least bite the bullet and see it. Journalism 101.

  56. I suspect it was a bit racier than First Tango in Paris. Dunno, I'm an amateur in this genre and remain confused.

  57. One of the reasons I started this thread after being away for three years is to discuss the power of false information and the making of a mythology. In nature Last Tango is really an R film that was given an X for technical reasons but it is a movie you're better off watching alone in your man cave.

  58. Making of mythology: Walk out of a Babylonian house and the sun gets totally covered by the moon. Priests of Baal sacrifice a couple goats and cure a dire situation as the sun comes back out. Highly regarded, three of them later followed a star to Bethlehem. For example if you went to a class reunion, they might announce "Z-Man - The man, the myth and the legend". Or maybe not. Power of false information is right up there with the power of true information and is ancient. If some cosmic event eliminated all false information, we would be pretty bored. With the exception of Carl Sagan, of course.

  59. Reasoner became sucked into what would become the cultural mythology of Last Tango In Paris spawned in large part by hyperbolic media coverage and never once stopped to verify the information. Explicit sex? There is none in the movie but the mythology persists down to this day. The power of false information even drew in the best and the brightest who should have known better. You watch the movie even the uncut version for the first time and they don't show what you think they're gonna show. At the end you go OK.

  60. One of those lingering enigmas. The analysis may go on for decades.
    Brando is chuckling in his grave.

  61. My takeaway - Believe half of what you hear. Believe half of what you see. Sometimes question authoritative sources and most importantly do your own research.

  62. The thing about valid research is clearing the mind of ifs. buts and druthers. Otherwise emotion driven research may lead one to an answer they want. But that only works in STEM subjects. When I retired back early in the century, I went through what my retired workers had said to HR in the last inteview. My favorite - "When your supervisor makes mistakes, does he/she properly and gracefully
    explain?" Old Jim, "Bob never made a mistake. He was really smart"
    On the other hand, the wife thinks I'm a doofus. Go figure.

  63. Key word "sometimes" question authoritative sources. If the government tells you there's a hurricane coming chances are there's a hurricane coming. On the other hand you might find yourself questioning the narrative on occasion based on your own experience, knowledge and research. Does Jackson Galaxy have the last word on cats? Did "Last Tango In Paris" deserve an X rating?

  64. You may have hit on the dilemma. If two film experts disagree, or if two
    psychologists disagree about the film two of them might be right. Can
    we call it Z-Man's Fork?

  65. About movie critics in general I said once here awhile back if they know how movies should be made why don't THEY make the movies?

  66. Just pondering here: movies are generally subjective. Critics think they are objective. Oil and water. THEY - possible. "Next to the Last Tango in Paris" by Roger Ebert. He has been pushing up daisies the last few years, but consider that he included 'La Dolce Vita in his 10 Best Movies.

  67. You hit on it. They treat movies like something objective like can't you see? I really liked the John Candy/Steve Martin comedy "Planes, Trains and Automobiles." I found it consistently funny but some movie guide gave it just two stars. Am I not sophisticated enough?

  68. Along those lines I don't know if a movie has ever gotten a 100% fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes. 84% would be pretty respectable. What's interesting to me is if some of the greatest movies of all time didn't get a 100% fresh rating then SOMEBODY didn't like it or at least wasn't overly fond of it, some sourpuss critic who went against the consensus. This ties into your point about movies being subjective. Those are the kinds of reviews I'd like to read as well. Ya got something against Orson Welles?

  69. So as part of my ongoing casual research into "Last Tango In Paris" I read two main reviews of the movie when it first came out. The first one the famous one by Pauline Kael of The New Yorker. Very long review. Kind of a strange review. She saw things in the movie I didn't see. Then I read Roger Ebert's review. Ebert easier to understand than Kael and half the length. He also wrote a later review of the movie years later. Kael strikes me as you lose her after awhile then you come back. Even if I don't agree with everything Ebert says I prefer Ebert.

  70. Noteworthy in the Kael review is when she says about Jeanne and Paul's first encounter there was a gasp from the audience because you realize this is Brando doing it. Doing what? They are almost fully clothed and the scene can be described as comical and clumsy. She also mentioned some scene where Brando gets down on all fours and barks at a Bible salesman. What movie was she watching? It's almost as if Kael had something to do with the cultural misperception of the movie.

  71. I'm taking notes for the next time the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. They usually have an eccentric view on humanity vs the Bible.

  72. Haven't had one here in awhile. More concerned with the Code Enforcement guy who checks who puts their garbage out too early for next morning's pickup or a blade of grass along your sidewalk is too tall. I'd rather deal with the Jehovahs.

  73. I don't know whether movie historians and movie reviewers smoke weed but they regularly put Last Tango in the same category of those very few films mostly foreign that actually have X-rated elements. There are no Lubriderm moments in the movie, nothing to get your rocks off. Perhaps I'm jaded. Even Ebert said there's lots of sex in the movie. I wouldn't say lots just a fair amount and more situational than graphic.

    Pass the roach.

  74. I have the uncut DVD version of "Last Tango In Paris" and rewatched it a couple times without distraction. Can't find Brando barking at the Jehovah. The movie is long enough at 2 hours and 9 minutes. Had a good guffaw at your comment.

  75. How does the uncut version vary from the censured?

  76. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Basically it's the butter scene. He doesn't use a stick of butter but a piece of the butter (kids leave the room). The most explicit part of the scene is you see her flank, her bum after he pulls her pants down but it's not a gynecological scene. So he has her lying on the floor and he's clearly going through the motions of anally sodomizing her. You don't see Brandon's bare bottom as he has pants on the whole time but it's the motions he makes. Basically that's the uncut or uncensored version. In the R-rated version they don't show his thrusting but the camera pans to a ceiling fan, a high up view that covers most of what's going on. That's basically the difference the camera angles. The character of Paul also talks gibberish through the whole scene and makes her repeat it. Then he says to her "you're fu##&ing." Scene is maybe a couple of minutes. Whatever movie I'm watching I always prefer the director's version.

    Kids may now enter the room.

  77. I don't know the version Pauline Kael was watching but I think most people can handle the movie. Hell people watched "Fifty Shades Of Gray."

  78. Now I want to see the uncut x-rated version of 'Sound Of Music'.

  79. I'm a big fan of entire works and not the edited for TV versions. The way the work was intended. Can't handle it? Move on. They recently showed Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" on Laff an over-the-air free channel. They left all the N-words out. Here's the thing Mel Brooks was satirizing racism not promoting it. It doesn't work without the N-word. We're all adults here.

  80. Always laughed my way through Mel Brooks stuff..Young Frankenstein,
    History of the World Part 1, The Producers, High Anxiety, Spaceballs.
    non-boring stuff. But, I'm easy - even like the Three Stooges.

  81. Marty Feldman after Dr. Frankenstein asked him what brain he got: "Abbie Normal."

  82. 'What About Bob' vs 'Groundhog Day'
    Will the real Bill Murray stand up?

  83. I liked "Quick Change."

  84. Been out fishing lately?

  85. Too much on my plate lately. Mother recovering from stroke a few years back. I plan on maybe doing a little angling on my next summer vacation.

    I'm not overly demanding of home health care aides. However one had the thermostat near maximum when I was at work and jacked up my energy bill. Another apparently flushed a sanitary product down the toilet which created a plumbing problem that my handy brother later fixed. Other than that I'm not asking much.

  86. Sorry for your mother. Have a sister in the midwest, been in Alzheimer
    home for years. Her kids visit. She doesn't know who they are, but
    always thanks them for coming. I hope your Mom is making some

  87. Was clicking around channels today and ran across "Boogie Nights".
    A plethora of profanity, all kinds of sex, shootings, suicides etc.
    Not my cup of tea, and got distracted by the guy that set himself on
    fire at the Stormy Daniels trial. Am patiently anticipating your review
    of the flim, which is critically acclaimed.

  88. Not saying this as a Trumper but the Trump/Stormy Daniels trial is a waste of time. It's common knowledge Trump was never a subject for canonization. Even the hardcore Dems at work ain't talking about it. Having said that......

    1. Now he is selling bibles.

    2. Politics is all about practicality. Trump had sex with a porn star and wanted to keep it quiet and there's gambling in Vegas. Didn't Clinton kind of lower the bar?

    3. Clinton? He sure did. So did Nixon. But they admitted it and
      saved billions in lawyer fees. Just saying. Thing about Trump I admire is his uncanny ability to appear to our Evangelical friends as the Second Savior. PT Barnum is drooling in his grave.

    4. Clinton lived by NVI or Never Volunteer Information.

    5. Nutthin wrong with keeping one's mouth shot. The antithesis of
      politics. Middle Ground -Where angels fear to tread.

    6. I learned my lesson.

  89. ......I never saw "Boogie Nights" but definitely heard about it. I think movie critics have way too much influence. Their only utility for me is when they all say a movie is horrible I probably won't see it. Many movies since have out-Tangoed Tango yet "Last Tango In Paris" is like the Antichrist of controversial filmmaking. Jason Statham, Jet Li and Steven Seagal can make or star in these ultra-violent pictures. They probably watch them in nursing homes but Last Tango and a hush falls on the room. Then there's Al Pacino's "Cruising." When I finally retire I'll have the time.

  90. My conspiracy theory: shortly after they invented the movie camera,
    Mae West showed up. And thus began the genre.

  91. I am occasionally startled by how innuendo-ish some of those older movies can be. A fair amount of cleavage too. Last Tango was only a matter of time.

  92. I find disease movies depressing.

  93. "Love Story", "Brian's Song", "Autumn In New York", "The Fault In Our Stars" etc. Most don't end good BB.

  94. Bummer movies. Recently rewatched this movie I watched as a kid called "J.T." about a school kid who nurses a stray cat in an abandoned building back to health only to be run over by a car at the end. Who writes this stuff?

  95. "Old Yeller" Too much angst in those you listed. I much prefer laughing to crying when I watch Beam me away, Scottie.

  96. Though they might be good I'm not really into the Debbie Downer movie collection. Was channel surfing and came across "Panic In Needle Park." It's amazing how many movies Al Pacino was in. About midway through the heroin addict couple happily purchase a cute dog, later take the dog on a cruise ship and while getting high and not watching the dog the dog runs overboard near the propeller to his demise. It's like depressed people write movies.

  97. No wonder you enjoyed Last Tango.

  98. The way I consider it is it was considered an important movie and I can at least say I saw it not like the majority of people like my friend who say they never saw it but heard about it. I will balance it out with movies like "Airplane." Manager at work only seems to like the comedies. Is he ever serious? A balanced movie diet but again not really into the disease genre.

  99. If you're always stuck in comedy mode you have a shallow view of life. There are people like my friend who have seen most movies or a great many, mention a movie at random and they can tell you about it but who won't make time to watch a controversial movie. At least then you would have an informed opinion of the movie and not what you've heard. For me a good movie has an unpredictable element. The ending of Tango has that disease movies generally don't. Disease movies you have to ride out even though you know the ending beforehand.

  100. My shallow and old view is to read to learn, watch movies to be entertained. Got my own 2000 volume eclectic library in the den.
    Old school.

  101. I guess Holocaust movies are out.

    1. It's OK, got several books on the subject in my WWII section.
      Worked with a PhD chemist one time - a holocaust denier.
      He went through the cafeteria placing brochures by each chair. After a heated discussion with HR, he went around and removed them.

    2. What to do with the oddball neighbor. Growing up we had a nice elderly man as a neighbor but also a Holocaust denier. Handed my Mom some literature one day. Also a recovering alcoholic and a strong advocate of AA. Can we posit that maybe he shouldn't have given up drinking?

  102. BB's Video Store (or streaming service):

    "Sorry ma'am we only carry comedies and a few action movies. We don't carry 'Sophie's Choice.' Have a nice day."

  103. Can't disagree. Movies I watch more than once are like "The Bishop's Wife", 'Band of Brothers' 'Groundhog Day', 'The Shop Around the Corner', 'The Proposal', 'Gettysburg', 'Christmas Story', 'Ace Ventura''
    etc. In a rut, BB's Video and Deli would go under in no time.

  104. Old controversy. When "The Silence of the Lambs" won the Oscar film critic Michael Medved objected to this. Movies for him should always be uplifting and inspiring. I'm not into the Hannibal movies and I don't know where I come down on this. Seems to me a movie critic shouldn't have such crimped views else why review movies in the first place? A horror movie may not uplift and inspire but it may still be a well made horror movie. Movies for you should have some entertainment value. "Last Tango In Paris" has Brando in it. That's enough for me.

  105. Who decided that we have to have movie critics to tell us waht we saw?

  106. That has to be the best job in the world. The only thing they have to worry about is a deadline.

  107. Have you applied to Rotten Tomatoes yet?

  108. Apparently, there are few TV critics. Which explains all the crummy

  109. I remember one from TV Guide. Didn't like anything. I remember a woman from the New York Post wrote about shows. Back page stuff. Only a few. Really a void. Nothing like the movies. More crap on TV than good.

  110. "Reality TV" There are a lot more cryptozoologists swarming the woods than Sasquatches. With crypto being the Greek for hidden or secret, we ponder why there is no degree in the subject. Maybe it's secret?. But i've watched more than my share of Bigfoot hunting and I am surprised, given the equipment that they haven't spotted a Yeti, Elvis, DB Cooper or Jimmy Hoffa yet. If they have is must be a cryptosecret.

  111. For me Bigfoot is self-debunking as after all these years no hunter or hiker has found a dead one yet. I've heard a workaround on this namely that Bigfoot is an inter-dimensional creature. I blame the Christian Brothers.

  112. You remember the tracks in the sand by a creek in Iowa? Some guy got bored, made himself a pair of sandals about size 56WW and walked through the sand a few times. Town folk hosted cryptozoologists by the dozen. When they cornered the perpetrator
    he said he got bored with making crop circles.

  113. I'm as politicly correct as the next guy, but Isn't Sasquatch an anagram of Squaw Snatch?

  114. Guy at work said Bigfoot or some version of it is practically in every world culture so either there's something to it or there's a lot of Tito's going on.

  115. Dunno if you're into music videos BB. Maybe you're a closet Swiftie. The music video to Lana Del Rey's "Summertime Sadness" features a pair of suicidal lesbian lovers and you thought "Last Tango In Paris" was controversial.

  116. Not up on current music, movies or culture. I always go zilch when that category shows up on Jeopardy. For quite awhile I thought Taylor Swift was a bird species,

    1. Hard for me to keep up with the current artists. My learning curve stopped around Bono and U2.

  117. Johnny Cash had part of his song "A boy named Sue" bleeped out-
    "I'm the son of a bitch that named you Sue" and some versions used
    'son of a gun'. When Cash performed at the White House he actually sang 'I'm the son of a bleep that named you Sue. Didn't he also sing
    'I keep a close watch on that mouth of mine'?

  118. Trying to be controversial. Other people are being controversial. It's like you see people fishing on the bridge and you go home and grab your pole.

  119. Some of the Army marching chants are risque in the extreme. Keeps your mind off your feet.

  120. I'm a sucker for 'redemption' movies. It has been noted that they are the strongest of catharsis types. Like "Hidden Figures", Schindler's List", "The Bishop's Wife" and "Groundhog Day". No sniffling over the
    dead hero. Just all's well that ends well

  121. I'll always watch "Ghost."

  122. Had to look it up. "Harrison Ford, Michael J. Fox, Paul Hogan, Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Kevin Kline, Alec Baldwin and Tom Cruise were considered for the role of Sam Wheat" Would it have been better, the same or worse?

  123. Paul Hogan?!? Crikey mate. They would have had to change the script to he died while wrestling an alligator.

  124. Australia has given us Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson, Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Kylie Minogue, Heath Ledger and
    Margot Robbie. Bunch of Canadians too. many comedians. Kind of
    hard for American actors, no? Did I leave out Steve, the deceased
    crocodile dude?

  125. You mentioned Harrison Ford before. He's adequate for almost any role but can't emote well imo. Limited. Way behind Brando.

  126. Tom Hanks seems pretty versatile. Not sure if he could do Hannibal Lector as well as he did Mr. Rogers?

  127. I always liked Jack Lemmon.

  128. Google didn't like the way I spelled his name just now. Ah Google.

  129. Are you a Google Quibbler?

  130. It's actually ruined some of my texts to people and I know I didn't do it.

  131. Back when I was working in the Ammo Div of Aliant Technologies, some guy back at Aerospace Div hit the wrong button as sent the cost rollout of a Titan missile to all 27,000 employees. My wife one time sent an e-mail calling the Pastor an idiot to another person AND the Pastor. Human errors, who knows what AI would have sent.

  132. Well I had a funny gif about texting the wrong person but Blogger won't let me.

  133. It seems Blogger will accept pasted links, but not photos. Try pasting the link so i can see the funny gif? Does gif stand for 'girl in frame'?

  134. I forget what it stands for but the correct Google pronunciation is Jif. I'll see what I can do during my tablet session tonight.

  135. That worked. You just out-googled Google.

  136. I kept my instructions for hyper-linking in my little notepad. A little tedious though. Apparently you can do this in text messages and impress your friends. You'll be the tech guru on the block.

  137. Movie critics are a lot like food critics. Movie critics don't make the movies and food critics don't make the food. Everybody's a critic. Turn the tables and see what we get.

  138. Everybody's a critic. Yep. Out for dinner we don't text each other like most patrons these days. We talk. I say, "Geez, look at that lady, fat
    ones like that should stay home." Mrs. says "Shh. It isn't polite to
    point out fat people. ... but what an awful combination of blouse and dress she has" . My Mom used to say, 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything.' I was a quiet kid. Got to college and a big sign in front of calculus class read It Is Better To Remain Silent And
    Be Thought a Fool, Than to Speak Out and Remove all Doubt. Does
    society want us all mute?

  139. Silencio. Sometimes there's too much silence at work and other times not enough. Went to work early the other morning and the two women in the kitchen were giggling hysterically like did a bird crap on my head?
