Monday, July 29, 2024

How to lose voters and alienate people

Had to Google this one.  JD Vance Trump's running mate and Senator from Ohio said in some interview way back in 2021 "We are effectively run in this country, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made, and so they wanna make the rest of the country miserable, too."  Now most people would probably chalk this up to too much Christian Brothers but Vance has recently reprised this calling Kamala Harris a cat lady.  A kind of hobby of mine I read conspiracy boards and never came across this one the cat ladies being in charge.  I thought it was the Freemasons.  You'd sooner find something about time-traveling mermaids and Zuckerberg really being an Android than a nefarious cabal of childless cat ladies being at the apex.  Jennifer Aniston has joined the fray saying "Mr. Vance, I pray that your daughter is fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day."  Vance got his knickers in a twist because Aniston dragged his 2-year old daughter into this.  I'm not getting the Trump campaign and usually a running mate can act like a sensible check and balance on the main guy if need be.  Why do I feel like Shaw?  Like I'm doing her work for her?

Fwiw my sister told me the story of Oprah had prostitutes and porn stars on her show once.  The audience was predictably hostile and cold until a couple of them told Oprah they rescued cats and the audience's tone shifted.  It's not just childless cat ladies.  A trucker can adopt a cat or two.  Yeah alienate the cat people voting bloc.

Whassup with JD?


  1. Alienate the cat people? That's meaner than alienating cats. Probably how "Silent" Cal got elected?

  2. JD said his "quip" was taken out of context. Well actually it was quite in context. If your own side ain't even laughing maybe the joke was no good. Aniston's comment was fairly mild imo.

  3. Alienating people. For example if somebody running for office were to make jokes about fat people he's free to do that but fat people ain't voting for him.

  4. Ah, you are SO right! We may not survive the media, you know....they're even denying Kamala was "Border Czar" and people BELIEVE IT...this is how it's going to go. Not enough people are smart enough to check; they just know they're supposed to hate the people who love killing babies, love allowing illegals in and giving them more than we do our vets, etc etc.........because the media says so! (I LOVE cats...My "Blues" is an angel!) Glad you do, too!

    1. I'm thinking this. If Trump were running his campaign right the early polling wouldn't show a dead heat. How soon before she shows a slight lead in polls? People are swayed by polls.

  5. I'm wondering - Is JD Vance Trump's Sarah Palin? Honestly, I was considering voting for McCain until she showed up. The last honest
    decent independent Republican (other than Bush 1) running against a newcomer Black guy, without much experience, but a big grin and a gift of gab. If politics was science it would be successful, but who's interested in science?

    1. Bob Dole wasn't decent? I really didn't care much about his sharing with us his problems with hydraulics but yeah war hero, decent and honest guy and no chance of winning. Sarah Palin also appeared on "The Masked Singer" so there. Seriously though you wouldn't vote for McCain because of her? What do VPs do all day exactly? I think the girl at the supermarket who puts the returns away works harder.

    2. Good point. Forgot about Dole. Don't know who talked McCain
      into selecting Palin. In polite terms a brainless motormouth. What do VPs do all day? Step in for FDR during WWII, maybe...
      have to ask Truman.

    3. A heartbeat away from the presidency. Worst case scenario a President McCain dies in office, Palin finishes his term and if she's that much of a dolt doesn't win reelection. Meanwhile the late-night comics have material.

  6. I hear ya Z man. Bob Dole was a good man and would have made a good president. Heck, I supported the Ford/Dole ticket in 1976. I voted for and supported Bush 1 also and like BB, would have had no problem with McCain of even Romney.

    But Palin IMHO doomed McCain and then the dye was cast. I think Vance is a millstone around Trump's neck. But, I could be wrong. But really? Cat Ladies? And then he doubles down? Simply I guess because Trump doesn't believe in admitting weakness or a mistake.

    Z has nailed it for Trump on her blog. He could win. 100% he could. But he will not do what is necessary to win. He's his own own worst enemy.

    I'm no fan of the current Dem party, but in comparison to the GOP, now that Biden is on the sidelines, I'm encouraged.

    I see the reality as this...

    A cardboard cut out running as a Republican would win this election against any Dem. Except that the GOP now is inhabited with a bunch of loons like Trump who don't get what Z is saying... the GOP needs more than their base to win an election.

    It ain't rocket science.

    1. I don't think Palin doomed McCain. Obama was gonna win no matter what. He was an up-and-comer at the time, young like Jack Kennedy, articulate and charismatic and had major writeups. McCain was boring by comparison.

      Trump's fist pumping the crowd after nearly being assassinated. An iconic moment in American history. People on forums at the time were saying landslide victory. I guess people were assuming he'd act more statesmanlike. Instead we're talking about cats.

  7. Kamala interviewing potential VP picks, "What do you think of childless cat ladies?" Uh, er - you mean ladies whose cats are childless? or
    "Say what? or "Lemee check with JD on that".

  8. There's more and I had almost forgot this one. JD said back in 2020 or something childless leaders are more sociopathic than leaders with children. I'm sure this was more of a quip though and taken out of context.

  9. Kamala has a Jewish husband but now Trump is saying she hates Jewish people. Taking the low road again. Why stick to folks having trouble affording food?

  10. sticking to facts is not in his repertoire. He's a business man where
    business ethics is an oxymoron.

  11. I don't think you can say Trump never stated a fact. The price of gas and food is too high and there's a real border crisis. These issues seem strong enough so I don't get his need to go ad-hominem.

  12. Just scanned Google News and find Trump says Kamala Harris misled voters about her race and that she only became "black" recently. See here's a perfect example of where the Trump campaign is veering off course. Those are the kind of topics for Joe Rogan and Bill Maher to hash out. That could be a fun topic for a podcast BUT IT'S NOT A BREAD AND BUTTER ISSUE. It has no place in a serious campaign. Russell Brand and Tucker Carlson can opine on any topic they like, that's what they do for a living but running for president you have to seriously curate your issues and this is not going to resonate and pull people over to your side. It's like every single day I'm gobsmacked.

  13. It's as if the Trump campaign is just running on memes at this point.

  14. He has been labled ast ESPT. For we introverted, they say is extraordinarily extroverted is the Donald. His answer IMO, to
    economics is always a big tax cut for corporations, eg Trickle Down.

  15. But he had the union guy at the RNC.

  16. Hulk Hogan is in a union?

  17. We're so used to the Either/Or paradigms re corporations and labor unions. I think Trump was thinking outside the box on that one.

  18. best to be outside of shroedinger's box

  19. You can say union and labor will be happy, bur their goals differ -
    better worker pay, benefits etc, Corporations want deregulation and tax cuts for higher profits, Places I worked they were enemies..the commonality is that both entities tell the worker what to do.

  20. I absolutely don't disagree with you but it's the system we have and even my union the UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers Union) says capitalism is better than the alternatives.

  21. Probably. An economic system based on one of the seven deadly sins, greed can be and is successful. To ameliorate some harsh effects, sensible regulations are often required. Otherwise Wells Fargo would run your social security and Yonkers Ghost Busters your water system. Dunno, maybe an improvement?

  22. I can deal with the Ghostbusters.

  23. I don't doubt it. Feral cats are fearful in infrared ghost detection equipment. "Your sidewalk grass looks great, sire"

  24. Saw JD Vance interview with Dana Bash this morning. He sounded perfectly reasonable, wanted to stick to issues. He better get back on the Trump method.

  25. Vance - Jekyll and Hyde.

  26. Is it me, or are elections getting stranger?

  27. Exactly my thoughts. Afraid to turn on the news.

  28. Back in the day, the media was print. Took weeks to find anything out.
    You watched the Lincoln-Douglas debate in the town square and figured you'd vote for the skinny tall guy cuz he had a sense of humor.

  29. Will RFK jr get the pity vote?

  30. I don't know what kind of vote he'll pull in for Trump. He has so many diverse positions maybe Trump sees him as a wide fishing net. Lots of disaffected out there.
