Sunday, July 07, 2024

The wilds of Yonkers


I woke up this morning and was getting ready for work and there was a deer in my backyard.  Pure suburbia with a bodega down the block.  Was munching on the weeds.  Don't know where he came from.  All I need is a coyote.  Reminds me maybe I have to make another trip to Lowe's and look at some garden power tools.

As usual talk about what you like.  This blog is delightfully off-topic.


  1. Remarkable. Typical white tail, hardly an urban creature. Wonder how it deals with the strict Yonkers traffic lights?

  2. If I ever get a clip of a 'squatch I'll be sure to post it.

  3. Really good snapshot vid. You might suggest to the Sasquatch,
    "A little to the right - now smile" Any calls from Nature Magazine yet?

  4. Don't forget I have that archeological dig. When I buried my sister's cat I hit a bunch of bricks. Underground wine cellar? Road to Hoboken?

    This is not the first time this deer has appeared in my backyard. Closest wooded area would be a cemetery no more than a quarter mile away but he'd have to cross two major thoroughfares with red light cams then climb a hill to get to my place.

  5. When I buried my sister's cat I put a cat stone there, you know like a plaque with a sentiment then planted some mini marigold seeds around it. Marigolds doing well. Easiest plant to grow. Was watering them, they're at the beginning of my backyard and I was like wth is that? Came quite close and I went in and grabbed my phone.

  6. All we've had lately is a family of ravens. Today at 104 degrees, they
    stopped by out by the garden, took a bath in the bird bath, fluttered out on the garden bench and gathered on the horse fence. We think they call it 'Bench, Bath & Beyond'. Nothing like the Z-Man Yonkers Wild Life Preserve, and no bricks.

  7. Had a wild turkey once. Other than that raccoons, opossums, skunks, garter snakes and salamanders. Must be an aquifer somewhere.

  8. A couple weeks back you had me looking up 'bodega'. Turned out to be the answer in 6 down in the morning paper.
    Muchas Gracias, Z-Hombre.

  9. 109 yesterday. Should I be putting ice water out for the feral?

  10. I haven't paid enough attention to this in the past but yes cats can get heat stroke. I always make sure the cats have fresh bowls of water everyday on the patio.

  11. 8% humidity here today. Might as well move to the Sahara.

  12. We had a couple deer right across the street last night after supper.
    Young buck and doe, probably siblings. Mule deer. They headed back of south down a canyon. No video, just a couple photos.. if a cougar shows up, no photo - i'll be under the bed.

  13. 10th day in a row over 100. We keep the house at 77, but the cat still
    gets warm. He wanders around uncomfortable and I've taken to treating him to a teaspoon of tuna Fancy Feast from the refrigerator.
    Cat ice Cream. Perks him up for awhile.

  14. Picture you wearing a fur coat in this weather. That's a cat.

  15. Now that's a beautiful animal.

  16. Most of the feline are. Now the leopard seal, that is a mean looking
    creature. I watched a national geographic on how they are wiping out the Antarctic fur seals and harming several species of penguins.

  17. How are the mermaids doing?

  18. Mermaids in Antarctica? Guess I'll sign up for the Senior People Antarctica Cruise - Bring electric underwear.

  19. Lawn mower kid is great with animals, always has a carrot for the horse out back. He is one of the few 'strangers' that was able to pet
    our Jackson Galaxy cat, on the 8th stroke the car went ballistic, all claws. Our cat from hell.

  20. Had a cat like that once. Would act friendly then slash you for no reason. I had to warn visitors.

  21. Beautiful white cat with one green eye and one blue eye. Actually not an official pet but would come around and play with Sparky. Would roll around on the floor all friendly then at other times would scratch you usually on the arm and wasn't a play scratch either. Bipolar? Do they have that in cats?

  22. Yes. When each eye is a different color.

  23. Had a main coon back in the day. She thought she owned the yard.
    But a little gray feral from the barn came over and cleaned her clock.
    Not sure where the border between territories ended up.

  24. Sometimes when a strange cat comes around often enough my cats are tolerant. Other times no. Some of our cats act like they paid the mortgage.

  25. Territorial Imperative. Line in the sand. Dogs sniff butts and make up their mind.
