Thursday, August 15, 2024

What's the deal with the over-polling?

 Seriously though we have polls coming out of the ass.  We could have polls of polls.  What did you think of our last poll?  Harris and Trump haven't even had their first debate yet and I would submit these early polls mean nothing.  Every time I turn on my phone there's another Trump/Harris poll.  Harris has better hair than Trump.  Polls in the past have sometimes proven to be wildly inaccurate.  Remember when Hillary was supposed to win the election handily against Trump?  The polls might mean more if they take a break and don't poll for awhile.  Dunno.

I was never polled in my life.  Well maybe once I got a call on my cell and answered a series of questions.  Where are these people on the street stopping people to ask their opinions?  I'm still waiting to be taken seriously.

What do you think of me blog?  Take a survey.


  1. Yep. Remember when Dewey outpolled Truman? I got someplace that polls me by e-mail every two weeks. Same questions, same answers. Hillary had a lot of people that disliked her as did Trump. She won the popular vote by 3 million. It's like if you take enough polls you don't have to vote. Bought a bag of pipe tobacco one time. Smoked a pipeful, neck puffed up and got flushed. Liking good data, I repeated it. Same allergic thing. Threw it away. Couple days later
    they called up. "How did you like our Paul Bunyan tobacco?" I was allergic to it. "Wonderful, will be be reordering shortly? -click-
    Poll - how do you rate Yonkers lawn laws? click one Wonderful
    OK, Pretty harsh, Abominable. -click-

  2. Wondering if these early daily Trump/Harris polls really have any value. Seems like a glut of mostly theoretical information. Pre-debate they're kind of worthless imo.

  3. Polls - don't bother Trump. He is still attacking Biden. Debates - dunno, if it is Fox, there may be physical violence. He does like debating when he thinks he is behind. I guess polls are just another news item, when no one has parachuted off the Empire State Building or LA hasn't been burned down in a wildfire. You considering running for Yonkers City Counsel yet?

    1. Hell no.

      Polling. They say if you phrase the question in a clever enough way you can get the results you want.

    2. Like "Do prefer soap brand A, which is used by superstars, athletes and fashion models, or brand B which is made from
      landfill materials?

  4. Were there almonds in your pipe tobacco? Pine nuts? Shellfish? Wha' happened?

    1. I suspect Fukalite -
      (Ca4Si2O6(CO3)(OH, F))2, a rare form of calcium silicocarbonate discovered in the Fuka Mine of Takahashi, Japan. Or possibly some tar soap derivative.

  5. Open question. If enough polls show a certain candidate to be dominant will this deter other people from voting? Is this a help or hindrance to democracy?

  6. I doubt it, but it drives the campaign staffs nuts. Won't deter me. I'm guessing it won't deter you.

  7. So candidate A is consistently ahead of Candidate B by 60% to 30% and everyone is still motivated to vote for B? No doesn't deter me at all but might be a small group out there who won't make the effort.

    1. The GOP polls that way in Idaho. i vote anyway. If a GOP candidate is unopposed, I write in Buzz Lightyear. Voter turnout is gradually rising, 2012 54%, 2016 55%, 2020 62% - so there are a bunch that just don't bother for whatever reason. Media, especially e-type seems a big influencer. You may be right. Some people are simply disgusted by the choices and stay home.

    2. In NYS it's the other way for me. Predominantly a liberal Democratic state so here when I do vote it means nothing. I could vote for Trump/Vance knowing full well New York is gonna go for Harris.
      I've registered different ways over the years. I like being an Independent but they can't vote in primaries.

  8. Idaho has the fewest doctors per capita in the US.
    we DO have the highest potatoes per capita, though.

  9. Seems schools in Idaho now have to get the parent's permission to apply a Band-Aid to a kid's cut.

    1. "Hello?" Ralphie's Dad? Ralphie fell off the jungle gym and is bleeding profusely. may I put a bandage on? "Put the bandage WHERE, Sir? "Your gonna shoot my wife?" Wonder why we have a teacher shortage out here.

  10. Idaho politicians are experts on medicine, education, libraries, environment etc. Potato brains.

  11. Polling - a couple deffnitions. taking a survey, or removing horns from livestock, eg. polled Hereford etc. 'The sheeps in the meadow, the cows in the corn, we rue the day that both polls were born.' As they say at campaign HQ and in the neighbor barn.

  12. Local Idaho politics. Had a lady come by running for state legislature.
    Donated, put up a sign. Lady up the street donated $750 to Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Heck, they don't live near here.

  13. Some outfit back east keeps sending me polls twice a month. A couple of teasers like 'do you prefer iced tea of ice coffee?', then off to the politics. Same questions, same answers. In their comment section i offered it was pretty much de ja vu, and we are just amusing each other.

  14. Got surveyed a couple times back in the day while walking around the mall. No politics just products and got paid. Fast money. Hasn't happened in years. Could use the extra cash.

  15. My polling outfit offers a bit of cash or donations to places of your choice. Habitat For Humanity. Kind of a twoofer for me.

  16. I gotta look into this. Pizza money maybe.
