Saturday, January 11, 2025

What's so funny?

 So I was watching some streams of the Carter funeral just now.  EVERYBODY was extremely somber.  The Clintons, Kamala, Bush et al first row and in the second row sat Obama and Trump.  NOBODY talking to each other just immersed in their own grief.  Everybody looked absolutely grief-stricken like you're not supposed to pass away at 100, everybody but Obama and Trump who were amiably chatting away and then Trump said something to Obama and Obama suddenly broke out into his wide trademark grin and started laughing at something.  Melania had some kind of Amish mourning outfit on and Kamala looked back at Obama and Trump for a moment like they're not in keeping with the solemnity, nay the gravity of the occasion.  This is being analyzed from many different angles and I haven't heard a theory yet.

It's all shtick folks;)


  1. My guess - Trump leans over and says, "Your in my seat".

  2. Wife said, "Are the flags STILL at half mast?" Told her "Yeah, because Trump got elected." Made perfect sense to her.

  3. I would say this. At least judge Trump after he's in office. This is all prelude stuff.

    1. So - gonna get better or worse. Where's my Depends?

    2. He is NOT in office yet? Could have fooled me. Is he golfing or

    3. BB this is the bluster and bullshit stage.

    4. If it gets worse I'll be right there with you. If it gets better where you gonna be?

  4. Like you commented a couple days back -
    "We'll have to wait and see what happens."

  5. Situational Therapy - if Trump sat down beside you, what could he say that would make you laugh? Like maybe - "My first 2 wives were feral?"

  6. Several GOP governors will raise flags on Inauguration Day. The CA
    Gov will as well and the GOP congress will in Washington DC. Does
    Gavin Newsome think Trump might aid the burned out state? Will we see after your "Bluster & Bullshit" stage? Idaho will raise theirs, but I
    don't have one.

    1. I think that's the right move. We mourned Carter enough. Carter would probably say move on.
