Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Trump renames the Bermuda Triangle as the American Triangle

 May as well be.  Apparently AP reporters are banned from all Trump press conferences for not using the new coinage Gulf of America.  The man has splinters in the windmills of his mind to use a phrase from the old Carol Burnett Show.

You can't make this shit up.


  1. If he keeps banning reporters from his soliloquies we may have some other news to watch. Been meaning to call local Senator's office to complain, but so far figure that is just pissing into the wind (not from Carol Burnett)

  2. Soliloquies is a good way of putting it. Mental meanderings. Consider all our modern presidents of every political stripe. Nixon, Carter, Reagan et al. nobody gave a rat's ass that the Gulf of Mexico is called the Gulf of Mexico.

    What about the price of eggs?

  3. Musk wants to delete entire agencies. Do we really need the DMV?

    I believe Bobby is supposed to be confirmed today.

    1. Without doubt - worst cabinet ever confirmed. Sole qualification- bobble head.

    2. I don't know that I'd agree. I'm not a political junkie like you and Shaw so I don't know enough. I'd say Rubio was a good pick.

  4. Having Elon in there is like being Double Trumped. Monopoly cards?
    Been down to 4 degrees the last 3 nights. At what point does Christian Brothers solidify? Feral out under the horse barn been wandering around, really furred up. Kind of a small Polar Bear.

  5. I got no horse barn in Yonkers but I do have two nice cat beds on the porch.

    1. How many per bed in the feral hostel?

    2. Usually one at a time on the porch. A traveling stray. Solitary creatures.
