Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Made in China

Don't know how we can protest and lodge our discontent over China's current crackdown of the pro-democracy movement in Tibet, after all even our toothpicks and keychains are made in China (apparently we now longer have the technology to make dolls over here). Sure the Administration always lodges its pro-forma condemnations but what kind of teeth does it really have? Nixon was famous for opening up trade with China but I don't think he had in mind that you couldn't walk into a Payless Shoe Source and not have trouble finding a sneaker made in America. New World Order.


  1. Maybe we could throw tons of fortune cookies in the Boston Harbor??

  2. we shoulda did that with the cat food and those kiddie's toys.

  3. Seriously though, I actually saw a box of toothpicks once that said made in China. Well at least a few people lost their jobs and here's a big problema I have with the GOP, their attitude is it's all good, it's the NWO, globalization and only the Democrats are speaking to bread-and-butter issues like job losses. Again, if I were a GOP pollster and strategist I'd be tearing my hair out at this point (that'd be Frank Luntz btw).

  4. The famous Vincent Gallo prop in "The Brown Bunny", if you zoom in you'll clearly see Made in China.
