Monday, June 27, 2011

Gay marriage in the Empire State

New York State has legalized gay marriage. I knew this already but popped on my local newscast last night anyway to get the latest on the pharmacy murders, whatever fire in Brooklyn and what it's gonna do tomorrow but after about two minutes, no make that 30 seconds I channel-surfed back to Globetrekker. It wasn't my local pornographic violent news I've come to expect, it was the Gay News. It's like sometimes I'll be watching Ch. 25 here and they have some good stuff but some nights it's just the whole gay theme and you're like why can't they just have some good cooking show on instead? Social Liberalism as a Way to Placate the Annoying - maybe folks just wanted to pass the gay marriage just to move onto more pressing matters like the economy and jobs, you know we don't endorse what you do but shut up already, we'll give it to you is there anything else? Look people don't get along. I don't care if you're Man & Woman, Man & Man or Woman & Woman, have two people live alongside each other for years and years and they'll get on each other's nerves. Today Gay Marriage, tomorrow Gay Divorce. Obama's stance is still evolving because of the ickiness factor, perfectly understandable. There will always be that residual societal disgust that gays just need to accept and get over. My deliberately provocative title poses a conundrum, what to do when PETA and gay rights clash:)


  1. Hey, I was in your neck of the woods yesterday.
    We were at Xaviars Restaurant in Piermont, it was great and it was a great day to walk around town.

    We first had a drink at the Sidewalk Bistro,on Piermont Ave.

  2. I go there alot myself, Piermont that is but lately I've been walking the South Country Trail here on this side of the Hudson. What'd ya have?

  3. While we're on the subject I've gone to Slattery's Landing three times for the famous Sunday Brunch. Even went there when I was dieting that's how good it is.

  4. Since you've strayed into food here I would like to brag about the kickass vegetable pot pie with biscuit crust that I made last night... photo documentation on my blog.

    I also made something called NotTuna which is made from chickpeas and though I had serious doubts about the recipe it came out totally awesome and I think even nonvegs would go for it.

    Then I made pintos with tomatoes and okra. I thought it would come out kind of nasty because of the okra but I was pleasantly surprised and I will be making it again (and again).

    Soup is always on the menu and they generally follow the same basic pattern with the exception of changing the base; either tomato or stock. I find that Maggi cubes and/or Marmite make the best stock. Or if you want to go with tomato, V8 or straight tomato juice will make your life easier.

    I'm totally obsessed with food. As you know.

  5. oh! and grilled watermelon (yes, GRILLED!!!)

  6. At work many years ago one of the bosses wanted us to grill some fennel, that thing with the licorice smell and taste and he also wanted us to grill some melons like canteloupe. Didn't come out right suffice to say.

  7. Grilled with chile and lime Mexican style. It'll rock your world. :)

  8. Grilled avacados! They are the bomb.

  9. ANY avocado is the bomb. I can eat em with a spoon.
