Monday, June 27, 2011

You're killing me

How do people annoy you? For me listening to David Brooks on the Friday evening political roundup with Mark Shields on the Jim Lehrer Newshour falls into this category. Maybe it's a sign of age but lately for me it's everything but I have to remember not to top it off with analysis from Shields and Brooks:)


  1. People annoy me when they can't stay on topic during a debate/discussion. People annoy me when they're walking slowly in front of you and you attempt to go around them and then they start drifting to that particular side. People annoy me when they say smokers "force" them to inhale their smoke. People annoy me when they state we have a moral obligation to help others but fail to recognize that using force to impose such morality is in fact immoral. People annoy me when they waste my time. People annoy me when they ask me for money while at the same time stating they mean no disrespect.

  2. People who talk low and then accuse you of being hard-of-hearing annoy me. People who take a dump and then stuff the bowl with paper towels annoy me. Bipolar bosses annoy me only at first you don't know they're bipolar and wonder why the day took a weird turn. Noncalm people annoy me, they make matters worse. I don't get talking and eating at the same time. For me it's an effort and there's always a risk of something going down the wrong pipe. That's the short list.

  3. I have to ask this because it comes back around so many times.. and don't take it as me being arrogant, I just want to know: exactly what do you know about bipolar disorder? So many people toss this word around now to anyone who's moody, like if you come in with a good mood and get pissed off at lunchtime automatically you're bipolar. It's not quite like that, and if people understood what they were talking about they might not toss that word around so lightly.

  4. If you worked with me you'd understand and throw in OCD too while we're at it. I've only a cursory knowledge but she fills the bill. My thing is it's not fair to the rest of the staff, people working tense all the time. Not saying it's not an issue for alot of folk but the person should work on it. At least know you have a problem and take it from there. Truthfully she might have a touch of the Munchhausen too as she's always going on about this and that but you never see her exactly collapsed on the floor. Usually people who are preoccupied by health problems aren't overly fixated and alert to what you and others are doing all the time. Previous to that I worked with a couple of outright psychos so I guess I shouldn't complain.

  5. Technical jargon aside and feel free to educate here but she falls under the category of You're Killing Me and that's the subject of the thread. Maybe I should have said the overly moody or the Moody Booty/

  6. Thought of something else that annoys the hell out me.

    People that hated George W. Bush because of his war mongering and the like but have now become apologists for Obama.

  7. & on the flipside soap those who loved George W. Bush because of his war mongering but now hate Obama because of his war mongering. Sat I've no prob with people suffering from myriad disorders like bipolar my only thing is Life is short, why make everyone else's day miserable?

  8. It's just a pet peeve of mine... seems like every now and then a new and fashionable psychiatric slur comes on the market. It used to be ADD. Now it's bipolar. People just throw them around without thinking. It's just one of those things that really chaps my ass because I think if people really understood what it was like to be bipolar it wouldn't be quite the same.

  9. My thing is this, basically I'm a writer (ok on the Web but still a writer). It's a creative endeavour so I like to go with the word or term that has the best ring or zing to it for the money and somehow "bipolar bosses" comes across as somehow better than if I said overly moody bosses. I view blogging as an art form and as such it's not my aim or even desire to be technically precise. It's kinda like analyzing a joke instead of laughing at the punch line. I have to go with the Art (I know that sounds pretentious but it's how I see it). Again in terms of social commentary I feel everyone can relate to it better if I go with a more colorful generalized put something on that ass why don't ya.

  10. all right.. that made me laugh.

    and yes, it does ring better the way you put it.. it's just one of those things for me. My husband REALLY gets pissed about it; I won't usually confront people (in person) about it, but he does.

  11. It's like with the OCD, I'll make fun of it but someone else might say, most likely a representative of the company, it's good to be clean and sanitary so she's only following company policy. More likely to pass a health inspection with an OCDer in charge. I think this is a form though. New manager at work has little labels affixed to where everything should be like here's the trash receptacle, here's the tape dispenser, here's the stapler and you can plainly see what each of those items are so I don't know why we need little labels next to them. It reminds me of Sesame Street or Romper Room or something and you can't make fun of these people anymore because they're off-center, it's not pc.

  12. There are all sorts of folks who are annoying. Since I'm politically correct, those that make
    me cringe or clench my teeth..they're carriers.
