Thursday, July 11, 2024

Can Taylor Swift run?

This is all rather unprecedented.  If Biden does drop out of the race can the Dems just nominate anyone?  What are the parameters?  What are the protocols?  Trump vs. Newsom?  Trump vs. Michelle Obama?  Trump vs. Morning Joe?  How 'bout if there's no election and the country is adrift?  Let's just ride the wave and see what political shores we wind up on like a Gilligan's Island.  Is there a conspiracy somewhere?  What if Biden doesn't drop out?  I just heard he introduced Zelensky as Putin at the NATO summit.  Why do we need SNL anymore?  It doesn't seem quite fair to Trump that they can throw anybody up at this point.  You're prepping for one opponent and now it's maybe a mystery face.  Of course if Biden resigns the POTUS altogether Kamala Harris becomes president but that's the rational response.  Surreal political times.


  1. George Washington never had such problems. Basically it comes down to Trump vs Anyone.

  2. Main difference being in Washington's day after they felt they adequately served the public they went back to their regular lives like farming. There were no career politicians.

    1. Except for Aaron Burr.

    2. Washington served two full terms. Jimmy Carter went back to farming peanuts. Jefferson was a career politician - 40 yrs, gov of VA, VP, Secretary of state and president for two terms.

  3. I think my blog does better when I post straight up red political meat. Post an image of a box turtle and people are like meh.

  4. Probably. There's tons of them out there and lots of angry commenters. It's like the World Wrestling Federation. There are several turtle blogs, though.

  5. Probably low traffic though.

    1. This blog has long well thought out posts and no comments
      Yours thrives in comparison.

  6. You should be thinking of breaking into the top 25 cat blogs
    Or maybe humor -
    'Lost' covers quite a few genres.

  7. Oh stalwart contributor to Stranded I thank you for your contributions.

  8. As I recall, back in the day I described your blog as eclectic, oblique in viewpoint and humorous. As for the red meat of politics, most of those battling blogs seem confined to small discussion groups who typically ally with the writer. (Example, a day or so ago, Dave Miller wrote a guest post at Shaw's) Many ex bloggers wind up doing the Face Book etc thing, so the field is more limited. To get noticed, you gotta have your name out there. Difficult for the INTP type, but
    a comment on a feral cat post, home medication place, Southern
    cooking, astronomy, Sha na na (but not Taylor Swift), workplace rumors. The eclectic. Grain of salt- why I have no Blog.

  9. What was the nature of Dave's op-ed Trump sucks?

      Here's some good news, if Americans care anymore about facts and the economy...

  10. I haven't checked Shaw's place out in quite some time. Must be one big liberal circle jerk.

  11. As you know, we don't exactly agree on politics. I've had the dubious honor of being kicked off conservative blogs for converting some woman's husband in Indiana, being condescending by providing 3
    sources and despite my service record, being a 'traitor'. I credit a couple other very conservative blogs for parting amiably, probably due to a a common interest in explosives. My invective is relatively mild, but I like to unload on occasion. Hate her or not, Shaw has the guts to permit both sides, a rarity in these post Joe McCarthy times.

    1. That's commendable but is the other side present there or is it an echo chamber? Is it too Trump-centric etc.?

    2. Did a quick scan of Shaw's blog just now. Definitely over-the-top and hyperbolic. Yes Dave has a considered piece. However credit card debt is at an all time high and many people are living beyond their means. The economy is a complicated issue. At least Dave didn't yell.

    3. Add to that I still feel I'm paying too much for food.

  12. You seem a bit frustrated. I've noticed some bloggers have more than one site - one for general, one for politics, maybe one for religion or philosophy. Might you draw those interested in workplace politics, the fate of the feral and hatred of Dems" Mixed bag maybe, but more participants. The 'Opinions of Nurse Nancy', or 'My life Among the Ferals' type of thing.

    1. One site's enough for me. Too much on my plate. Caregiver to my Mom who's recovering from a stroke. New homeowner because apparently it's the law hence property tax and assorted bills. Six cats etc. Imo those bloggers with multiple sites have too much time on their hands. I can't even devote as much time as I'd like to one site as they do with several. The frustration or whatever terms apply stems from where did everybody go? So far 99% of the commentary here is Z-man and BB.

  13. Her vitals are usually good. She still has her wits. Bed bound mostly. Therapists came in the past. I call them speed therapists. They come for about 20 minutes then onto the next place. Everything is expedited. Health care is a business.

  14. Good for her. Lucky to have caring family around. Best wishes for her.

  15. Dow set an all time record today. Good for retirees on 401Ks. Whatever happened to 'trickle down' economics? Oh, yeah, that's
    a urological term.

  16. No. I got a pension before they cut those, and after the kids were all through college, I put a lot into my 401K, with some matching company funds. You have to do that if you're thinking of retiring. I took my funds to a non-profit (Thrivent - Lutheran Brotherhood thing). Young gal just starting out, divided it up into 4 investments, one of which has paid $12K a year and still growing, as do the others. After 21 years, the entire investment is still there. You should be checking into these things, Z-Man. You got a lot of cats and ferals depending on you.

    1. I have a number of friends that do their own investments, picking and choosing stocks, bonds etc. Kind of a mixed bag, one went broke, a few broke even, but no one scored big. When you get closer to retirement, see a professional financial advisor - they do all the picking and choosing based on a lot on up to date info, and their code is customer first.

  17. I tend to agree. One source of income not enough these days. Most people just choose the other route and work two jobs and grind their asses to the bone which I never understood but it's become the norm. Recently worked with a guy. Unfortunately he passed away from cancer but his motto was work smarter not harder. I try to incorporate that now.

  18. 'Work smarter not harder' should be everyone's goal. More interesting on the job and more efficient on the balance sheet. But there are so many boring jobs out there, like assembly lines - put a bolt in there, put a bolt in there, faster. All day long. I pushed the concept as a manager and it improved safety and teamwork. Lucky for us, we had responsible demanding jobs and people actually liked coming to work. You understand it, but does mgt?

  19. I think for the most part managers never did the jobs of those they manage hence lack of understanding. Hell most of them probably couldn't do those jobs in the first place.

  20. Your probably right. I had done all the explosive production jobs over 6 mo and of course all the laboratory ones. Had a couple of women arguing over the precipitation of diazodinitrophenol. "Hey, I invented it, ladies:

  21. A former explosives scientist. Making the world a better place.

  22. Before I started there a man was blown to bits. AND the ammo used to shoot Ronald Reagan was made there, Another time, some guy in Georgia was taking primers apart and using them for letter bombs to kill judges. Our stuff went to varmint hunters, criminals, secret service, FBI, Israel LAPD, Olympic Team etc. Didn't make the world a better place, although I dealt with many law enforcement entities.

  23. Guy and I were talking at work. We're both close to retirement age. This may be our last hurrah our last show. We didn't cure cancer or build a bridge but I can give you good directions to the Danbury Mall.

  24. Knew a guy kept a short-timer calendar on the wall at work. X-d out every day. I congratulated him and asked when his last day would be. "May 8, 2047". Hardly any of us led spectacularly brilliant lives. Your obit will be nice, like all and a lot of sad members of the feline type will miss you.

  25. The age-old question would you rather be wealthy or have your health? For me my health. Steve Jobs died young.

  26. Methuselah lived 969 years. Must have had dozens of doctors. The Jehovah Witnesses inform me that people were healthier then. Heck, they hadn't invented the wheel chair yet.

  27. I'd be interested in Methuselah's home remedies.

  28. Possibly a Nurse Nancy up the path to the deli in Bethel? Imagine a birthday cake with 969 candles. Why do I suspect it's a myth?

  29. When you gonna retire? After you get a handle on Google?

  30. Got a few more years to go unless the Republicans ultimately seize power and raise the retirement age to 83.

  31. I retired at 62. Probably can't do that anymore. SS was a bit lower, but paid an extra three years. Back then, 401 investing was the key. Most used the aggressive approach, but I went cautious. The former rides the up and down volatility, while that latter just runs up steadily. My contemporaries were on the deep downside of the volatile and had to keep working. Nice guys, they wanted to name a urinal at
    the explosives plant after me.

  32. Lots of retired folk come back part-time to work. Makes things problematic imo. You're short-staffed and they can only work 20 hours. Would rather hire somebody else imo.

    1. I've seen places where a retiree returns with low hours as a trainer. Experience is valuable. "Hey, as the gray haired dude with the walker."

  33. I saw Bob Newhart died today at 94. Most peculiar, he and Don Rickles
    were the best of friends. The Trump and Biden of comedy?

  34. I had a dream once. I was in this big building looking for a place and opened the wrong door and Newhart looked up and was an insurance agent. Had another dream that Caitlyn Jenner was working with us in Food Service and the head chef goes "where's Jenner?" Too much CB?

  35. Hard to interpret dreams. Sort of an REM discharge as the synapses
    rearrange. Mrs. still has nightmares about college finals. Mine is losing my car in a parking lot. Had a dream one time i was falling out of bed. I actually was.

  36. Did you ever dream you couldn't sleep? But you're sleeping.

  37. If I take a nap, I never dream. Overall, 75% bad dreams, 25% good ones.
    Should I try going to sleep dead sober?

  38. Power naps are supposed to help you. Probably won't work with Code Enforcement.

  39. Power Nap sounds like an oxymoron - like Business Ethics or Jumbo Shrimp.

  40. Hard water, soft rock, civil war...

  41. Plastic silverware, Free Trade, Airline food, Microsoft Works....
