Saturday, July 13, 2024

Maybe we need to watch the left-wing rhetoric

 Someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump today at a campaign rally in Butler, PA.  An audience member has died and the gunman has been killed.  As Trump was being swarmed by Secret Service agents to escort him off the stage with bloodied face he pumped his fist to the crowd.  Photo Of The Year.  Say what you will that was a gallant move on Trump's part.  Could swing the election.  Make him a martyr and he could win in a landslide are what some people are saying.

Will the Left watch their rhetoric now and tone it down?  Probably not but one can wish.


  1. He was very lucky - one inch and the campaign would look extremely weird. The left, rhetoric? c'mon Z-man, the shooter was a 20 year old AR-15 toting registered Republican. I agree, 'rhetoric' these days is just
    trash talk and most don't know the difference.

  2. At such a young age you might feel pressure to register as your family registers. You might register in a particular party to vote in the primaries. I myself have registered three different ways in my life. My brother registered as a Republican a couple times but seems sympathetic to Democratic arguments. Conversely I've worked with registered Dems who seem quite conservative. The investigation at this point seems cursory.

  3. I also heard his social media trail was more left-wing. My point holds however. Also anyone who tries to take out a former president with a firearm is by definition a gun nut regardless of political party.

  4. It seems fair to say that anyone who tries or does kill someone has some key synapses that don't connect.

  5. I found the scenes of Trump fist pumping the crowd to be very emotionally moving. It showed strength not weakness. No coward.

  6. Teddy Roosevelt took a direct bullet to the chest while speaking in Milwaukee back in the day. He announced "It takes more than that to
    kill a Bull Moose, finished his speech and spent the rest of his life with the bullet still lodged. No coward. Meanwhile, I presume we are in for weeks of constant analysis by the talking heads of media

  7. Now you got me reading the Shaw blog again. I see Joe Conservative is there. Again though the shooter being a registered yes there is an element of the Right that does not support Trump. I've read some of their commentary. Basically Trump is part of the WEF, the NWO and is the same as all the rest etc. but I detect no blazing anger about this that would lead one of their members to go out and try to kill him. This is a square peg round hole scenario. Just my thoughts. This early framing of the issue before we gather more information allows the Left to continue to inveigh against Trump.

    Stranded - If you're looking for generic political commentary this ain't the place for you.

  8. How many times have we been told by legacy media that Trump is in bed, in league with the most extreme elements of the far right? White supremacists, militias, those who want a theocracy etc. Now we are to believe a member of that part of the political spectrum tried to kill him. Square peg, round hole.

  9. Square peg round hole - Shroedinger?

  10. I see Dave likes it at Shaw's place. Coffee and donuts?

  11. Yes, Dave is very active there. A conservative by the name of Skudrunner is also active and is always polite to Dave, calling him
    Rev and admiring his missionary work. Had a guy there one time call
    me braindead because chemists breathe all sorts of weird fumes.
    Naw, mostly Prince Albert, ya know?

  12. People sure get worked up over there. Shaw has Trump's face prominently displayed with the words Convicted Felon. For me Trump being convicted over hush money is like Martha Stewart being convicted over insider trading. OK. Shaw has a very binary view of politics. No grayscale.

  13. Hey! Caught your comment over at Geeez. Two people pressed 'Like".
    IMO though, given my experience she is more binary than Shaw. I'm gonna guess here -the left should shut up, while the right continues their pleasantries?

  14. My thing is this - consistency. HOW MANY TIMES has the Right been lectured about their rhetoric? Lecture the Left for a change. If inflammatory rhetoric is a concern be consistent. I see Morning Joe has been pulled.

  15. If you say so. Mrs. detests Trump. She just listen to what HE says and
    golly gee, clear the room, ya know?

  16. How does it look to other countries that we always hate our leaders? Or at least half the country does and this predates Trump. I never voted for Clinton or Obama but I came to accept them. When they gave an important address to the nation I didn't just leave the room.

    People are conflating two things. Trump never had a great personality to begin with (agreed) but now he is somehow a threat to democracy. We already had four years of Trump and we still have our democracy. Recently Morning Joe and guests said if Trump gets another term he would become a dictator and start killing people. In order for someone to become a dictator they usually have to get the full military behind them and you can study history on this. This is just unhinged talk. So let's say we do get four more years of Trump why can't you folk just tolerate him and then his term will end and it will be over.

    1. I can tolerate him. Been there, done that. The think is, he has a proclivity for putting partisans in high places. The military, for example - sworn to defend the constitution, not the president. Can you envision Secretary of Defense Steve Bannon? I can, and it isn't pretty. Eliminate NATO, lose Europe, kiss up to Putin. Yeah, I can tolerate that. can you?

    2. I know Trump wants to stop sending money to the WHO which I think is a good idea but so what you're saying is if Trump gets a second term no more NATO? Why didn't he do that the first time? All the really nefarious stuff is going to happen when the curtain rises on his second term? We're going to get Bannon as Defense Sec'y? How 'bout Roger Stone as Secretary of State? He's a little busy in Canada right now. Pass the Christian Brothers.

  17. People over at Shaw's get sucked into this vortex of vitriol. Biden got a historic record number of votes for a presidential candidate but so did Trump. When you put down MAGA supporters you're (speaking generically) helping to further divide and polarize our nation. You become part of the problem and not part of the solution. It's deranged talk to say if elected Trump will install himself for life. HOW? Whatever happened to political maturity? Again I never voted for Bill Clinton but life went on for me. I went to work everyday and did my thing.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    Of course you will have the typical BB rejoinder. Dave would probably say I just don't understand the situation. Shaw is there to educate us. Nevertheless I say Trump fist-pumping the crowd is an iconic moment in history. Put partisanship aside for a moment.

    1. Read somewhere that Trump Derangement Syndrome could apply to his opposition or his followers. More CB for me.

    2. More his opposition though. If he gets another term just ride it out.

  18. Fist pump. Communists, socialists, black athletes, even Bernie Sanders. Turn you on? I do that every time I get the final answer on Jeopardy.

  19. You're not getting it. How many people fist pump a crowd after a bullet almost went through their skull??? Fist pumps in general no.

  20. That is a rare situation. My guess - maybe 1 in 3?

  21. There area a lot of photos of Trump with his fists up in the past. I
    think it was instinct, but very iconic.

  22. Following that he could have garnered more support but his mouth got in the way. Maybe Dr. Phil needs to have a talk with him.

  23. Can't help but notice that one candidate has a sneer, the other a smile. Throw the head back in self satisfaction and look like Benito Mussolini.
    They are after the non-voters, the rest having made up and closed their minds. Where's Abe Lincoln?

  24. Read somewhere that Yonkers cost of living is 128% of US average.

  25. They financially rape you and you can't put your garbage out 'til the sun goes down. Red light traffic cameras everywhere. Other than that......

  26. People still want to move there. Is it the Bodega?

  27. Old neighbor passed away. Realtor had no trouble selling the house. Some guy the other morning maybe they hired him was busting his butt with a gas mower, edge trimmer and blower. Weeds and grass too high along their sidewalk. Welcome new neighbors to Yonkers Code Enforcement!

  28. Does the 585 page booklet "Legal Lawn Care In Yonkers" come with each sale?
