Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 On Day One of the RNC last night Trump made his first public appearance since the attempt on his life.  The most stunning moment of the night for me was Sean O'Brien president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters practically skewering Big Business in the keynote speech.  He ripped Amazon a new one.  First time in the 121-year old history of the RNC a Teamsters boss spoke.  Trump is clearly going for the populist working-class vote and stealing the Democrat's thunder.  Might have been reading the BB commentaries on corporate greed.  A brilliant move in this author's opinion.


  1. Waiting to see if Geeez, Bocopro, Mustang, Joe Conservative, Theristes and Bunkerville post.

  2. Once upon a time some Republicans and labor unions got along.

  3. The ever slightest mention BB but deserves more discussion. It's just nice when a convention doesn't become so predictable. Trump is obviously trying a strategy of making inroads with organized labor. Conservatives are against this? Same old voting blocs? Paid sick leave. Holiday pay. Health coverage. What's wrong with that?

  4. Theme of Day 2 is going to be "Make America Safe Again." Nothing wrong with that but it would be nice if somebody said what happened to George Floyd was wrong.

  5. Pondering again - back in 2011, congress woman Gabby Giffords was shot above the eye at point blank range and others killed at a super market. For weeks everyone blamed political viciousness and Arizona was a hot bed. I'm thinking it was technological advance, videos, tvs, news coverage etc. Constant bombardment. Next AI-
    the robots will have us at war with ourselves and we won't be sure why. Dunno, just a thought.

  6. Do I complain about Google? Lately, I keep getting ads for 'Rocket Mortgage'. I don't have a mortgage or a rocket -why me?

  7. It's like some of the bloggers now when talking about political violence throw in Hinckley shooting Reagan but that was really about a bizarre fantasy involving Jodie Foster.

  8. Yahoo keeps thinking I have a Jacuzzi.

  9. I see the new favorite street drug in NYC is Pink Cocaine. Doesn't even have cocaine in it, but 100 clams for a gram. Holy Christian Bros!

  10. Whatever happened to just having a drink to take the edge off a rough day?

  11. One interesting Trump strategy is to lure both Big Biz and Unions. Historically, when one of them does well, the other goes in the dumps.
    Which will it be?

  12. Remember though because we tend to forget Trump used to be a lifelong Democrat. You never forget your roots.

  13. Reagan too, and Strom Thurmond

  14. I think Trump is really a disaffected Democrat who feels the party has gone way too left on too many issues. Immigration and the border, crime, taxes, a weak foreign policy etc.

  15. Dunno, he is kind of enigmatic. Policy off the top of his head type.

  16. Seems to have a thing for unions.

  17. Unpredictable stuff. Reagan was head of the Actor's Union, but later
    fired all the Air Traffic Controllers. Depends.

  18. Pros and cons to unions. They definitely get you a good package but the work environment ain't any better. Also always raising their dues. Least I have health insurance if they have to pulverize a kidney stone someday.

    1. Are you in a union, or just get pretty good bennies?

    2. I'm in a union now. The UFCW. Last job I had same union.

  19. Health insurance is a biggy. Local waitress had several knee surgeries.

  20. Had dental insurance coverage from work for years. Never had a cavity.
    Retired, no dental insurance and I've had 21 crowns. Put two of the dentist's kids through college. Insurance companies goal is to make money, that's was great about Medicare.

  21. The doctors and the dentists they look out the window and see you park your car and get out and get a flutter in the stomach. Home remodel?

  22. They are just mean- "Did you lose your last wet t-shirt contest?"
    "You read the bottom line djkclw wrong" No, I just couldn't pronounce it." "Have you been brushing 14 times day?" "I've seen more muscle tone in a hamster" "Is that a tattoo, or have you got skin cancer?" "Bend over". Then you pay.

  23. My doctor is big on walking. He said brisk walking is better than regular walking. Just be glad I'm walking.

  24. I'd get a second opinion. Nurse Nancy?

  25. Former co-worker said his doctor says 30 minutes of SUSTAINED walking is what you need aerobically speaking. Regular walking ain't good enough for them. You know what they can do with their stethoscope.

  26. Hippocratic Oath vs Hypocritic service and sales?


  27. Back in the day, bunch of us went in for pre-induction military physicals. Trooped here and there getting examined. Some mean old Dr. lined us up and shouted "Bend over and spread your cheeks" Kid from the north woods put his index fingers in his mouth and gave quite a toothy spread. kind of like Pvt Zero from the 'Beetle Bailey' comic strip. Back then thay would draft anyone - even me.
