Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Dems never met an abortion they didn't like

 While people are still paying too much for food and gas pro-feticide is sure to be a prominent part of the DNC.  Not much into polls myself but early polling suggests a dead heat between Trump and Harris.  I would say her weak area as former border czar is illegal immigration and Trump is already pushing that issue.  This however can be easily offset by Trump just talking smack and not appealing to anybody beyond his base.  It's anybody's race at this point.

Will Taylor provide the entertainment at the DNC?


  1. Let's go to the good book -
    "But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." Matthew 12-25

  2. Taylor Swift? I thought Bernie Sanders was going to do standup.

  3. During the Bill Clinton - Dick Morris years re abortion there was a careful calibration of the issue. Dems did not want to appear TOO pro-abortion at least that was the strategy. "Safe, legal and rare." Mario Cuomo when he was Democratic Governor of New York constantly said he was "personally opposed to abortion but..." Son Andrew later Governor of the Empire State himself never qualified the issue the way his father did and today's Democratic Party has abandoned the political strategy of the Clinton years. No more nuance no more moral qualms about the act, no philosophical discussion of the ethics of abortion just oil up the abortion machinery. I believe the upcoming DNC with Kamala Harris at the helm will reflect that. It's simply a pro-abortion party at this point.

    1. Not here in Idaho. You will be overjoyed to hear that it is legal to hunt down, capture and jail gang-raped teens and jail any people of physicians who tried to assist. Only 3 OB/GYNs left in the entire state. Rape victims and expectant mothers both leaving for medical assistance. Me? None of my business. My kids all left. C'mon out, its a happy place.

    2. You've always been pro-abortion. If Idaho is so dystopian why don't you get up and move?

    3. Same reason you stay in Yonkers. Ya put up with stuff.

    4. Yeah but I'm not a retired scientist with a good 401K.

      If one just emerged from a cave all these years one might think the ENTIRE abortion debate revolved around rape and incest.

  4. Could be wrong but I'd expect at least a couple of Hollywood celebrities to have a role. Today's Democratic Party - we feel your pain you poor folk but we also hang with the rich and famous.

    1. Yeah, I remember when Trump promised to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare. What's with that? All talk - no deal.

    2. Trump Care vs. Obama Care. How do the colonoscopy packages compare?

  5. Ouch. Guess we're left with DJ Trump, net worth $7.5 Billion.

  6. Better to hang with George Clooney?

  7. We haven't had a movie star pres since Reagan.

  8. So far DeNiro and Pacino don't want to run.

  9. So far after a quick google many female pop stars are endorsing Kamala Harris. Katy Perry, Beyonce, Charli XCX, Ariana Grande, Cardi B (not too articulate), John Legend (not a female pop star)...what a way to appeal to the poor and working class!

  10. It's hard, switching from running down an old guy to a chick 20 years younger than you.

    1. That's right. Trump is upset because he had his nursing home jokes all lined up.

  11. I keep running into Kaptcha and comment approval.
    Have I been kaptchaed? Bloggered? Word Pressed?
    Is the Cloud a rainy one?

    1. Well I do have advertisers now. You might say Frick and Frack and with your typos. Patience! You never know who might drop by. The Illustrious Patrick M?

  12. Olivia Rodrigo, Barbra Streisand...

    Charli XCX: "Kamala is brat." I thought I was fairly hip but I have no idea what this means. Did Kanye West make this up?

  13. Dennis Rodman endorses Trump. That's the kind of endorsement you want.

  14. Kim Jong Rodman - did he donate his facial jewelry to Jackson Galaxy? Wassup with Robert Kennedy Jr.?

  15. Rodman as Sec'y of State. RFK Jr. Saw him on some podcast and it's like a chimney speaking.

  16. What's for entertainment after the election?

  17. Kind of anticlimactic. It doesn't get any better than this.

    Reagan was likeable and reached beyond his base. Trump is going for the Judge Judy approach. It's his race to lose.

  18. That seems to bother some of his followers. Take their advice, show a bit of decency, button the lip and suck some voters in.

  19. He follows his own advice. Marches to his own drummer. Is likeability not important to him? He must think his base is bigger than it is.

  20. The base is in his back pocket. Loyal, but only about 40%. He doesn't seem to play the odds, just fumes and complains, same stuff over and over. He needs some new shtik, if you'll pardon my Yiddish.

  21. Geeez said he is so well known and his base is so solid that he doesn't need to have rallies (paraphrasing the point). He could defecate on a salad bar in a supermarket and his base would still support him (that's my point not Z's). Really he should just focus on attracting new voters and independents at this point. What's Hulk Hogan gonna do for him?

  22. Beats me - never have figured the guy out. Hulk Hogan's vocabulary-
    "scumbags, all scumbags." A salad bar, really? I get slapped if I don't use the tongs.

  23. Red meat for the base and nothing else.

  24. I thought that was supposed to be a family convention. When Kid Rock sang there was a warning about explicit lyrics. Whatever happened to family values?

  25. Only the childless cat ladies know.

  26. A few weeks back Joe Conservative was giving Shaw a hard time. Some guy posted " If Trump visited Joe and sodomized his dog, Joe
    would say, oh- he is such an animal lover" Shaw gave him 4 laughing face icons.

  27. Has Shaw made provisions if Trump wins? Will she secede from the Union?
