Sunday, July 21, 2024

A kind of forced retirement

They did the same thing with my Dad but he drove a truck and didn't want to run the country.  Joe Biden drops out of the presidential race and endorses VP Harris.  The Democratic Party has yet to nominate her.  When asked by CBS News if he would debate Harris in September he said he couldn't decide because he's not sure if she will be the nominee but then went on social media and said Fox News should hold such a debate and lambasted the other networks.  This is why they make fun of us.  Social media is like oxygen to him.  Cringeworthy moment.  Even if you don't like the msm at least respond in a civil manner.  Especially with recent events if I were Trump I'd be going with the gravitas and not the cheap insult.  It's times like these that I might go back to blogging about frogs or something;)


  1. Still watching the dust settle. Oldest daughter's husband's dad's 2nd wife's son sang the Star Spangled Banner at the RNC convention.
    Am I famous?

  2. Going over my stats. Have some type of small following in Singapore.

  3. Watched Ohio congressman Jim Jordan grill the head of the Secret Service. He outdoes Judge Judy. What a jerk.

    1. Maybe Bob Vila can give pointers on sloped roofs.

  4. Barack Obama: "Joe Biden has been one of America's most consequential presidents."

    I'm sorry, what?

  5. ""Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement," Trump wrote on Truth Social. "All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t." -Trump

    1. This kind of feeds into my overall point that Trump is not a threat to democracy but his personality socks. Now before you say J6 I've said this before but in terms of practical value the events of that day had absolutely no chance of overturning the election results. To say that was an actual conspiracy somehow orchestrated by Trump is weak at best. The ever-growing compendium of awful Trump quotes only shows me he's not gracious and should act more like a statesman.

    2. To which I would add his awful comments post-assassination attempt make no political sense to me. That was a great opportunity to act with more gravitas going forward and might have even garnered a few independents.

    3. I hope your Dad's retirement was more decent with less rancor.

    4. It was. He liked to putter around the house anyway. He was also a kind of cat psychologist. He'd put out a bowl of food for a stray and one of our cats would always go out and eat the food. He said our cat did it out of spite.

  6. Jon Stewart after Biden quit the race:


    I'm sorry, what?

  7. As I mentioned previously, my wife despises Trump worse than me.
    She and some elderly ladies visit a demented English teacher, very caring bunch. She met with one today who said "That idiot Biden is gone and now we have Gabbie Gertie". Since she has to deal with her a lot, she said nothing. But our poor cat caught hell.

  8. You mean Trump talked to CBS, right? You'll see MY response to you at my, Trump did everything right and can't say anything right. Imagine Kamala for president? Honestly, I could cry.

  9. I felt he gave a good speech at the convention and he's entitled to poetic license but I feel he could have left out parts like "Deface the Nation." He could be right that no world leader would start a war under his watch but his words had a kind of Dirty Harry vibe to it. It also could've been a little shorter. Folks have to go to work in the morning. Also didn't care much for the Kid Rock song. Maybe Weird Al could do something with it.

  10. The strategy escapes me. His base is rock solid. If he softened up a bit he might attract others - his base is going nowhere.

    1. Hi, BB...I just KNEW you could be reasonable on SOME blogs!! (Smile) Hoping you're well!

    2. Thank you. I'm well enough at 83 - the alternative is worse!

  11. You me and Z agree on this. Is his base enough though to push him to victory? Reagan got the blue dog Democrats. He goes after the media after surviving an assassination attempt. Why throw rocks at a junkyard dog? Biden bowed out as was the right thing to do but he had to talk smack. It"d be like best comparison I can come up with if Reagan after surviving his assassination attempt started acting like a dick:)

  12. Watching baseball on TV yesterday. Some guy was arguing with the ump. Says to wife, "If that player was Trump, he'd not only get kicked out, they'd beat him up. Well, she thought it was funny.

  13. I see you are on the Geeez blogroll. Way to get your blog out there!

  14. This isn't my first rodeo.

  15. As in "I didn't get off the row boat just yesterday? You had a few years
    off there as well, Facebook etc, stole Beth, Soap, Saty & Lista and the bloggosphere has shrunk. Still better than those twitter things.

  16. I had a fair amount of commenters back in the day even Shaw. Also some liberal woman named Susan. Other commenters would pop up now and then. Then the great FB scattering. FB hasn't gone out of style like MySpace if you remember that.

  17. Got an ad for a degree in Culinary Arts on line.
    Did they find out about my problems with Cup-O-Soup?

  18. How do you cook online? Is there an app for that?

  19. Burner plate on the lap top?

  20. I can put up with your Google advertising, but the delay with comments is affecting my impeccable timing. How's that even work?

  21. I simply open up Blogger, go to Comments and a list says "Awaiting Moderation." There's a short menu and one option is Approve, you hit it and voila. It's just a matter of keeping on top of it.

  22. It's also my understanding that for the most part you cannot technically block or ban a commenter from your blog unless they're a follower. In effect you have to keep deleting their comments even if they just post a chocolate chip cookie recipe. Sends a message we don't want your type around these parts.

    Every blogger has different thresholds for banning. You've pushed my buttons a few times but I never found grounds. There is always the option of deleting individual comments. You must have really gotten on Z's nerves.

  23. Whatever, it is more complicated now. Not sure what ticked Z off - she banned Rev Dave Miller too. Was I too snarky when she asked for proofs and listed 3 sources? She said they were not legitimate. I observed that she only accepted sources like Brietbart and Consevapedia. Or maybe that was some of the olther nice ladies that kicked me off. Am I just too insulting?

  24. What were you all even talking about? They say teachers frown on if students use Wikipedia as a source. Ah sources. Like I always say who fact checks the fact checkers?

  25. I fact check the fact checkers at 'cut and paste' -
    the determination and meaning of C-Star or C* cites
    Rocket Propulsion Elements by Sutton. I have the book
    and discovered the relation to a variable in the Chapman-
    Jouguet Detonation Condition by plotting and mathematical curve fit
    equations. (pg 66-67 in a 150 page study I wrote). You can
    enter molecular info about any explosive and determine the
    detonation velocity. I had an interesting but boring life.
    Ya know? In other words, I think Wikipedia is pretty good.
    So did my science professor daughters - they could catch a
    Wiki quote on a test in a second. Like politics vs economics,
    opinion and fact can be separate entities. If all A is A, is
    all A is a? Can't find Kant with we need him.

  26. Wiki is always open to editing. It's never the final word. It's always first in search engines for some reason. People say it's biased. You can read wiki if you like but I'd get a second opinion.

  27. Yes. People that don't like what they read naturally claim bias until they find some place Q-Anon that satisfies them. I hated 'Moby Dick' and think all those praise it are biased, don't ya know?

  28. Q-Anon is still a thing?

    Had an English professor in college who felt "Catcher In The Rye" was okay but overrated and didn't know what all the fuss was about. He's entitled no?

  29. You got a 401K at work. Mine has gone through the roof. I get polled on the economy - better off that last year. When it goes down, economy is horrid. Neighbor guy (who admits he is totally anal) was by and trimmed under my cedar rail fence. Wife gave him cookies. Theres a 10 yr old kid that mows lawns for free for old or handicapped home owners. Some national volunteer society showed up and gave him a brand new riding mower. You ought to
    get that kid for your Yonkers Sidewalk Purity Project.

  30. Had a History prof, had trouble pronouncing Mediterranean, but not
    Suppiluliumas I. He lectured with a big hand full of index cards. The old "From the notes of the teacher to the notes of the student, without passing through the mind of either"
