Friday, July 19, 2024

The Speech

'Twould have been nice if Donald Trump's acceptance speech on the final night of the RNC had started around 10:00 as some folk like myself have to get up early the next day to get ready for work but Kid Rock had a new song to perform.  The whole night took on a Wrestlemania turn which is not my thing and I could have sworn Hulk Hogan used the term "scumbags" but I was already on my second glass of Skyy.  Trump said early on in his speech that he wants to be president of the whole country and not just half and that "we must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement."  Turned out to be the longest acceptance speech in convention history and I held out as long as I could but finally hit the hay.  Critics are saying his speech was not very unifying but you still have to deliver the meat and potatoes.  Did you expect Trump to start singing Kumbaya? The long speech covered all the topics which we can get into in the comments section.



  1. Thanks for the update. The Convention cancelled Jeopardy, our regular, so we were miffed but watched MASH several nights. Same with the upcoming Dem convention. No Jeopardy? We ancients get to bed early, almost as grumpy as that old lady that called NBC during their coverage of the breaking 911 attack and falling twin towers. "Hey! The Young and the Restless is supposed to be on!"

  2. Our family used to joke that Jeopardy is a hoax. How can anybody be that smart? The contestants doing some light reading on opera before they go to bed? Wheel of Fortune is more my speed.

  3. Not sure about the smart part - lot of contestants have every day jobs. It's more like a noggin full of trivia and a broad range of interests. You would do well in the cat category, NY geography, Stand up comics, home remedies and What's Wrong With Google. But you are right - who knows the elements by atomic number, can name the constellations, knows all the Rap singers, the capital of Bulgaria and the sequels to movies? Do they cram in their weak areas? Do they have an ear bud connection to the director?

  4. Like I couldn't hang out with host Ken Jenkins. He's like an ai.

  5. How 'bout that Microsoft upgrade this morning!

  6. Everything but "Lost In Civilization" is down.

  7. Good luck getting a flight today.

  8. So unless I missed it I haven't heard anything more about the shooter. Motivation, manifesto? nada just at this point he was a nominal Republican who gave a small donation to a Democratic group once. Kind of a muted story at this point.

    1. :Lone wolf type - nothing shows up before, not on radar. Read somewhere he had accounts in a different name.

    2. Seems that way but where did the animus come from? You don't wake up in the morning and say you're gonna do this and do that and to kind of break up the day you're gonna try to shoot Trump.

  9. If Biden doesn't drop out the DNC promises to be a very strange affair. Growing Democratic pressure for him to step aside. He can barely survive interviews with the press. Time's running out with Trump having a huge advantage.

  10. Dems are in deep ka ka every way you look at it.

  11. A gift-wrapped win for Trump.

  12. True, although the unfavorable rating for Trump is 54%. Wonder if they vote? As the fortune cookie says, 'May you live in interesting time'

  13. When push comes to shove, when the rubber meets the road if it's a choice between unfavorable ratings vs. cognitive decline whom do you choose?

    1. Between cognitive decline and cognitive dissonance?
      Shroedinger-Morton-Hobson-Berra dilemma--

  14. So the speech had the usual Trump flourishes. A little hyperbolic around the edges perhaps and I paraphrase......

    We are going to usher in the greatest Era of prosperity in the history of the solar system...rapidly,

    The only thing he didn't say was he was going to cut the price of Fancy Feast in half...rapidly...

    But I felt it was a good speech but a touch long. Had to finish it on YouTube the other night. Hardly the disaster the liberal bloggers think it was. I also won't be downloading the new Kid Rock song.

  15. In the news -
    "Yes, Windows 3.1 — an operating system that is 32 years old. Southwest, along with UPS and FedEx, haven’t had any issues with the CloudStrike outage" Progress in reverse, thoughts?

  16. I have no issues. My sister ordered something from Macy's and we got it today from the postal truck so no issues there. Basically just avoid Bill Gates stuff.

  17. Internet orders - ordered 2 cans Prince Albert, they said they were out.
    Ordered 2 cans elsewhere. Both places said they would ship the same day. (Enough til Thanksgiving). One came 2 days later. The other two weeks later, with some gratis tootsie rolls. Singularity?

  18. Is Prince Albert only an online thing? My favorite cigar store doesn't have it. Is there a King Charles tobacco?

    1. Been around since the 1930s. I usually bought it locally. But during the pandemic the supply chain dried up and a lot of brick and mortar places just quit. Don't know about George III, but
      King Oscar has kippered snacks.

  19. Got to get more commenters Dept-
    Did some data mining - Profile Views on Blogger
    Twessel 58
    Z-Man 306 Skudrunner 1406 BB-Idaho 4867
    Joe Conservative 7473 FJ the MAGA Jew 7485
    Dave Miller 10116 Whose Your Daddy? 10140
    10140 Books in Northport 10266
    Shaw 18731 Les Carpenter 23450
    -- You need to get out a post around, lure in new blood.

    1. Very true. You're like a shopping cart with a bad wheel you always pull to the left.

    2. According to my stats the traffic here is okay. Might visit a cat blog one of these days. A lot on my plate. Code Enforcement gave everyone a warning about the tall grass on their sidewalks. Spent close to an hour the other day cleaning up. Came home today and my elder cat was peeing on the couch. Don't know why he's usually pretty good. Other things to do than blog. When I work I give myself at least an hour's time in the evening to my site. Oh yeah had to vacuum today. I kind of procrastinate that. Had to go to the bank with my property tax rebate check. How do the other bloggers find the time to huff and puff about Trump all day?

    3. Good question. Being retired is helpful. Not sure about the legality there, but salt on the sidewalk grass will kill it for years.

    4. My brother recommended vinegar. Didn't really do the trick. Sea salt? Kosher? I need something to keep Code Enforcement at bay.

    5. Any salt. In cracks along the edge, then water in. Some dissolve it and spray it. You can even google 'salt kills grass'. Avoid "Round Up". Had a neighbor who sprayed weeds for the county. He died of Non-Hodgins Lymphoma.

    6. I saw all the lawsuit commercials. I'm surprised they still sell Round Up in stores.

  20. Never know what topic will pop up here.. I like that. Should attract the
    eclectic oblique amused crowd. Dunno

  21. Keep the topics mixed. We got a legal cannabis store near my favorite cigar shop. What would Norman Rockwell have done with this?

  22. Rockwell, like us, was a pipe smoker. Marijuana is still Illegal in Idaho
    Can't even smoke it in the Library adult section

  23. US Hiway 12 has been between here and Missoula has been closed for 24 hours. Big wildfires. Ranchers and livestock wandering down the backroads. Will local motel rates go up?

  24. Every year same story. I thought we had the ability to make it rain at least a little. Cloud seeding. Wha' happened?

  25. Wife's friend physical therapist lady has brothers who saved their winery up river by staying up all night with hoses. Colter Creek Winery nearby burned to the ground. Every year from now until Fall, local airport is busy with helicopters with big bags of water, and all sorts of other fire fighting aircraft. We could use some intrepid Yonkers firefighters.

  26. Apparently Google, Microsoft and AI are too busy seeding the CLOUD.

  27. Every year same problem. Over here in Yonkers kids are playing with the hydrants.

  28. Grass by the side walk. Is it Yonkers' side walk or yours? If the first, they should trim it - if it is the last, remove it. ...and get a good attorney.

  29. Now there's a thought.

  30. That's funny Yonkers trimming the grass on people's sidewalks. They can even give themselves tickets.

  31. Have you done a yearly bleach on the concrete yet?

  32. Head chef lives in Port Chester, NY. He says their Code Enforcement focuses on the bigger stuff like illegal apartments and could care less about your grass. I've had neighbors who are major code violaters but instead of focusing on them Yonkers just goes after everyone equally. Dunno why the grass is so important. Half of my neighbors probably have arthritis.

  33. You could line up outside the sidewalk e.nforcement office and all chant "Yonkers is Bonkers" or "Hell no - my mower won't go". Or maybe more effective if you all dump your clippings in the doorway.

  34. I swear the Yonkers grass enforcement policy is worse than those
    restrictive gated communities. Yonkers got a big gate someplace?

  35. My sister says maybe they want to make Yonkers look like Scarsdale.

  36. Hmm. Does she have a podcast?

  37. No.

    Apparently the beautification of Yonkers is very important to Mayor Mike Spano. Crime continues to be a problem but if you get shot in the street at least there won't be any tall weeds around.
