Monday, August 19, 2024

I'd rather watch an Omega XL commercial or a Steven Seagal movie

DNC kicks off tonight in Chicago.  Biden to deliver keynote address, Obama the orator on second night and Bill Clinton on third.  Kamala Harris big night on the fourth and final night of course.  Out of all the candidates for her VP pick Tim Walz is probably the most socially radical but doesn't look it.  He looks like the friendly uncle who gives you a 5 dollar bill in the alley after your parents yelled at you.  The economy and the working class will be a big theme Biden's attempted but failed vax mandate on companies with over 100 employees already having been memory-holed.  Immigration, crime and safety, health care.  Trump has the edge on some key issues but Dems are better on health care as you'll be paying less for colonoscopy.  I've heard Harris isn't too swift on foreign policy which is half the presidency.  Of course oiling up the abortion machinery will be peppered in whenever possible. 

I'm gonna check the movie listings.


  1. "I'm better looking than Kamala" What a slogan. I don't watch conventions either, although there may be riots in the Chicago streets.

  2. I saw his comment on my news app. I thought of commenting but why bother? It's hopeless.

  3. Eye of the beholder? Happy here: lady running for state representative. First Dem in 25 years for the position. Former VN Army nurse, Mom, rides a motor scooter door to door. Listens respectfully to all the Gop-ers here. Not a gnat's chance. Donated $50 anyway, just to feel good. Wife out with her group of old lady friends - they talk in glowing terms of Trump, she keeps her mouth shut. Guy over on the corner building a house on a half lot, 2 ft
    from property lines, no yard, 2 stories. Guy behind building a covered dog run. Town property rules - build whatever you want, just send us a $125 building permit. You ever notice how old retired guys are on the grouchy side?

    1. My late Dad God rest his soul. Grouchiness went up as his retirement years went by. I'm up there in years myself now and feel the same way. Nurse Nancy thinks I'm hard to work with.

  4. Of course we can always talk about Omega XL.

  5. Been studying my stats more lately. Sometimes they take a nosedive then when I blog about cats and/or Trump my numbers go up. Have I found a winning formula?

    1. Maybe - lot of people like Trump and like cats. People with a lot of photos seem to to well also. You got any photos of Jackson Betelgeuse undergoing the Rabies series? One place, a lady went out to take photos of the perseid meteor showers and Aurora Borealis. Got interested taking pictures of the sunset and missed what was going on up above.

    2. Plenty of photos. Got no cryptids in my gallery though. Go with what I have.

  6. I see Phil Donahue has died at 88. He talked about sex a lot. Like a lot.

  7. Kind of perplexed - newspaper has listings of weekly meetings, alcoholics, grieving spouses, weight loss etc. The last few weeks a new group has shown up - Sexaholics Anonymous - Learn the 12 steps to recovery. Got a clue?

  8. If it's a choice between hillbillies shooting gators and the DNC time to hit the hay.

  9. They got me on so many pills, I may not stay awake until Jeopardy.
    7PM comes early any more.

  10. Back in the day took a little Saw Palmetto. Good for the prostate and urinary health. What the hell bought some recently figuring can't hurt. Disclaimer on label may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Ok. Followed the instructions. First demerit a trip to the bathroom. Like you I like to gather data. As they say correlation is not causation. Next few times same situation. Of course could be stress anxiety. Popular saying lately correlation is not causation. Like you and your allergic reaction to a particular pipe tobacco correlation can become causation. I don't need 100% medical and scientific proof A may have caused B. Sometimes you have to go with your gut (in my case literally).

  11. So when Kamala was taking her time choosing a VP probably most people thought she was gonna go with the PA Governor Josh Shapiro. Then when she made her decision I was like why is she going with the old guy? I think she's going for the avuncular effect. You uncle brings a fruitcake over for the holidays. You know he's there because you see his scarf on the banister. Maybe later when he's had some sherry he says pull my finger and he farts. Like Olive Garden says we're all family here.

  12. Swifties for Trump. AI- generated as we all know now but Trump used it on his Truth Social account anyway.

    Fred Trump III has said Trump is showing signs of dementia and that it runs in the family. Leaving aside for the moment Fred's obvious partisanship let's posit this for the sake of argument. If Biden wasn't forced to drop out then this would have been a most interesting race between the two men. Since Biden did drop out over let's face it cognitive issues can Trump also drop out over similar issues making an already strange election even stranger? Is the groundwork being laid for something here? Trump is not on track. Everyday is just another side issue and it can only strengthen the Harris campaign. The whole thing is like something out of Twilight Zone.

  13. I was wondering the same thing. Could/would Trump drop out, claiming old age etc? He hates losing and loves fighting, so I seriously doubt it . But it would be extremely interesting. Like who would Vance pick as VP? But, hey, it's already extremely interesting, ya know?

  14. I think it's the GOP's best shot at this point Trump's ego notwithstanding.

  15. Twilight Zone - appropriate metaphor. "for civilization to survive, the human race has to remain civilized." Rod Serling

  16. Died too young. Age 50. Four packs of cigarettes a day. Should've been a pipe smoker.

  17. Douglas MacArthur- corncob pipe, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away...puff, puff. 84 yrs old.

  18. Trump is vigorous for a guy his age. If he gets elected and say has debilitating stroke in office, will Melania make a move on JD?

  19. He has much better hair for starters.
