Tuesday, August 20, 2024

So now they're called Abortion Access Advocates (CBS News) - not to be confused with AAA

 Disregarding practical advice not to appear too ghoulish feticide a big part of Night 1 at the DNC as expected.  I was mainly watching "Crime Stories With Nancy Grace" about the Matthew Perry death case so only caught snippets.  Some Team USA basketball coach was saying something as I was surfing around the channels.  Didn't catch the Biden speech.  Too late for me as I'm still a working man.  My takeaway from Night 1 - Hillary had plastic surgery. 


  1. Thanks for the update. I only saw the speech of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the controversial congresswoman from NY. (Scarsedale?) and was impressed that she said nothing controversial. Mainly, like the GOP convention, the Dems are screwing up Jeopardy. Our sixty some channels are rather tepid and I ended up watching a baseball game. But let me know if Hulk Hogan shows up with Tim Walz and they tear off their shirts!

  2. I caught a little AOC myself. My friend is a rock-ribbed conservative but thinks she's hot.

  3. Probably, she worked as a bartender for awhile.

  4. Reading in an email just now Planned Parenthood is providing free abortions with their mobile health clinic in Chicago during the DNC.

    McDonaldizing abortion.

  5. How about free tinnitus clinics, huh?

  6. The thought occurred to me that was one of the original problems I started seeing my doctor for. He actually never really helped me with why I saw him in the first place. Steered me in the direction of colonoscopy, said I had moderately high BP but other than that still have the original problem.

  7. Browsing YouTube yesterday. Sign of age when you google medical topics. Came across a video about anal abscess. How do you call out sick over this?

    1. Can't make it in, I have a work related condition?

    2. Now I'd assume a person out with an aa is gonna be out for more than one day and will eventually need a doctor's note to return to work. What will the doctor write?

  8. Weird call-ins. In cosmetics lab, the boss had serious diabetes. Sometimes we had to run get orange juice from the cafeteria, while
    he tried to fire us all. Next week his wife called in, "Frank won't be in today. He died during the night."

  9. Reminds me of the old saying I used up all my sick time so now I'm calling in dead.

    New guy in the deli called out once. Said he had bugs in his ear.

  10. Old age medical problems. Finally got my swollen ankles down to normal, thanks to diuretic pills. Now, because I has lost feeling in my feet, I got a Plantar wart. Google says put duct tape on it, change every few days and voila. Would post-it notes work? How about that tape that the TV guy puts on his motorboat? Gorilla glue? So many choices.

  11. Alien Shield Tape. Stopped 98% of the pipe underneath my bathroom sink from leaking until a plumber came.

    1. Outer space stuff? I ain't no robot, Z-Man.

  12. So when you take a diuretic do you take a big empty jug with you into your man cave and hook up a movie?

  13. After a fashion. Since I'm downstairs most times, there is a lot of step exercise involved. Through in the enlarged prostate meds and I could be a wildfire team.

  14. They got those pedaler things now. Missus is knitting an afghan and getting her exercise in at the same time.

  15. Knew an Idaho back country bush pilot. He carried a large bottle, called it an avionic flight extender. Not sure if he was in the Mile High Club.

  16. Watch out for the yellow rain.

  17. Out for Mexican last night. Ran into another old couple. They said they had been working all morning on trying to get their new smartphone to work. Told them I never have that problem - mine hangs on the wall and has a cord. They were still laughing when they left. What's with the refried beans? Were they undercooked the first time?

  18. I never quite understood the concept myself. Gotta ask Rick Bayless.

  19. Dang, Z-Man, had to look the guy up. Former colleague? Some of the waiters/waitresses speak Spanish. If I order Estrella Jalisco, they say "Estreya Halisco?" if I order Estraya Halisco, some other waiter will say "Estrella Jalisco?" I should go back to Dos Equis, but then the waiter says "Stay thirsty my friend' Wendy's drive-thru is
    less complicated.
