Thursday, August 22, 2024


I asked my doctor once how often should you eat red meat.  He said twice a month.  If everyone followed that the beef industry would go out of business.  Then I asked him how much coffee should you drink in a day.  He said one cup.  Look I'm paying for the visit I may as well pick his brain.  Why do they say drink 8 glasses of water a day?  He says nobody knows how that started just drink water.  What causes tinnitus?  It's mostly related to hearing loss as you get older but he did bring up RF hearing once which is an actual noise so he can think out of the box a little.  Insurance didn't cover my Colovantage blood test for colon cancer.  Oh well.  Spanish chef at work said flip the questions back to him.  If he asks you how your bowel movements are ask him how his movements are.  Asked him once what's a good sleep aid.  He said melatonin.  Gotta agree with him there.  Another time he suggested brisk walking is better than regular walking.  Just be glad I'm walking.  Was in the waiting room once and glanced at the table with the reading material and next to Golf Digest was Heart Failure magazine like am I dead and don't know it yet?

Doctors are ego-driven.  They want you to respect their expertise.  Never be afraid to question them.  If you catch them googling leave.


  1. Best doctor I had advised me to chew raw garlic. He said it does all sorts of good things for health. He did it, had bad breath and a very ruddy look. I tried it, turned red and felt like I was burning up. Told him I hated it. He said he didn't blame me but thanks for trying.

  2. I tried that myself once. My stomach didn't thank me for it.

  3. Been looking for a Dr. that highly recommends Christian Brothers Brandy. So far, only the lady at the liquor store.

  4. The closest I got to medical advice about Christian Brothers is a liquor store owner told me it's good for the throat.

  5. Some doctors seem to have a stash of free medications. Probably paid by the pharma source to prescribe them. Like "You have Tennis Elbow.
    Stop playing tennis and take Zithromax twice a day. it will take care of your travelers diarrhea and any inner ear infection, just in case"

  6. Did you see that Dr. Fauci was hospitalized with West Nile Virus? !!

  7. I did. Which is worse WNV or mpox?

  8. Virology-wise, they are right about where Chikungunya lies. Flu-like
    symptoms. Dr. Fauci, "let me tell you how to treat this viral infection"
    ER doc, " shut up and hold still" If skeptical, check with Nurse Nancy.

  9. She asked me again the other day what I had for dinner last night and I said stop with the Alzheimer's tests.

  10. Surprise her - "Oh I had Tofu-broccoli-bacon-hot pepper-zucchini-mustard- goat cheese sloppy joes. Three. Mmmm. How about you,
    Ms. N, RN?

  11. Or Beef Wellington with a side of coconut shrimp and a carrot souffle for desert downed with Abbey Ale followed by a pipe session with Balkan tobacco on my front porch.

  12. The medical community has a difficult time with chefs, I' thinking.

    1. Yes. The medical community is generally against salt. Oh they'll say they're not that salt is an essential mineral but generally they're against salt. Chefs are the opposite. "Salt to taste." Chefs love to play with a good piece of red meat. Doctors say too much red meat causes colon cancer. The chef/doctor tension.

  13. You want to get sent to the ER, or what?

  14. Dr. "So what is your problem, bear cub breath?" "Got a brain worm, driving me nuts." "Hmm, let's start with a colonoscopy."

  15. You think those AMA conventions get kind of wild?

    1. Maybe one of these days they'll get around to curing cancer. 'Twould be nice.

  16. Had a guy come and spray the lawn with organic soil penetrant for deeper roots and high iron liquid fertilizer for the perfect green. He says he was from out of town, came over from the big urban area around the tri-cities to help out the local crew which was getting behind. Chatted about growing grass for awhile and he said he really liked our little town - great scenery and the people are so nice. Probably hasn't been to our semi-annual Demolition Derby --

  17. Got any Idaho potato sack races going on?

  18. We have a somewhat controversial petition for ranked balloting. Large number of Independents cannot not vote in either Primary. Idiot Attorney General hates voters, trying to get around the popular petition. I guess his theory is that independents are worse than GOP and Dem. Bright side, he is laying off old lady librarians temporarily. As they say, "Idaho is what American was' Primitive.

  19. Waiting room magazines - might as well study the ceiling. Somehow years ago I got reduced Time Magazine waiting room rates, real low.
    Still getting it every year. Shh don't tell the FBI
