Friday, August 23, 2024

Will Elon Musk and RFK Jr. have roles in a new Trump Administration?

Assuming he wins.

Trump is open to the idea.  Musk has expressed interest in a kind of government efficiency expert and a commission kind of deal.  No idea where RFK Jr. would serve in a Trump Administration (the environment? Big Pharma czar?).  Both have wholeheartedly endorsed Trump Bobby having recently dropped out of the race.  Trump needs to get back on track however.  He's been out of sorts since Biden dropped out and can't seem to readjust to Kamala Harris replacing him.  Elon Musk and Bobby Kennedy in a Trump Administration?  Interesting.

(snide comments to follow)


  1. Interesting - a bit strange even.

  2. Definitely different. A possible eclectic administration. Throw in a few rappers and complete your cabinet. Roger Stone is so yesterday.

  3. Still pondering - If you google Elon Musk, he is virulently anti-union. Tesla automakers make 35% less than UAW workers. Sweden, Norway and Denmark workers (90% union over there) refuse to load Tesla vehicles at their harbors. Wanna bet he would push electric cars even more than Biden? RFK jr. on the other hand, is strong on climate change, virulently ant-vax (is that an oxymoron), despised by his own family (and Mrs.) and has some sort of speech syndrome.
    So, in the interest of balancing unions and corporations, a Trump
    announced goal, would Musk as head of the Labor Dept be a good pick? Or the guy with the brain worm in charge of the health Dept?
    Not sure what Roger Stone would advise, but it is complicated. The talking head that know everything have no idea of what effect RFKjr
    small following will do. They got that right. Dang, gotta take my pills now.

  4. Maybe they're gonna release the JFK files soon.

  5. Small following or not RFK Jr. has a diverse following but the common thread is people who oppose globalism and the globalist agenda. He says the Democratic Party really supports big business and big pharma and is for censorship and so his message is resonating with some. Musk and RFK Jr. Maybe Trump doesn't believe in the old paradigms.

    1. We know who supports Big Business, Big Pharma and censorship. Remember who gave them a $7 Trillion tax break?
      No complaints, just observing.

    2. Both parties support Big Business and Big Pharma. Just pointing that out.

  6. Watched RFK Jr. and Trump at some campaign rally and they were talking about all the crap they put into our food and Jr. was talking about the corruption of our regulatory agencies like the FDA and the rise in chronic diseases among children and something should be done about it. RFK Jr. is a different type of political animal. Most people would probably say Little Debbie isn't the biggest problem facing our country right now.

  7. My friend used to be fun. We're driving home from work yesterday and he's heavily into RFK Jr. You need to watch his speech etc. then my friend says maybe we need to change our diet. Jr. is turning into not my cup of tea.

  8. He seems a little outside the curve. On the other hand, I'm not big on
    Frankenfoods either.

  9. On issues he's all over the map.

  10. I read someplace that Yonkers is sometimes referred to as the "6th Borough of the NYC metro area. Is that good or bad?

  11. Depends on who's Mayor.

  12. Conundrum - If RFK Jr. was starving in the woods and came across a carton of Chef Boyardees what would he do?

  13. Either report the litter to the Forest Service, or use it to bait a bear cub?


  14. Dow hits all time record high today "as durable orders surge". So retirees with 401Ks and people buying stuff is a good thing? Dunno about economy politics, but back in the day, we paid 9% on house loans for years. Didn't complain then, and don't now.

  15. Had to Google the bear cub story. Couldn't just have a regular sexual scandal like most politicians. Weird. It's like when I see a dead deer on the side of the road I go that's sad but keep driving. What would Jr. do?

  16. Nancy Drew and the Dead Bear Cub Case in Central Park


  17. RFK Jr doesn't talk like a Kennedy. Got sort of a guttural gargle like that 1960s disc jockey in LA that used to play the Everly Bros and Del Shannon while I fell asleep every HS night. -
    -Robert Weston Smith (January 21, 1938 – July 1, 1995), known as Wolfman Jack, was an American disc jockey active for over three decades. Famous for the gravelly voice which he credited for his success, saying, "It's kept meat and potatoes on the table for years for Wolfman and Wolfwoman. A couple of shots of whiskey helps it. I've got that nice raspy sound- courtesy BB trivia Et AL

  18. Could've tried to go the Rod Stewart route imo.

    1. Greta Garbo sounded like a guy when she sang.

  19. Rod Stewart is a model railroader. I travel in an elite crowd.

  20. You think maybe RFK Jr. was adopted? His entire family is disgusted.

  21. See that's what's stupid about families they're disgusted with him just 'cause he endorsed Trump. Yeah I know about the NYT article that his family was previously disgusted when he went anti-vax. Whatever happened to blood is thicker than water?

  22. Endorsing Trump worse than Chappaquiddick?

  23. Interesting, blood thicker than water. Ever wonder what Ted Bundy's
    family though? Was just thinking yesterday, after my weedeater went crazy and splattered pieces of cord across my knees and into my face and I was putting on bandages that the Yonkers Lawn Task Force would have been proud. I gotta report that to Z-Man. Your blog covers considerably more range that the political ones. Oh they have their few loyal followers, but always that same comments, like
    canned blurbs. Like it wouldn't take much for me to write a Dave Miller or Joe Conservative comment, having read dozens. Yonkers would probably get me for plagarism. I really enjoy your blog and would expect more visitors. Have you mentioned it to people at work
    or in the library? You, know - Nurse Nancy, your sister with cats, the
    side walk enforcement officer etc? IMO, the former large blogging crowd is considerably thinner. Turned into texters and twitterers.

  24. Last few weeks had a nasty abscess on my left leg. Have no idea how I got it. Mixed baking soda with water and put that paste on with a large bandage and got it to drain. Painful and tender every night and my room looks like a first aid supply room but personally squeezed the pus and blood out every day with vinyl gloves. Sanitized it too every chance long story short it's finally healing with no doctor visits. My gripe bandages that don't adhere well. Could have done a whole blogpost about the experience.

    1. Good job. I read in the Journals of Lewis & Clark that they treated some of the explorers who had absesses the same way, give or take a few swigs from the expedition whiskey kegs.

    2. In my case rum vodka or brandy. You said as a blogger it helps to have and develop a niche. Could go with abscess and cyst drainage. With pics?

  25. I kind of don't tell people about my blog because sometimes I blog about them at times. There's enough biographical clues that they might take offense. Have considered it though.

    1. I never thought of that. Conclusion makes sense. A lot.

    2. Could write my blogsite on a Port-O-San wall but no telling what kind of following I'd get.

    3. Read somewhere that archeologists found an old Roman bathhouse and some old patrician wrote on the wall by the
      can "People come here to sit and think - I come here to sh*t and stink" Best to avoid writing...especially phone numbers.

    4. Went to a restroom in a hair salon once. It said "if you sprinkle while you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat."
