Monday, August 26, 2024

Is Chef Boyardee the biggest problem facing our country right now?

 RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Trump has seemed to reinvigorate his campaign at least to a degree and now has everyone talking about our food supply.  Browsing YouTube and same topic.  An alarming increase in chronic diseases, diabetes Type 2, stroke and so on down the list.  BB is like the smart guy on Barney Miller he can break it down for ya.  Why are they blaming our food supply all of a sudden for an increase in our collective medical ills?  I shouldn't say all of a sudden as this has been a topic for years but it's really taken off now with the Bobby Kennedy factor.  Why isn't everyday stress being talked about along with a myriad of other factors?  OK we're a nation of fat-asses.  That's simply a matter of putting too much food into your body the same way an alcoholic puts too much drink into his system.  Is Little Debbie the villain here?  Nobody told you to eat the whole box.  Now with Jr. by his side is Trump gonna have salad bars at all his campaign stops?  I wasn't fat shaming before btw just sayin'.  Best thing you can have in your bathroom is a large mirror for when you step out of the shower.  Stopped me dead in my tracks one day and I said this and no more.  What kind of regs does Bobby have in mind anyway?  I'm not getting a smaller government vibe here.

Ramble over:)


  1. Interestingly enough in researching the Central Park bear cub story he had initially planned to take the fresh roadkill home to store the meat in his fridge for later cooking even though I knew for years from my mammal field guides bear meat is most commonly associated with trichinosis a parasitic disease. Yes if you cook the meat to over 165 it's supposed to kill the larvae but for someone overly concerned with our nation's health it would be an odd choice for what to have for supper. Cub later wound up in Central Park of course like a bicyclist hit it. Add to that Jr. says a worm ate part of his brain but that's another story. Would like to devote more time to Kamala/Walz but there's all this other material.

  2. That was the day he said he was running behind because he had a busy day of falconry. You have days like that right?

  3. Ever consider what it would be like to dine an a fancy restaurant with
    Geeeez and Shaw? 'another growler keg of Christian Brothers, waiter'

    1. I have a sensitive stomach. My Mom used to yell at my Dad for talking politics at the dinner table. Enjoy the meal she said don't talk about Bill Clinton. Now take my friend he's the opposite. He can talk politics in the car AND eat sushi and drink chocolate milk at the same time. I'd wind up in the ER.

  4. You can't make this shit up.

  5. If RFK Jr. was telling me these stories I'd just look at him like he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

  6. Amon Bundy hasn't endorsed anybody. He is in hiding.

  7. Last I checked he has social media accounts. Nobody outside of Idaho really knows who he is.

  8. True. Some of us think he may be a Sasquatch.

  9. You don't suppose ol Amon is a cousin of Ted Bundy?

  10. He has pages on X and Facebook. Recently declared bankruptcy in a defamation case. Age 48. Looks like a country singer. A movie about him called "No Man's Land" (2017). I didn't get a freshness rating.

    1. No Man's Land? You sure it wasn't Last Tango In Pocatello?

    2. Also and forgot to mention this but Ammon apparently has Idaho gubernatorial ambitions for 2026.

  11. He ran last time. Most of his family voted for him.

  12. Local scuttlebutt is Amon is hiding out in southern Utah. Don't you think he could handle the Yonkers Sidewalk Enforcement Dept? He could camp in your back yard - keep an eye on Sparky and crew.

  13. He'd be on the news here all the time.

  14. Amon is peculiar name. From an etymology standpoint we consider
    "Amon of Judah[a] was the fifteenth King of Judah who, according to the biblical account, succeeded his father Manasseh of Judah. Amon is most remembered for his idolatrous practices during his short two-year reign, which led to a revolt against him and eventually to his assassination in c. 641 BC." A thousand or so years before that, Amon-Ra during the Egyptian reign of Akhenaton was the King of the Gods. Satisfyingly trivial, but Akhenaton was married to Queen Nefertiti, the Taylor Swift of that era. Hiding out in the southern rock deserts of southern Utah seems appropriate.
