Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For a man who refused anesthesia for a colonoscopy

I don't understand his vacillation over the proposed debate with Kamala Harris slated for Sept. 10 hosted by ABC News.  According to the new book I'll Take Your Questions Now by Stephanie Grisham Trump's former WH press secretary then President Trump made a visit in 2019 to Walter Reed Medical Center for a routine colonoscopy but refused being put under so as not to give temporary power to VP Mike Pence.  WOW.  I mean a lot can happen in 20-30 minutes a war could start or something .  FF to now and I still don't know if there will be a debate.  It's on again off again on again off again.  He would still prefer Fox News to host the debate I guess with Sean Hannity as moderator.  He still wants to campaign against Joe Biden, he's stuck in a reverie about it and can't seem to adjust to new circumstances.  He had his nursing home jokes all lined up.  This whole thing makes him look weak and shows his campaign is still dangerously off course.  Meanwhile JD Vance continues to defend his cat lady comments like give it up already.

I wish I didn't have to write this stuff.


  1. Tough guy. Lucky it wasn't an appendectomy. Probably thinking of the day Reagan got shot and his Secretary of State went of national TV and announced, "I Al Haig am in charge here at the White House." Don't know what Vice Pres George HW Bush thought. Odd years, I had voted for Independent John Anderson. Back then they hadn't invented the colonoscopy,.old Brownie box cameras you know.

  2. To all the Trump critics out there I would ask can you do that?

    1. Any idea of who the Trumpublicans would vote for if Abe Lincoln was running?

    2. Is this a Google research project?

      Joe Biden got a record number of votes but some people tend to forget that Trump also got a record number of votes. It's not helpful to get sucked into Maxine Waters mindset.

  3. Just listening to him is equivalent. Guy in the newspaper here today was defending him, says all politicians lie and you you can tell when Trump is lying - only when his lips move. Writer was no lawyer.

  4. Yet Dems defended Bill Clinton tooth and nail.

  5. This should come up in the debate if it happens but the Zuckerberg revelations about the Biden WH pressuring FB or Meta to censor COVID content should be concerning to all. Does Harris support government censorship? Whether or not this comes up in the debate and it should Trump should hammer away at this on his campaign stops.

  6. Trump sure knows about coverups.

  7. I'd like to see both mikes muted during the entire debate.

  8. Caught clips of her CNN interview. She says warm and fuzzy things. She likes to make bacon with her nieces but I don't think she can lead the country.

    What's up with Vance telling her to go to hell? Is he on angry pills or something?

  9. A lot of us think she can do better that the other pair, which the free world thinks, although China, S. Korea and Russia are big Trump fans. Based on what I see in world news - stuff like Ukraine, NATO, Taiwan, Israel/Gaza etc. And a lot of us go for the guy who trusts his instant gut reaction to sitting through intel briefings and staff advice.
    My nutshell analysis (er gut reaction.)

  10. I know they were under a time constraint but did the Dems and the delegates really think this through? I wonder if any of them now have doubts. If we have doubts about Trump/Vance can't they have doubts about their ticket?

  11. Yeah who needs Intel briefings?

  12. Exactly. Get rid of the CIA, FBI Homeland security, Save $$$$ and go with the gut. Big group of GOP women across state line in WA, finally got fed up. All GOP their whole life, they formed a group for Kamala and are producing ads. If Mr. Gut wins he will jail them, right? (Actually, likely 53% of the US population. Gut-wrenching revenge, the latest presidential dignity. Would you pay attention to
    intelligence briefings or Steve (burping drunk) Bannon?

  13. Replies
    1. Kind of interesting - you probably don't follow Shaw closely, but the topic was brought up there. -FJt he Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew commented that TDS is a form of mass psychosis according the Jung. I commented -
      "Trump Derangement Syndrome logically applies to his own followers as well as the sane." yeah, a little snarky for ME.
      Am I getting BDS, blog derangement snarkiness?

    2. My definition and the reason I bring it up at all are because of people like Joe Scarborough who say if elected to a second term Trump will become a dictator and maybe even randomly kill people. We don't have a political system where that's even a possibility. It truly is deranged thinking.

      I occasionally dabble in Shaw.

    3. Its the 2025 thing. You stack the legislatures, the judicial, the military, EPA etc with your people, rather than neutral qualified pros. Ergo - control everything - do whatever you want. Rember the last go-round? He went through his staff a baby through diapers...and a lot of them are talking about it. Like you say, he may be kept in check. A leopard doesn't change its spots. Although he is getting well on in years, as he constantly reminded Biden. I know, we old geezers are just ornery.

    4. Well you wanna tall about cross-pollination big issue is many people in Big Pharma now work at the FDA. Conflict of interest. It ain't just legislatures and judges it's across the board.

      OK so Trump is like Ellen DeGeneris many former staff are now talking. We don't have a monarchy so I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

  14. Don't understand how forming a group to support a candidate whose principles you don't share is the way to go. Did Dems do this the opposite way when Dukakis sucked? You have to accept the loss. Write it off. Life goes on.

    1. You would think so, but some (unamed) politicians refuse to
      believe they lost.

    2. Honestly I think that's the only reason he's running this time.

  15. Is Dukakis the guy that rode around in a tank and everybody laughed?

  16. You know you just brought back a funny memory. Forgot about that.

  17. Probably on the list of don't-do for politicians now.

  18. 4 year politics. Tis the Season to be Goofy.
