Wednesday, August 28, 2024


What do you think about Mark Zuckerberg's revelations that the Biden WH relentlessly pressured Facebook teams on a daily basis to censor certain Covid content that went against the narrative?  Zuckerberg now says he regrets caving into government pressure which btw when the government gets involved in these areas it technically becomes censorship,  Also Zuckerberg now admits FB demoted the New York Post's coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story at the time which could have potentially influenced the election by suppressing information from the voters at least those who don't read the New York Post.  Do they read the NYP in Idaho?  Talk about possible election interference!



  1. Hunter Biden - 25 years for buying a gun?

    1. Holy Burisma Batman!

    2. holy crikey, Z-Man - had to look up Buris Ma -
      In the 2020 United States presidential election, the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump and his allies promoted allegations of corruption focused on the relationship between Burisma and Hunter Biden. The claims were first stated by an editor of Breitbart News, and subsequently formed the basis of a pressure campaign by Trump and associates to push the Ukrainian government to announce an investigation of the younger Biden's role with Burisma, culminating in Trump's impeachment and acquittal. Republicans hoped to use the Burisma allegations to tarnish Biden's 2020 Presidential campaign, but an investigation by the Republican-controlled Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees shortly before the 2020 presidential election concluded that there was no evidence of improper influence or wrongdoing by Joe Biden- Holy Breitbart!

    3. Hunter Biden is a walking Wikipedia of scandal. What happened to the coke found in the WH investigation? Happens all the time right? Hunter Biden - drugs, prostitutes, underage girls and now guns. Biden's daughter also wrote a diary. Weird stuff. You can sanitize it as you wish.

    4. The quid pro quo when Biden says he withheld a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine to fire a prosecutor Hunter worked for but the funny part here was when Biden says he didn't know Hunter worked for Burisma! That was enough for the so-called fact checkers lol.

  2. Idahoans probably read the NYP - it is a conservative tabloid and most local papers are middle of road types. My question today is the scourge of "manhattants" an invasive ant from Europe, which gives them a hard time in Manhattan and are spreading up and down the east. Post guard on your fancy feast!

  3. Was your hero Fauci behind this?

  4. I suspect the Yonkers Dept of Lawns and Sidewalks. I like Fauci - scientists, band of brothers. Like the Army too, same deal.

  5. Yeah. I don't think dogs like him too much though.

  6. Not sure. Virologists and Immunologists work with petri dishes and electron microscopes. Surgeons use dogs in experiments. Which raises the question veterinarian training: if cows have 4 stomachs,
    how many colons are involved"

  7. You don't sound up to speed.

    So through the FOIA it was learned that the NIAID which is directed by Fauci performed cruel and painful experiments on beagles but the scientists first debarked them so they couldn't cry or bark. Basically the experimenters put puppies' heads in a kind of box, locked their heads in cages so that hungry and infected sand flies could eat them. Doesn't seem to be any medical value or benefit to mankind from the experiments. Some kind of drug testing. It caused quite an uproar with PETA protesting about it.

    People with weird careers who don't do normal work then go home like the average Joe and have dinner with their families. All in a day's work. Not normal people imo.

    1. I agree. They may be animals but there still has to be ethical parameters.

  8. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently raked Fauci over the coals about it before some Congressional hearing. Basically he just sat there.

    During the AIDS epidemic in the 80s Fauci promoted the drug AZT which killed a lot of gay men. Gays protested about it. Mr. Science.
    Don't know how he got this far tbh.

    1. Rather have a beer with Fauci than be seen in public with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Keep digging though, maybe you can overturn my 14 US and International patents on initiating explosives or find some evil thing about the polio vaccine.
      You have a point - 'Better Things for Better Living Through Chemistry' is admittedly a mixed bag.

    2. You seem to have a mental block about vaccines. Polio shot on my birth certificate along with some others. Not a fan of rushed vaccines though like the covid vax. This isn't Star Trek.

      I agree with Rand Paul. Fauci should be prosecuted over lying before Congress about gain-of-function.

  9. You're right, I guess it is a block. Probably TV - vaccines are just killed or partial antigens or monoclonol antibodies (all drugs ending in MAB) and many are pretty recent. My disagreements with Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Green are deeper and more visceral. On the topic of Star Trek, I knew and engineer that termed NASAs eloquent 'Computer Program For Complex Chemical Equilibrium Thermodynamic Composition and Transport' nothing but a Star Trek video game. Neil Armstrong didn't think so. So silly me, I'm getting my annual flu and covid shots again this year. If they kill me, I wont be posting.. Heck at my age, I could just as well fall down the steps, ya know?

  10. You're free to get as many shots as you like.

  11. You don't like Rand Paul's hair or something?

  12. Ever think Tom Selleck of Reverse Mortgages looks like the My Pillow guy, only less of a shyster? I gotta try a mustache.

    1. Didn't the My Pillow guy have some kind of hard evidence to reverse the election and the FBI took his phone? I mean yeah out of all the people with the goods why would it be him?

  13. Is 'thuganomics part of the Laffer Curve, Trickle Down, Lasseze-Faire
    mob protection for your deli or the Rent-A Thug, movement?. Economics is termed the dismal science, but sure employs a whole lot of accountants.

  14. Black guy I used to work with heard a story about a woman who skipped a cab fare and bolted out and called it thuganomics. I liked the term. It's not mine but I pick up phrases and slang like a sponge. Black folk have some of the best vernacular.

  15. Indeed. Like "I pity the fool - " and "I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" Was in a court-martial for a black sergeant who stabbed another guy at the NCO club. Coincidentally, I was Officer of The Day at the site. Walked in with a squad of MPs and asked what was going on. He says "I din't stab nobody, just cut him wide, deep and constant". JAG officer at the trial says "Let's strike that comment." wordplay"

  16. Thugtheology - burn em at the stake.
    Thugengineering - drain the swamp
    Thugphysics - drink two quarks daily
    Thugalug- teens at a kegger
    Thugbug - cockroach mob boss
    Thugocolonoscopy - unwanted med treatment.
    I shan't go on, my old English teacher might read this.

  17. I have started stumble-walking like Biden lately. Bent over in the basement, tried to straighten up and fell against wall, got a swollen elbow, hit my head and landed on my tailbone on the 7 year old pelvic
    crack from when I fell off the treadmill. Is it extreme old age, or does a food pyramid high in brandy cause the problem? I was hoping to compete in the para Olympics next time -Synchronized wheelchair
    poll vaulting. Dunno

  18. I swear it's like when I turned 60 literally everything went downhill. The injured arm while doing yard work. Then the nasty abscess on my leg. Just the other day pulled a pelvic floor muscle putting the chicken boxes away at work. The bonus is I have a discolored toenail so bought the expensive Kerasal. The CB takes the edge off these rough days.

  19. Throw in my recent kidney stone and bad sciatica about a year ago. I feel like the walking wounded.

  20. Back in the stone age, folks died before 30. Just as well, ya can't go hand to hand with a sabre tooth tiger when ya got water on the knee.

  21. Thought experiment. If you got bit by a black widow spider or brown recluse but didn't know you got bit by a widow or recluse what would you suspect your symptoms to be? Can happen. You're sleeping or just don't see it. Would you go with the usual classic diseases or syndromes or would you think out of the box? Food for thought.

  22. Classic medical put off - bring the insect that bit you in to the lab, sir.

  23. Shroedinger had trouble thinking outside the box.

  24. So one of the symptoms of a widow bite can be severe abdominal pain so if you don't know the spider bit you you're probably thinking appendicitis,, kidney stone maybe hernia or something else. I'm the kind of person before you open me up I'm gonna be googling spiders.

  25. Absolutely. Was watching Jake Tapper on CNN. Had an interview with his daughter. They took her to the ER where she was informed she had a virus. Got worse and worse. Took her back again. Again just a virus. She started turning green from the pain, So old Tapper the newsman called the head of the hospital, using his CNN clout. They took her back, ran a couple tests and found she had been suffering from a burst appendix. Touch & go, took over a year to recover. Now you and I- we would take our Google printouts of possibilities along to the ER. Today's trivia - the only member of
    the Lewis & Clark Expedition to die was Sgt. Floyd along the Missouri River. Burst appendix. No ER.

  26. I always learned the appendix has no purpose or function. Why is it there?

  27. I understood appendix to be a vestigial organ that originally helped the vegetable diet of early humanids. LIke maybe our brains will be when AI takes over the earth. Etymology-wise, it sounds like 'add on' as in some some complicated books that note "see Appendix 3, note 6. Still got mine, for all the good it don't do.

  28. A vestigial no purpose organ that can kill you. Like dying from a hangnail.
