Saturday, August 31, 2024

What a fracking interview

 The CNN Interview of Kamala Harris/ Tim Walz with Dana Bash asking the questions:

Walz reminded me of a contestant on Jeopardy who just stands there and hardly rings the buzzer.  Moral support for Harris clearly although he did dodge the question about his military service and said something about his wife correcting his grammar and he was proud to be a public school teacher.  Harris basically answered Bash's questions vaguely but got poetic towards the end when she said the true strength of a leader is lifting people up.  We'll just leave everything else for the chat.  I do try to be fair here at Stranded but imo it was a weak interview, inadvertently funny in spots and probably says to most thinking people anyway she shouldn't be the leader of the free world.

What. The. Actual. Frack.


  1. Thanks for the update. Missed it, Jeopardy was probably on. By your definition I'm not a thinking person - should I quit watching Jeopardy?

  2. I know we all look at things through our biases but it was kind of objectively bad. Didn't watch it when it was on caught it on YouTube.

  3. Most of us are default voters. You'd vote for Cher if she were the Democrat nominee against Trump. If you do decide to watch the interview and think it was a great interview God bless you.

    1. Dunno. I DO like Adam Kinzinger a lot - sort of a macho RINO.

    2. Not being a political junkie had to Google. You're not into DINOs?

  4. I never voted for Bill Clinton or Barack Obama but I never felt they were incapable of leading the country. With Kamala Harris I feel she's incapable of leading the country.

  5. I voted for independent John Anderson in 1980 (6.6% of us did) when
    Reagan landslided Carter. I had a thing for renegade Republicans - still do. Trivia note - Amon Bundy was 5 yrs old then.

  6. Wish there were more renegade Democrats.

  7. A lot of Trumpublicans like Tulsi Gabbard, who was converted from Dem to GOP a couple years back. RFK is a little spookier - sort of a
    Kino - Kennedy in name only?

  8. But he has a right to be a Kino. Doesn't every family have members that go against their political consensus? Is that a crime?

    1. Not a crime. Can be hard on families. Most seem to handle it by avoiding the topic.

    2. My sister-in-law's brother his family when Trump was first elected he has a kind of meeting or huddle with them saying we'll get through this that's how seriously they took it. When my brother told me about this we both laughed. You and Shaw have a kind of hyperbolic view on this. How often do you two think about Trump on any given day?

  9. So during my 3 year blogging hiatus I did other things. It's like when you haven't watched baseball in awhile then watch a game. The name Tulsi Gabbard would come up CONSTANTLY. Conservatives sure do talk about her A LOT. Had to Google. I'm not a political junkie. I'm not in alleyways posting on political forums. So the Samoan chick who served Hawaii in Congress for a few years. I'm like okay.

  10. Wife was out to lunch with a couple of evangelical ladies. nice old gals, work in food kitchens, visit the rebuilt Ark in TN and go to their grandkids baseball gams. Mrs. said she was getting her flu/covid shots and the lady replied she was never getting another covid shot.
    "Why?" Everyone I got made me sick. Pretty good excuse, no?

  11. Two guys at work got the shots early on. Called out for a few days. My sister stopped getting them altogether. They treat the shots like an app. An update of the update is available.

  12. What's Nurse Nancy's position on vaccines? I'm going with 4-5 shots
    before bedtime, preferably brandy.

  13. She's totally for the covid vax and proudly showed me one day her NYS Excelsior Pass. My thing is twofold. Is there a compelling need for every person to get the covid vax? Some doctors feel only those in the high-risk groups should get it. So however you break this down personally the second thing is why don't they get a better product on the market? You'd think there'd be a clamor for this.

  14. Told the wife I had an idea for a Trump pinata, kid beats it with a stick. She thought that was awesome, probably make $$$$, Checked the web and Amazon already beat me to it. Vax-wise, the recommendations are more for the elderly. A lot easier than trying to split tiny metoprolol pills precisely in half or chug ivermectin or chorox. Am I the sole person who never had Covid?

  15. We might have had it and didn't know it. Covid-19 sounds like somebody's password. I would've thought they'd come up with a more disease sounding name by now.

  16. Covid comes from Corona Virus. Most of them cause the common cold. Dunno -equine encephalitis and myasthenia gravis were already taken. Wonder about those Ozempic people shooting up that stuff. Do
    they eschew covid shots?

  17. Doctors are very passive.

    Was wondering about all those people who feel they were injured in some way by the covid shot where are the resources to help them or do they go back to the doctor who told them to get the shot in the first place?

    I think the shots are all about moral symbolism at this point. They've kind of built a religion around it.

  18. You thinking the old tribal witch doctors shaking a skull, grimacing
    and screeching "out out, damned Covid" were more effective? Sick
    tribe people did. We've had Voodoo Economics and Voodoo Medicine. Just stick a pin in the doll, ya know? Probably where 'Chuckie' came from.

  19. Just want a better product ya know?

  20. We produce hula hoops and Capt. Crunch. You are so fussy.

  21. Big Bird teaching kids it's OK to take a rushed vaccine.

  22. Can't have the little brats coming down with bird flu.

  23. You can't hurry love and you can't hurry vaccines. It turns out bad.

  24. I'm not big on fracking personally. Can't they get enough from oil wells?
    Finite resources - they just get used up until they are gone. How about some long range thinking guys?

  25. Oil - did a little investigation. The US is the world's largest producer at 13.4 million gallons a day. Strangely, we export 10.5 million a day and import 8.5 million a day. Stranger yet, we blame the government. But the oil business makes the decisions to drill or not and where to sell and import. AND if the oil business overproduces, their profits decline. All the government can do is keep them from drilling in certain areas. The prices you pay at the pump are set by Big Oil,
    not Uncle Sam. Boring, true - but something to think about.

  26. Everything thinks it's the Middle East. I only learned this factoid fairly recently.

  27. Still a lot of cellphones exploding in Lebanon.
    Is it Israeli counter-intel, or did Apple have a bad lot?
