Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Worse than Chappaquiddick?

 So apparently the entire Kennedy clan is disgusted by RFK Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump.  I don't understand families.  Bobby is a full grown adult he can endorse whoever he wants to endorse.  He's also old enough to watch porn.  What does the family estrangement though mean in actuality?  He's disinvited from Kennedy weddings?  He gets nothing in his Christmas stocking?  No BBQ on Martha's Vineyard?  No entry in the regatta?  No Kennedy relative or relative of a relative will give him a kidney?  He's written out of wills?  He can't be buried or interred in the family plot?  I Piss On Your Grave?

JD Vance recently said Kamala Harris can go to hell.  I don't even know the context of this.  Is Vance on angry pills or something?

Our election cycles are becoming stranger all the time.


  1. JD grew up very poor with his Grandma. A lot of us were poor. I told my kids that we were so poor i only had one shoe in grade school.
    My sister wore the other one. Why don't they believe me, huh?

  2. They couldn't even afford cat food.

  3. Had a photo in the local paper this morning. Lady has a big brown Lab and a Tuxedo cat that sleep together - what would Jacksonville Galaxy
    make of that?

  4. Lucky the cats were good mousers.

  5. I'm thinking Siamese and Persians aren't good mousers like they just lie around all day looking elegant.

  6. Like that pristine white cat on the Fancy Treats label? Hardly a hunter- killer, probably named Fluffypoo.

  7. Would probably hide from a rat.

  8. When our old cat was a kitten, I made pull toys out of toilet paper cardboard centers. He was a real TP killer. So I painted one up with big googly eyes and a fuzzy tail (think Muskie bait), pulled it across the living room and he sped off into the laundry room and hid near the litter box the rest of the day. What does Jackson Z think?

  9. Should've stuffed it with catnip.

  10. Never thought of that - was too busy making google eyes.

  11. Still about 100 degrees every day out here. Can you get snow from

  12. I see Geeez and her group are praying for Trump to act classy and Harris to spew hatred in their debate. Is it me, or is God busy with the universe, the world and all of humanity to listen? What a circus.

  13. The odds of Trump saying something asinine are very high. Harris will probably get in some mild jabs about his legal woes. I don't know how much I'll watch. I'll probably peak through my fingers out of fright but it will have to be commented upon. Duty bound as a blogger.

  14. You, pipe and Christian Brothers. Should be almost as good as an Ozempic commercial.

  15. The vast majority of candidates you don't have to worry about how they'll conduct themselves. That this is even a topic of conversation!

  16. The pre-debate hype has been hyperbolic. I figure unless some weird catastrophe happens, voters will stick with their choices. Weird- he has a heart attack - she has Biden stagger on to the stage. -commercial break-

  17. Which is why I'm only blogging about it after it happens.

  18. I truly hope the 'debate' was a one and done.

  19. It's in the can but apparently there's more to come.

  20. I'll stick with Barney Miller - enough of 'The Odd Couple'.

  21. Odd Couple for me is like Twilight Zone. Unless it's a particular episode I surf past it.

    1. I meant 'Odd Couple' as the Great Debate...
      Ya know - peas from different pods.

    2. I'm glad it's over. Maybe the talking heads take it too seriously. It all came across as shtick. It was a great show.

  22. Much of politics is shtick. Mine is butter pecan ice cream.

  23. Been bothered by arthritis in neck and shoulders. Tried Icey-Hot, but
    didn't help much. Finally read the instructions which said you have to massage it in. Works better. Nurse Nancy knew that, right?

  24. I always read the label. Some ointments have a strong smell then everyone knows you have a problem. Any arthritis blogs out there?

  25. So, cover the IcyHot menthol with an English Leather oversplash? BTW
    the arthritis blogs are like the tinnitus blogs -the usual snake oil etc.

  26. Have you ever looked into Omega XL? Sounds a little pricey though.

  27. I already take enough pills to open my own drugstore or deal on the street. I'm OK with shots, but jabbing oneself in the stomach with Ozempic to lose weight seems desperate.

  28. I didn't know they do that. No way I'm doing that. I'd rather the doctor make fat jokes.

  29. Had a bird in the back yard yesterday, gray a little bigger than a Robin.
    Had a funny squeaky call. Been through all the bird books and the internet. Nothing. Was it a drone in camo?
