Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Kamala Chameleon

 Kamala Harris was once against fracking now she supports it.  She was once in favor of a looser immigration policy now she advocates for tighter border controls.  She now agrees with Trump's idea of no taxes on tips.  You have the right to adjust and tweak your views but this smacks of political opportunism.  Speaking of tweaking Trump is now playing around with the abortion issue instead of just sticking with his state by state approach thus potentially alienating that part of his base.  He wrote on Truth Social a second Trump term would be great for women's reproductive rights.  Maybe Trump nephew Fred is right he's showing early signs of dementia.  The Hulkster can't save him at this point.  His proposal to require insurance companies to pay for IVF treatments is hardly in line with smaller government.  I don't think Trump was ever a true conservative in the first place.

This election can best be summed up as Make America Confused Again.


  1. The Biden Administration still plans to push the Russian disinformation route saying they're trying to influence the 2024 election. Been contacted by any Russians lately BB?

  2. Not that I know of. Had a project one time to disassemble some Russian ammunition the CEO brought back from a Soviet factory.
    Found the ingredient types and amounts and I sent him a detailed memo using the Russian alphabet. His secretary was still laughing when she called and asked for a copy in English. A lot of countries
    including us specialize in disinfo. Easy to spot - it smells funny.

  3. Biden still playing the Russian disinfo card. Going back to the covid vax anything negative was blamed on Russian disinformation like HOW did the Russians mess with women's menstrual cycles?

  4. Probably just me, but people that take disinformation because they like it are naive, pawns in a propaganda circus. BTW, in further praise of 'Lost', I'm thinking your site is like the psychiatrist couch - where I can unload my life problem of a list with no bucket, ya know? Choices taken or not, assh*les out maneuvered, near death experiences, and the scientific world with slide rules. How much do you charge, Dr. Z? Do you have a ref from Nurse Nancy?

  5. Couple things. HOW do you decide what is disinformation and misinformation? Not always easy. Facts change on the ground especially early. The lab leak theory was called misinformation early on now the CIA says it's at least a plausible theory. Secondly WHO decides what is disinformation and misinformation? Now we get into the Orwellian aspect of it all. Better to have free speech.

  6. This is an everything blog. Like yesterday I made a hamburger, started eating it and it was too raw. Put it in the toaster oven, came out of the bathroom and my burger was on fire so I threw the toaster oven out. Should I get the Emeril French doors air fryer?

  7. I guess a chef can make a hamburger lots of different ways?

    1. It's not my way. I had already soaked the frying pan in detergent and sat down to eat the burger. Little too red for my taste so put it in the toaster oven. Bun caught fire and tgere was a smell of bad wiring. Got a nice combo air fryer toaster oven at Target today.

  8. I can decide what is true or false for me. I'm OK with that, but would refer to more true, if less interesting stuff. Like the History Channel,
    all about ancient aliens, ya know. I scoff at their history.

    1. I always prefer to do my own research regardless of what Snopes says.

  9. Dr. appointment next week. Last Summer she said cut the metoprolol pills in half and take a half pill a day. Last month she said take two halves a day. What's next? Take half a pill and place the the other under your pillow for the Pill Fairy? How's your Mom getting along these days?

    1. Bed bound mostly. Regular NP visits and her vitals are good. Reads bird magazines and watches old movies on the TV. Too bad I have to focus on things like the sidewalk.

    2. Sounds like she is in good hands, caring family and medical visits. Good for you and your siblings - she appreciates it.

  10. Was wondering with Kamala shifting some of her positions and Trump distancing himself from pro-life what if they agree more than disagree at the debate?

  11. The old 'tell the voters what they want to hear' strategy. You will have to let me know about the debate. Nephew teaches debate, along with Biology in Janesville, WI. They are formal, judged affairs where you may be picked to represent EITHER side...and kind of boring.

  12. My interest is twofold. First will Trump lose his cool and secondly will she totally suck? Other than that I'll be watching cooking shows or something.

  13. I see that Dick Cheney announced he will vote for Harris. Some in what is left of the old GOP are desperate.

  14. The guy who shot a fellow hunter in the face and said ooops my bad.

  15. Father/daughter, blood is thicker. Remember he got a heart transplant?
    You suppose it softened up ol Darth Vader the Warrior?

  16. Cheney always got the world's best medical treatment. You or I we'd be going to our uncle's wake.

  17. Yeah, Doc, I need a heart transplant. Have you tried a veterinarian?

  18. Not sure if I mentioned being injured in a weed eater incident last week. No Yonkers law, but I like to keep the hard at the same level, even under the split cedar fence. Mine is electric with an extension cord. I start against the house and it began spitting short sections of cutting cord. Tapped it a couple times to release more cord and got showered with flying cord in the legs, glasses and side of my face.
    Put on bandages (had to call the Idaho Legislature cuz they are very concerned about dangerous school teachers putting on bandages) and sat down on the front porch to disassemble the core, which had wrapped around some flange. Wife thought I looked like I had been in a bar fight.

  19. I remember you telling the story and was pondering it. Probably why for years I held off on power tools until Yonkers Code Enforcement became an issue.

  20. Wonder why if side walk grass is so critical, they don't have a crew working on it instead of harrassing Yonkerites?

  21. Had my cardio check-up yesterday. Hospital computers were down from T-storm. Most of my conversations were with the poor lady heart doctor and the IT team. Dr. without a computer is like a chef with no stove, a pole vaulter with no pole and or a mass murderer with only a toothpick. Sole take away - don't cut metoprolol in half, throw away the 20 mg benazepril, replace it with 10 mg benazepril and stay on the hydrochlorothiazide. Then last night I forgot to take my Eliquis. But in the last couple of years I'm down 35 lbs from my
    old fat happy self.

  22. I was picking up my BP pills at the pharmacy once and the lady ahead of me had 5 prescriptions. Probably didn't even know what day it was.

  23. Sometimes I get in a line and the little old lady in front opens a satchel of coins to pay and counts each one.

  24. Sounds like my late aunt God rest her soul.

  25. On the topic of waiting in line. Power outage downtown. Traffic lights all dead. Lots of cars at four corners, every driver eyeballing the terrain.
    Every one waited for their turn. Worked better than the lights. I'm thinking that might not work in Yonkers?

  26. It has occasionally happened in the Big YO. Somehow people work it out.

  27. Does Yonkers have any sort of feral cat position?

  28. Big on TNR programs. Bigger on cut your grass.

  29. Well TNR is a noble cause. Out here the ferals are associated with horse barns and outbuildings. Some semi-tame, others wary as cougars.

  30. Garbage pick up - we have 3 bins. Green for yard waste, blue for recycling and gray for garbage. They pick up on Thursday. Few years back a lady down the street backed into the ones she had set out in the driveway. Stuff all over. Surprised at her swearing creativity. Waited until I was went inside to guffaw.

  31. When I worked in the supermarket the meat wrapper a woman was in the basement and was extremely upset about something probably a delivery. Kept saying f'n motherf'er. Kind of redundant imo.

    1. OMG - was she a sergeant in basic training"
      Or just worked around chefs all day?
