Friday, September 06, 2024

If Trump loses he'll have an existential meltdown

 I think it can go either way but I also think that maybe the SOLE reason he's running again is he felt he should have won the last time.  I too had trouble processing this.  Think about it Joe Biden got a historic number of record votes.  More than Ronald Reagan more than Barack Obama.  The charisma of wet cardboard.  Didn't see too many Biden lawn signs either.  Georgia going blue absolutely blew my mind.  Now Hillary lost 2016 and was bitter about it for a long time.  Lots of talk about Russian interference but it all played out and she decided against a rematch.  IMO Trump however looks at things in more poetic and even grandiose terms.  By running again he feels he's trying to right some cosmic injustice.  What's the karmic deal yo?  Might explain his disorganized utterances of late he's not philosophically grounded.  Just my thoughts but I think this goes beyond MAGA.


  1. IMO, it's an ego thing. Biden - probably a Trump backlash vote. Modern
    politics is baffling.

  2. Perplexing to say the least. The American people have lately given presidents two terms. Bush Jr., Clinton, Obama. Throw in Reagan of course. Makes sense. Gives a leader the chance to finish the work he started. Foreign leaders are used to him so foreign policy has a stability, a consistency. For these reasons I thought the American people would give Trump a second term but all that went out the window.

  3. They say Harris is slipping in the polls as the convention high wears off. Also saying Trump should do well with the 18-34 white male demographic in places like western Pennsylvania and Michigan. Dunno about the childless cat ladies.

  4. Polls are always confusing, especially in tight races. Every voter has their own important reason of which there seem to be hundreds.

  5. First off there's too many of them and that adds to the confusion.

  6. Biden - charisma of damp cardboard. heh How can we explain Trump's charisma, and further his philosophy? I'm thinking Hulk Hogan braggadocio and Epicurius hedonism. On the other hand, a study by a group of English professors rates his speaking at the 4th grade level. Which as you note is quite charismatic. Along those lines, we might be better served with a debate between Hulk Hogan and Taylor Swift

  7. Trump and Biden - BOTH got record numbers of votes if you can believe it. Trump has as much charisma as Judge Judy but both are popular.

  8. He's at it again-
    "Donald Trump posted to social media late Saturday that he would jail “those people that CHEATED” during the 2020 election, including “Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials.” Speaking at a rally in Wisconsin on Friday, the former president promised that if reelected, he would “rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly victimized by the Harris regime” and sign their pardons on his first day back in office."
    I said in 2016 that he was batshit crazy and he continues to reinforce my opinon. ...and I'm an easy going guy.

  9. I thought on Day One he was gonna drill baby drill.


    1. Sounds like my dentist, Dr. Roto-Rooter.

    2. So in addition to the drilling he's gonna go after all the election cheaters. A lot on his plate on Day One. So much for settling in and fixing the furniture.

  10. Was looking up health topics on YouTube yesterday always a dangerous thing to do. WTH is a mold cleanse? Learn something new everyday.

  11. I'm impressed with your investigation into mold cleanse. Another marketing scheme to sell OTC stuff. Mold is not toxic, but a few people with allergies get cold-like symptoms. Of course, the experts may change their minds in the future, it's happened before. We don't have mold (or mosquitos) here because the relative humidity is always very low.

  12. I wasn't looking up mold cleanse specifically but activated charcoal and the Dr. Josh Axe video came up. Diatomaceous earth, activated charcoal. Things most people never heard of. Chef at work didn't know turmeric has medicinal value.

  13. Tumeric can be an anti-oxidant, which is good. The supplements break down too quickly and natural curry is preferred. Too much can lead to kidney stones. -according to Johns-Hopkins. Reminds me of that guy that used to be on TV, roaming the woods looking for great vegetation to nibble on. He is gone- probably ingested poison ivy?

  14. I saw a show like that. Don't know if it was the same one you watched. Would cook the stuff in his cabin. Great leaves!

  15. You into pinecone flambe and sumac soup de jour?

  16. I'm feeling nauseous. Anthony Bourdain probably would have tried it.

  17. Mrs. hates Brussel sprouts - I love 'em. Didn't Bourdain commit suicide? I liked his traveling food shows. Go figure.

  18. He did check out early. He was willing to eat anything at least once.

  19. Several cooking shows on the TV. Those house flipping, repairing, selling shows are ubiquitous. Wife can watch them for hours. Me?
    See one house get the walls taken out and painted all white inside,
    you've seen them all.

  20. I'd be more interested if they showed something practical like how to fix a backed up toilet with a disclaimer for sensitive viewers.

  21. LIke 'The Adventures of Pete The Plumber'?
