Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It was a feisty debate. I don't declare a winner.

Both got in their jabs.  Kamala Harris made a lot of funny faces during Donald Trump's remarks.  At one point Trump called her a Marxist and said something about people eating dogs but I was slightly under the influence of Caribbean rum at the time trying to put it all together.  A long debate don't really want to sit through another one.  During the recap the ABC News commentators seemed biased saying Trump came across as angry.  To me he wasn't over the top just regular Trump mode.  No clear winner imo but it was an entertaining night.


  1. OK. Was amazed at all the house cats illegal immigrants are eating..
    Odd, Idaho needs and wants them for work in the fields. If they are sent back, potatoes, wheat and beef will go through the roof. I tried to watch Jeopardy, which was cut for the debate circus and was busy trying to cut benzapril pills exactly in half. BTW keep and eye on your semi-pet cat collection, the Orange one claims they are in great danger. Not sure what the motherless cat ladies think. Whatever happened to normal voters, Z-Man?

    1. First Vance brought up cats and now Trump. How did the subject of cats become part of the campaign? How did cats enter the conversation? There's a kind of cat thread or pattern here. While he's on the subject why doesn't Trump talk about the price of Fancy Feast?

  2. So I was talking about the debate at work. I said both Trump and Harris did well. Harris wasn't as bad as I thought she might be and was obviously well-prepped. Trump made the points you'd expect him to make and he was coherent which I was starting to question on my blog. There's no law saying someone has to win a debate but organized punditry which is biased gave the debate to Harris as you'd expect. Z-man saw no clear winner honestly.

  3. You talked about the pre-debate hyperbole. Let's talk about the post-debate hyperbole. Checked Samsung News on my phone and there was some article about Jon Stewart says Harris crushed Trump during the debate. There was no crushing. Nobody was crushed from what I saw. I saw a fiery passionate debate and both sides did well considering pre-written notes were not allowed. Jon Stewart - trying to stay relevant.

  4. If you like him he won. If you like her she won. Why bother?

  5. I agree with Jimmy Dore it's a draw. I reviewed some of the moments last night on YouTube and Trump showed some great wit and Kamala also had some good lines. It was a quality debate despite the cats and dogs.

  6. I see Taylor Swift has finally come out and endorsed Kamala. I don't care if she endorses the mailman I'm tired of hearing about her.

  7. I see Trump thinks she will lose all her millions of followers. Back in the day things were simple. I had a "I Like Ike" bumper sticker. Now we see "My kid can beat up your honor student".

  8. Article on my news feed just now. The conservative Swifties are still with her.

  9. Kamala Harris talking about NATO and Putin invading Poland kind of balanced out the cats and dogs. IMO each debater should be allowed one outrageous statement.

    1. I'm guilty - last time around he came close to quitting NATO, pissed off all Europe while Putin beamed. Some of us still have a strong dislike for communism-totalitarianism. Do you blame Winston Churchill for WWII like Tucker Carlson does?

    2. Didn't know Tucker was such a big history buff. Since you're a fan of his walk me through this.

  10. Geeez thinks Harris won the debate. I don't know what she bases this on. If people are still debating who won the debate then imo there was no clear winner in the debate. That she didn't lose and did better than expected is bring spun by the punditocracy that she defeated Trump.

    1. Goes without saying Mrs. Geeez thinks that. People project their
      wishes - media hypes the process more. Gotta take my 7 morning pills now and fix the back downspout.

  11. Pundits, the talking heads to me are A LOT like movie critics. They make authoritative pronouncements and think they are dealing with something objective. They help frame the official opinion or narrative. I beg to differ.

    1. Harris has support ranging from Dick Cheney to Bernie Sanders, quite a range. Odd for Red Idaho, some Harris signs are going up in town. As you know, abortion choice is an issue that continues to fester. Meanwhile, Trump wants the people at ABC News fired for picking on him. I'm no pundit, although I love puns (crossword 4 letters down, statements that make you groan)

    2. On the abortion front you keep saying nobody is really for abortion so that's an implicit acknowledgement that abortion involves killing otherwise why would nobody be for it? Or Is nobody for it because of the inconvenience involved?

    3. A lot of people DO feel David Muir was biased but I don't think media bias is grounds for firing. Trump is known to not prep that well. It amazes me though that people still deny media bias.

    4. If a woman carrying a dead fetus goes into fatal sepsis here in Idaho. She cannot be treated, just bleeds to death at home.
      One reason women believe it should be a medical issue, not
      a government issue. More precisely, an evangelical issue.
      60% of Catholics support abortion rights. Me? I mind my own business.

    5. Holy God you always choose the most extreme outlier cases to make your point. I'm just trying to get you people to admit you're pro-abortion and you twist yourself into a semantic pretzel. Me? I like a little honesty.

  12. On the united cat front I've been doing light research on forums on the subject of Haitians eating cats. I like to go beyond Snopes. So apparently it was agreed animal sacrifice is a part of Haitian religious ritual or voodoo. Some commenters feel there have been limited cases of perhaps homeless Haitian immigrants eating cats but nobody on the forums have said there is such an epidemic in Springfield Ohio. Trump may have grossly amplified a kernel of truth somewhere as he is wont to do. Another commenter feels if Trump says something the media immediately treat it as a joke. So the feline issue maybe not 100% untrue but magnified by the hyperbolist running for a second term.

    1. On the united cat front, I watched an episode of J. Galaxy this morning. Meanest cat I ever saw. Jackson Starburst vs Bully
      Black Hole. Touch and go, scratch and yell. The guy is the feline version of Dr. Phil.

    2. Been meaning to catch up with Mr. Galaxy. I myself would carry a big bag of catnip around with me but that's how I roll.

  13. Sister in law adopted two Haitian boys back in the day. Grew up with white brothers on a farm. Didn't eat cats. One played drums and the other HS football, though.

  14. Apparently some Haitians do eat cats. Like I said I was lightly browsing some forums on the topic. The thing with the fact-checkers is everything is binary to them. Either/Or, Yes or No, True or False. No gray areas. Cursory research at best. That's not to say there's an epidemic of Haitians eating cats in Springfield Ohio though.

  15. Did you see the PBS News Hour story on the influx of Haitian immigrants to Springfield Ohio and the problems and challenges this poses? Apparently a lot of them are reckless drivers. This is PBS saying this not Donald Trump. Imagine if Donald Trump said this!

  16. Trump is against another debate, says he won them all and only losers debate. Karl Rove and Neil Cavuto (FoxNews) as well as the persistent Shaw foil Skudrunner said he clearly lost the debate. If debates were based on gray areas, screen writers would have a ball.
    My gray area musing for today - If you like him he won, if not-he lost.

  17. Kind of like when the Irish invaded NYC. Old problem. Like the Lincoln-Douglas Debates (while we are debating debates) of 1858. 7 of them, each hours long, no TV or radio then. Upshot was that the new Republican party replaced the old Whig party, Lincoln won and we had a Civil War. Odd - the immigrants in those days were from all over Europe and the natives were Shawnee, Fox, Ojibway and Sioux.
    They ate Buffalo and had no housecats - the immigrants took their buffalo and brought house cats. Political Ecology?

  18. Many people are influenced by what becomes mainstream opinion and that mainstream opinion generally in this case gets shaped and curated first by the talking heads or pundits. This is why you'll see on your phone the day after the debate that Trump lost. Then the average person gets influenced by this. It's always binary. After every debate a winner has to be declared. If it's not clear who won or lost or if one did slightly better than the other why do we pursue this? You should never be afraid of going against the consensus if you feel you have a good basis for doing so.

    Shaw is predictably partisan. Don't treat her as some type of arbiter of political truth or something.

    1. Oh my - it sounds like you are talking about FoxNews, QAnon
      and Breitbart. Must be mainstream because there are a huge
      number of followers.

    2. Nobody talks about Q anymore except you. Somebody woke up on the wrong side this morning.

      Just wanted to say I saw a close debate. I think the reason why Geeez and Co. feel he lost the debate was he brought up the cats and the dogs. No other reason.

      I hope when I reach your age I'm able to have better conversations.

    3. You must have the day off. Go fishing, enjoy!
      I hope when you reach my age, you have less arthritis than me.

    4. I think I'm getting some. Got my creams and pills all ready. My drawer looks like a mini pharmacy.

    5. Semper Paratus - Always Prepared. Sounds like Leonard Hoffstader in Big Bang. Now, if only Penny could stop in.

    6. In addition I now seem to be regularly googling medical subjects. My sister does too. A sign of age. Seems like every subject you google there's a remote possibility it could be cancer. Hang nail , pimple whatever.

  19. The signs on business windows in those days "No Irish Need Apply" if you're implying the situation in Ohio is comparable and so further implying racism as you do seem to like to imply things from time to time you're way off base.

  20. Did Tony Bennett endorse candidates? I don't remember.

  21. Tony Bennett - back in the last century. I doubt they did that then. But
    I DO know that he left his heart in San Francisco.

  22. Will Rogers laughed at politics, but supported both GOP and Dems at various times. What do you say, Will?
    "Asked if there should be presidential debates? Yes: "Joint debate—in any joint you name" In 1928, he ran a spoof campaign for himself as
    president, promising that "If elected, I will resign."
