Friday, September 13, 2024

Conservatives are in a blue funk mood after the debate

 As I said I rewatched some of the clips from the debate on YouTube and thought Trump did well despite the pets.  It has been officially declareth however that he lost the debate.  Mine must be some weird minority opinion.  Welcome to Stranded the place of weird minority opinions.  You might find a few.

A commenter at a conservative blog opined that God intervened in the assassination attempt for a reason and so not to despair.  If you're a religiously-minded person that is not an invalid view imo.  To date not much has come from the FBI's investigation as to motivation.  Kind of odd.  Usually by now you'd hear from some neighbor that Crooks looked up at the nighttime constellations for political messages at 3 in the morning or something.  That he was able to put a ladder up against the side of the building to scale the roof is really something.   The Home Depot - how doers get more done.

For me one debate sufficeth.  If there's another one my biased newsfeeds will declare by sunrise the next morning that he lost that one too.  Regarding the cats and dogs one of my first reactions was there needs to be some serious research on this instead of the usual superficial snoping.  There's feral cats all over the place.  It's not out of the realm.  On the other hand Trump pronounces things in a Shakespearian manner like there's some pet apocalypse going on.  Maybe fodder for the next Stephen King novel.

Conservatives need to pop a Prozac.


  1. I have no idea of what cat meat tastes like or how to prepare it. The whole idea is akin to cannibalism, IMO.

  2. Agreed. Then there's horse meat. I'll stick with the supermarket even if RFK Jr. doesn't like it.

  3. Holy son of a tomcat, Z-Man. You sitting on your tablet all day?
    Nice to talk a lot though. Hunters I know say that antelope tastes a lot
    like goat. What have they been shooting?

  4. Off today. Mostly checking my smartphone.

    Bear meat = trichinosis at least according to my mammal book.

  5. So with the immigration situation in Ohio does Trump win or lose this key state?Interesting question. Judging from a PBS News Hour report on the matter and city council meetings in Springfield it would seem to favor him.

  6. Put another way is Trump talking out of his ass or is there a serious strategy here?

  7. No idea. But trivia-wise today is Friday the 13th and all that superstition stuff. In 1939, the Indiana town of French Lick passed a law on that day that all black cats must wear a bell on their collar. Then today we learn that a Duluth MN cat disappeared 7 weeks back during street construction. The sad family kids were preparing a suitable funeral when someone hear a cat meowing under ground.
    The family was nosing around during sewer trenching and had lived in an air pocket the whole time. Cat lost over half its weight. was delighted to see day light and ate like a king. Funeral cancelled.
    What was the question? Oh yeah - the purple states issues. Dunno,
    some of them are so local, ya know? Bear meat- frontiersmen and Indians just kept the fat. You rub it on to keep mosquitos away or put it on your venison for flavor. Black cats - wife really likes them.
    Had one indoor-outdoor with the peculiar habit of growling instead of purring when you petted him. Lost an argument with a Fed Ex truck
    out on the street, buried in the garden near the potato vine. Hey! You have had a busy blogday. Now go to work and let me know what is up with the coworkers and I'll expose my past coworkers.

  8. Had a black feral cat years ago. Ruby a female. Outdoor cat. Her trademark was catching mice but just leaving the heads lying around. Loved to be petted. Beautiful cat almost like a black Persian.

    Have some kind of SI joint pain last few days lifting chicken boxes at work. I'm too old for this. Can't wait to retire and get my two pensions.

    That's enough for one day. 'Night.

  9. If you were to look at my Google search history I'm not even looking up porn. Hip pain, back pain, joint pain. Let me hunker down to a good session here. Grab my cup of coffee...adductor muscles. As the Spanish say Viejo y pobre or old and poor.

  10. Jumping around the forums this morning. So apparently if there's a crime problem with illegal aliens it's racist to talk about it.

    I like how T. Swift kept us in suspense for awhile. Trump shouldn't waste his time talking about her.

  11. Jumped around at that and find the overall crime rate is lower for immigrants than the rest of the population. But if they were gone,
    so would their crime rate, right? You suppose Taylor is looking for
    a job in a Harris administration?

    1. Slightly oxymoronic since if you're here illegally that's kind of, well illegal.

    2. You might be right about Swift. They'll make up a title for her. Cultural ambassador or something.

  12. We don't know how the election is gonna go but it's possible Trump could win on immigration alone.

    1. Dunno - as I recall, first term he promised to build a wall and have the Mexicans pay for it.

    2. Be that as it may crime and immigration are two of his strongest issues. The Dems have always been perceived as weak or soft on those two issues. Maybe you're a liberal on the whole immigration issue. I'm more of a moderate.

  13. People elected Trump the first time knowing full well he could appoint SCOTUS justices who could posdibly overturn Roe and apparently they were fine with that. Roe was radical and went pretty far into the pregnancy. Trump says hash it out in the states.

    You have often said nobody is for abortion. If nobody is for abortion WHY is nobody for abortion? You're not under oath I'm just trying to get to the nub of the matter.

    1. I'm not arguing the moral sides here, but looking at the demographics, (Gallop & PEW for example, from the time of
      the Dobbs reversal, people of all ages and gender did a complete flip-flop, a 25% swing on the issue.

    2. The pollsters probably don't explain Roe correctly. The justices allowed abortion up to 24 or 28 weeks or viability. Viability changes though with medical advances. Roe then allowed abortion up to the 9th month if the mother's physical or emotional and mental health was affected. Do you think the pollsters say what I just said?

      I'd like to see a swing on the truth.

  14. I don't think the abortion issue hurts Trump. People who plan on getting an abortion someday or feel it might be a key part of their lifestyle choices in the future will obviously vote for Harris. Those people are sexually active. Other people and I know some may have had a bad marriage say and haven't been involved with anyone for years so they're not focused on the abortion choice. It's not a factor in their lives. The Dems act like everyone is for feticide. Some people ain't into the issue or feel the other way.

    1. I felt bad that Beth quit blogging after my true stories of the problems with abortion here in town. She was a nice person who added much to your blog. it is an extremely divisive issue, but it's here.

    2. The only hitch is abortion is arguably the taking of a human life. In our jurisprudence we normally don't say you can willy-nilly take a human life. Shouldn't the onus be on the pro-choice side to prove it is not a human life?

      Yes it's divisive because people can't address their own cognitive dissonance.

  15. It seems confusing - feticide, homicide, pesticide, patricide, suicide,
    regicide, tyrannicide. Redicide, Dunno Z-man, everyone opines.
    I respect your choice. OK?

  16. Whatever 'cide it involves killing something.

  17. Is it me, or do both sides wish Trump could control his mouth?

  18. With two assassination attempts if he could just act more statesmanlike he could ride into the WH.

  19. IMO, he is more into rallies than being pres. If you were his age, with his money, you would probably buy out Yonkers?

  20. I'd at least fix up my backyard. Maybe a Greek statue by the rose garden.

  21. And maybe a Hilton for the feral population?
