Saturday, September 14, 2024

Curated newsfeeds

 Google News, Samsung News, NewsBreak and a few others.  You know the pre-installed crap apps that come on your devices.  They're anti-Trump day in and day out while Kamala gets a free ride.  No serious research they just regurgitate each other and spew out the same canned news items on a daily basis.  A common everyday theme is a quick debunking of every Trump utterance.  The so-called fact-checkers have become a cottage industry.  Joe Rogan speaking of them on his podcast said fact-checkers are full of shit.  I'm inclined to agree.  Do they go out in the field and do extensive research?  They sure come to their conclusions rather quickly.  Everything is binary to them there are no even partial truths.  All this and more is the reason why more and more people are gravitating to independent media.  Curated newsfeeds they don't just give you the news they cue you in on what to think.

I have no recommendations just do your own research.


  1. You ALWAYS have a clever response BB.
    You're pretty politically vigorous for an 83 year old.

    You don't have an issue with media bias because you AGREE with that bias. For me however there's a fine line between the media reporting the news and the media trying to influence an election.

    1. I agree. Say FoxNews vs CNN? Fact checking related - professor daughter in Kansas keeps spotting Wiki/AI answers
      from student's tests. Calls them in, points it out and gives them a zero grade. Dept Chair says that is a little tough. Is he a biologist, or does he work for Wiki? You are a fine line guy, so how do we approach the kid that looks up how to spell
      'monocotyledon' and rather than type out the answer, they
      cut and paste it? Yeah at 83, cut and paste involved scissors and Elmers in school for me.

    2. Had to look up Joe Rogan. Accidentally got Rogan Josh, a Kashmiri dish, no doubt familiar to all you chefs. Finally found Joe. He is sort of eclectic, I agree with some of his ideas, others not. He doesn't seem like a fact-checker of fact-checkers, like yourself, but more of an opinion guy. That's my opinion.

    3. I call them the speed fact-checkers who are somehow able to debunk things in a day or less.

    4. Journalism has changed though. It no longer purports to be objective. NBC News Lester Holt set the tone a few years back in a speech defending media bias and fellow journalists applauded him. Reporters today just feel they are stating obvious truths like Trump is bad for democracy. Hence trying to influence elections in a way.

  2. Media, newsfeeds trying to sanitize the Haitian immigrant situation in Springfield Ohio even though many of them apparently are reckless drivers this according to a recent PBS Newshour report. It has been officially deemed impossible for any of them to have eaten cats however.

  3. You eat Boar's Head out there in Idaho? Big Listeria outbreak across 18 states. Last I checked 8 or 9 people dead and 57 hospitalized from eating Boar's Head products. Problem originated from the BH plant in Virginia since closed. Lawyers getting involved. Is this the next Camp Lejeune?

  4. I haven't seen it here. Boars Head or Listeria.

  5. No Boar's Head in Idaho? What do you have Ammon Bundy cold cuts?

  6. Our only delis here are in the big grocery stores. One little place has nice seafood salad. Would that be Cod's Head?

  7. The seafood salad with imitation crab meat. You don't even know what it is.

  8. I know it's not crab. Chicken?

  9. My understanding is assorted fish ends. Don't taste right to me but if I was starving in the woods....... Shrimp salad - I love shrimp but not mixed with mayo.

    1. Who cannot love shrimp salad? Mrs. used to make it with my Mom's recipe. For some reason those little round noodles went off the market. Can't find them anywhere.

    2. Assorted fish ends? Explains the eyeballs and fins-

  10. Lost in the world of current pop culture.
    Is Diddy Combs the Taylor Swift of the crime world?

  11. He ain't living right.

  12. Can his lawyers blame Diddy's Daddy?

  13. Don't understand the rap world. Celine Dion isn't out killing people or running sex trafficking rings.

  14. I read somewhere that she is or was quite ill with some voice problems I don't care for Rap. It's like music for non-singers.

  15. I'll at least listen to some Eminem. Also Run-DMC were clean and worth listening to.

  16. So I recently damaged or strained a pelvic floor muscle at work or maybe the SI area. Slowly getting better. Of course I YouTubed the hell out of the problem then I saw warnings about doing too many Kegels and had to remind myself what that is. Somebody came up with a trendy way to pee and it caught on in the health field only the stop 'n' go technique can lead to pelvic pain. Just take a piss ya know?

  17. That sometimes comes with aging as well. Invented by Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynocologist - I was thinking maybe he was some sort of pervert. I looked at some diagrams. One site kept things simple -
    "the anus, sometimes known as the butthole" Good Ol Google.

  18. EVERYTHING comes with aging BB. You laugh at a joke and pull a muscle. You bite your tongue more while eating. You spit at people when you talk to them. There's some kind of ass leakage in your drawers you didn't have in your 30's.

  19. Even old Arnold Schwarzenegger?

  20. Leakage-wise, I worked for a Plant Mgr, who was also a rodeo cowboy. Dapper cowboy, boot-cut jeans, tooled boots and a saucer sized belt buckle. Was in his plush office and he gets a funny look on his Marlboro Man face and says "Oopsie, it's a poopsie" and dashed out to the rest room. Too many bull rides?

  21. Good to have a spare set of underwear. They say never to trust a fart.

  22. Oh wow Arnold is 77 years old now. Wonder who he's endorsing. He's a bit of a RINO.
