Saturday, August 10, 2024

Is the pro-abortion vote enough to swing the election?

Complex but in the final analysis I'm gonna say no.  The msm would probably say yes.  So far I've seen only one commercial from Kamala Harris, a short tv ad talking about workers and the economy and protecting reproductive rights.  The pro-abortion vote - I would have to say that demographic is fairly sexually active and as my brother likes to say it's like they plan on having abortions (ok not the best way of putting it but you get the gist).  However there are other people out there, quite a few who are not into abortion, who don't like abortion and you don't have to be an official card-carrying RTL member to feel this way.  Also a large portion of the population go to bed every night in cold sheets.  They'll even say they've had nothing going on for years maybe had a bad marriage.  Abortion may not be uppermost in their minds.  Just a ramble and I'll cap it here.

Is Kamala Harris over-emphasizing the issue?


  1. It was a factor after Dobbs. Seven states voted pro-abortion and three elected Dem governors. CA and VT were blue states, OH and MI were purple and MT KS and KT were red. I guess pro-abortion is sort of pejorative, that crowd preferring 'between a woman and her Dr.' who think a long standing SCOTUS ruling was gutted by a hand picked packed court. Kind of the way I assess it. I guess the ad nauseum argument would be what if they overturned gun rights?
    Just a ramble. Each voter has their own issues

  2. Ronald Reagan was officially pro-life. He may have de-emphasized the issue but his stance obviously didn't hurt him.

  3. No. Roe was in effect then. Ollie North, decorated Marine, political
    intriguer, Catholic turned Evangelical. Those were the days. Hard not to like a President that has jelly beans at cabinet meetings though.

    1. Knew you'd say that. Doesn't matter though. Reagan had a big hand in shaping the SCOTUS. Four if you google.

  4. You me and Geeez agree Trump's base which you put around 40% is not enough to put him over the top. Similarly I am proposing that the Dem's pro-abortion base or bloc is not enough to put Kamala over the top though it may be similarly large. So far Trump is not going beyond his base in his strategy. Similarly and it's early but Harris is not going beyond abortion that much in her appeal or she always feels she has to mention it. I mean unless you've been living in a cave everyone knows the Dems are pro-abortion.

  5. Living in Idaho is akin to living in a cave - kind of like living in Yonkers is living in a manicured horticultural exhibit. No one is pro-abortion. Many are for freedom of choice. Take the not uncommon condition of carrying a dead fetus to term. To abort it and save serious medical problems would not be feticide. Who am I to tell a woman what to do? Who are you to declare her a criminal. We lost a premature infant back in the day. Lived about 24 hours. Neonatal
    called and said she had dozens of tubes and what not and would not make it. Other neonatal cases were lining up -may we pull the plug.
    I said yes and informed the Mrs who was still in the hospital. She said I did the right thing. Apparently it was legal, though hardly pleasant. I guess the politicians know better than we, Z-Man.

  6. "No one is pro-abortion." I dispute that.

    If you have thought about an action and go through with that action you are pro-that action. If you say you are not pro-that action but go through with that action anyway that is not the sign of a rational species. A bank robber doesn't claim in court he is not pro-bank robbery. People who go through with abortions or perform them are logically pro-abortion. That is not a pejorative. You as an observer might with fairness say you are not pro-abortion. Are doctors who perform abortions not pro-abortion?

  7. I could go through your semantics and syntax about anti-freedom of choice using the same logic. To what end? BTW, at liquor store today the old lady at the check out called me handsome. Didn't get me a discount on the C. Bros, though. If you want to jump off the Eiffel Tower and do it, are you pro-suicide? In a way, I guess.

  8. It's not semantics. I'm not getting the hangup. By your logic nobody is pro-anything. Another analogy. You can legitimately take the position you are not for hard drugs yet support drug legalization. You could also say those who use recreational hard drugs are obviously pro-drug. I don't think prostitution is a good thing but don't understand how it's a crime if somebody wants to pay for sex. I'm not pro-prostitution but the johns are. The syntax of pro-choice to me is like trying to nail jello to a wall. It just lacks a certain honesty.

  9. Basically, according to Merriam-Webster - pro-life means opposed to abortion. Pro-abortion means the favoring the legislation of abortion. Statistically there are followers of both, and maybe some who don't care on way or the other. Outside the box, SCOTUS is 67% Catholic, while 20% of the population is Catholic. A jaded way of looking at Dobbs. Further away from the box, of those 20% Catholic, they are 50-50 on the issue, or about 10%, Evangelicals/Mormons are much more strongly pro-life. Box makes me think of Soapy and his soapbox. I think we agree it is a political issue. To what an extent, remains to be seen.

  10. Going further since nobody is really pro-abortion pro-life is against what nobody is for or something like that. Guy has numerous affairs and tells his wife he's not pro-adultery. Hmmm.....

  11. The Catholics yeah. In my own family on sister-in-law's side everybody is staunchly Catholic. Baptisms, 1st Communions, Confirmations. Nice suits to wear. All the trappings but pro-abortion or pro-choice yes.

  12. When I was a kid, the Catholic kids walked on the other side of the street. Didn't even play together. Protestant preachers damned them from the pulpit. Kind of a separate but equal atmosphere. Later, my sister married one as did a couple of bro-in-laws. Used to play basketball at the Catholic high school, Father Rossiter walks up and says, you're new, what's you name? I gave out my obvious Norwegian last name and he smiled and said "Sound like a good Irish name to me. A few years ago I connected with a woman that was in my High School class. She married a Catholic when it was practically illegal - couldn't do it in a church. Fr Rossiter said OK,
    we'll marry you too at my house. Been married going on 60+ years.
    I really liked the guy, he was a Monsignier or something. He transfered down to LaCross, WI. and I was shocked to hear he got stabbed to death at the altar by some guy that thought Rossiter was getting the girls too involved in the Mass. Good man - he sought the common ground. Oh, did I ever mention that I was the senior acolyte at the Episcopal Cathedral? Go figure.

  13. Many years ago I was browsing through this U.S. Bishops guide to the movies. Forget the title of the book but they have their own rating system. One rating I forget the symbol but it was something like this movie is adult in nature but give it a chance it might be OK to watch. Then there was the dreaded (O) rating for morally offensive. Guess which rating they gave "Last Tango In Paris." Like don't even watch it don't bother it's no good no redeeming variables...Bishops got nothing better to do all day then watch and rate movies?

    1. Then it was Bishops. Now it's Rotten Tomatoes. What's next, the AI Uber Analytical Film Guide?

  14. Got a google ad from the Los Angeles Film School-
    "Craft captivating content, connect with the world.
    Unleash your storytelling power, master emerging media technologies, and become a leader in the ever-evolving communications landscape. Whether you dream of captivating audiences as a journalist or becoming a viral content creator, our Bachelor of Media Communications Degree empowers you to make your mark. Dive into the heart of the industry with courses like: Journalism Across Digital Platforms, Digital Video and Audio Production, Digital Photography and Photo Editing, Social Media Strategy and Management, Media Entrepreneurship, Advanced Audio and Podcasting and more!"
    Would that degree and Grammarly help my blog comments?

  15. You can be an influencer and go up against Joe Rogan,

    or not.

  16. Not familiar with Joe Rogan. Is he a middleweight boxer?

  17. Incredibly popular podcaster on Spotify. Voices all sorts of opinions. Incredibly wealthy as a result. I express all sorts of opinions too. Still looking for a good deal on Fancy Feast.

  18. You techies. I thought a podcaster was one of those fancy fishing reels.

  19. Bishop's film rating of 'Last Tango' - did they give it an F for French?

  20. Simply a big fat O for morally offensive. Actually Marlon Brando spoke pretty good French in the movie.

    You have your Bishop's Guide to the Movies on your coffee table. You come home after a hard day at work. You were going to watch some movie in the TV listings. You consult your Bishop's Guide after your warm shower.

    "OH man I was gonna watch that."

    1. No idea of how you say "Pass the butter" in French....

    2. The movie goes back and forth between French and English but mostly English.

  21. That is better than those Japanese moves with the English voice over.
    Guy mouths 'wan gung kimiwok' and the vocal comes out 'the monster went over that hill'.

  22. Sounds like Godzilla movies.

  23. Back to abortion politics. There is a ballot initiative proposal to restore abortion rights in Idaho. Much support from women and younger voters and other red states have overturned extreme abortion laws. It is an issue that seems to transcend standard politics. Dunno, never had one myself.

  24. Apparently nobody is for them. Kind of a moot point.

    Maybe Planned Parenthood's new slogan: "We hate doing them."

    1. Nobody is for them - that's it in a nutshell. The problem is that a whole lot of people are not against them. If it is a choice, whose? If it isn't who says so? It is no oxymoron, but back, way back. the Church controlled the civilized world. It was called the Dark Ages. The only way out was to buy an indulgence. Need cash? Point out the odd old lady up the street- they burn her at the stake and you pocket half her
      small fortune. Don't dig deep into the history of religion, it
      is a bit depressing.

    2. Abortion is arguably the taking of a human life. That's science not theology. That makes the pro-choice position simplistic.

      Pro-choice is not against abortion but then they say they're not for them either. That's cognitive dissonance. Push comes to shove you have to have some personal moral position on the issue. Read somewhere there have been about 60 million abortions. By your logic nobody is for them so where'd that number come from?

  25. I'm easy going. If a little girl gets gang-raped. Castrate the perps.
    Don't harrass the heck out of her.

  26. Don't say that with a French fry in you mouth. Idaho isn't that odd, but
    Sasquatch can be legally eligible to vote here.
