Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Working-class abortions

 Seems to be an amalgam of Kamala Harris' early TV advertising and probably future advertising as well.  Look for the union label and btw you can have an abortion.  We got you we'll hook you up.

I think with her selection of MN Governor Tim Walz she overestimates the leftness of the American people.  Taking a gamble on PA without Gov. Shapiro's help and focusing on the Midwest.  Dunno.  Maybe she wants to help Trump.


  1. She wanted JD Vance, but he was busy?

  2. it is odd. Latest polls show people support for abortions in most cases. Like 63-36 (even Catholics 60-40. Evangelicals are absolutely against it. The nitty-gritty is the legality/punishment thing - stuff like jailing the woman and de-licensing the Dr. Since Dobbs, it is the states which vary widely. Here in Idaho they have to go out of state. Which is where our librarians would like to do too. In the final analysis it is whether it is a single-issue driver like border immigration, saving my gun collection, drug prices, what have you.
    It appears that Shapiro is fully behind Kamala. Whether his huge
    popularity in PA delivers, who knows? My thoughts anyhow.

    1. I've mostly heard the public is pro-choice but with reservations. This is not the same thing exactly as the hard-core pro-feticide position of today's Democratic Party. No RTL group has ever advocated jailing women btw.

    2. You would be much happier in Idaho, Z-Man

    3. Thinking about this on my way home. Many people even many pro-choicers would say abortion is a negative thing. On a philosophical level forgetting the politics for the moment. Kamala is making what many people would say is a negative thing and making it a cornerstone of her campaign. It'd be like putting your pet to sleep but celebrating it.

    4. I'd have to fact check first your lurid tales coming out of Idaho. BB as a source. Dunno;)

  3. Maybe she doesn't really want the job.

  4. I just think the optics are off. Kamala the younger woman walking around with this old looking guy. I see them on the campaign stops on the news. It's like when you walk with your father but you're walking too fast.

  5. So at any rate and this was on a mainstream news channel I watch when channel-surfing but on the day she announced Walz as her VP pick they said Minnesota is a sanctuary state for child gender reassignment stuff or whatever the term is. Look you're an adult do what you want but this is so out there culturally and socially at this juncture in time I don't see how this helps her. Picking the PA Governor would obviously have helped her in a key battleground state. Wonder why she chose Walz.

  6. Just watched Trump press conference. I had to laugh- he is regular stand-up comic. Negative everything, mostly talked about the HUUGE crowds he draws. He could well sit back in Mara Lago with his gold bathroom fixtures. but that would bore him mightily. Issues- "I'll make everything far more wonderful than it's ever been!" Great, how, ya know the details? Like maybe a great wonderful wedding between corporations and unions?

    1. Some high-ranking union officers make quite a bit of dough. You could look it up. Are they copying corporations?


  7. As a former resident, the state is quite progressive, Walter Mondale,
    Hubert Humphry , Eugene McCarthy (well, there was Jesse Ventura, professional wrestler and Navy Seal). Odd place, I was working making ammo for VN and had a McCarthy sticker on my bumper.
    (support the trumps -get them out)

  8. Walter Mondull?

    Legendary quote:

    "Let's tell the truth. Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did."

  9. Repeating a point I made in another thread. Trump spearheaded Operation Warp Speed during the pandemic. President Biden tried to pass a covid vax mandate on companies with over 100 employees and this was later struck down by the SCOTUS. Kamala Harris is trying to appeal to the working class in her tv ads. Imagine if the Biden mandate had passed muster with the SCOTUS how many working Americans would have lost their jobs. Harris was on Team Biden at the time (still is but that's a technicality). How come Trump doesn't bring this up? NYT recently had an article on thousands believe they were injured in some way by the covid vaccines and nobody is listening. What kind of voting bloc are they how big or how small? I would bet dollars to doughnuts they ain't voting for either candidate. Trump and Harris are said to be in a dead heat at the moment with maybe Harris leading slightly. People remember stuff.

  10. Dunno, not familiar with the anti-vaccine bloc. Gotta recuse myself,
    middle daughter is an immunology professor. Would that SCOTUS
    had the same principles.

  11. Yes dutiful citizen.

    My friend must be one of them rare cases. His boss literally harassed him into getting the covid shots. He later developed a blood clot in his eye that required surgery. His eye doctor said it was caused by the vaccine. There should be legal repercussions against such employers.

    People who never question institutions or authority that's a whole other subject.

  12. Your friend is one of them. Ever the data hound, I read up on his reaction (systemic reactogenicity) and found 31 people with pretty much the same reaction. All related to the type BNT162b2 formula
    (Pfizer). Won't bore you with the details of that. In hindsight, the rush for herd immunity was practically useless because they didn't know the % population (Measles is about 95%) and the Covid virus
    turned out to be highly mutable, like the flu. Adjusts itself to find
    a way around our T-cell immune response. I have little sympathy for hara ssing bosses and would think at a minimum, the drug co,
    the boss and the govt share culpability and owe him medical costs.

  13. A fair response. This is why it should be completely left up to the individual free of pressure and coercion. The more hyper-aggressive the vax campaign became the more it invited pushback.

  14. I could use a payday myself but have nothing going on. Never worked at Camp Lejeune.

  15. Robert Kennedy Jr. is quite anti-vax. Now you have another tough choice. What was the deal with the dead bear cub in central park?
    I thought Idaho was weird.

  16. I saw that on my phone. Eclectic news of the day.

    It's my understanding too he's anti-vax even though that's become a lazy and generic term of late. During the pandemic guy at work was getting the shots and started a discussion with me when word got out I guess that I was vaccine hesitant. Kind of a dumb term since if I got bit by a coyote I'd be getting the rabies series and I also take my cats to the vet for their yearly shots. Anyway he asks me why I'm also against getting measles and smallpox shots. Had to clarify that I'm fine with them and then the realization slowly dawned on me he was intellectually incapable of comprehending what I was saying and I mean that in a literal sense and there are others just like him an army out there. It was hard for me to wrap my head around this but low intelligence is now normal and mainstream. Intellectual zombies if you will. It's THEM. They live among us.

  17. Vax - freedom of choice.

  18. My Body My Choice

    I would ask Kamala Harris why she supports vax mandates.

  19. Dunno, to piss you off? My son is sort of a conspiracy theorist, flouride in the water, twin towersc. no shots for his two young boys, arguing with physicians. Home schooled. They moved to MN, the kids got their shots and are in Catholic schools. Wha happened man?

  20. I got 99 problems but myocarditis ain't one.

    Ok so here's the thing. Covid vax mandates. Twitter now X used to say the covid vaccines are safe for all. Slight shift in the narrative now they're safe for MOST. How do you know you're safe in the MOST category? You don't. Now let's say it's an inexorable mathematical law that even a tiny percentage of those who take the covid vax will suffer adverse events a mandate effectively amounts to a deadly lottery. That's why I view covid vax mandates as unethical.

  21. I guess a clearer choice is the rabies vaccine - a 3 in a million chance of
    serious reaction vs lingering foam at the mouth death. But as you note, it isn't mandated and you can refuse to take it.

  22. Don't know anyone who has refused to take it and turn into Cujo.

    Are you familiar with the Milwaukee Protocol and the girl who survived rabies? This stuff is seriously up your alley. This is BB stuff. For you it'd be like the intellectual version of smoking a joint. Awaiting your dissertation.

  23. Dang right it is BB stuff. I thought the Milwaukee Protocol was a formula for making beer. So I read the Scientific American article on the protocol. Induced coma, immunoglobulin and unfortunately all the other cases where the protocol failed. Immunoglobulin/antibodies/antigens - all natural and the basis for vaccines as well. If your natural amount is low you are prone to infections, if it is high you suffer from allergies. Immunology, love the concept. Hey! What about a coma induced tinnitus cure?

  24. Yes that was the disappointing part for me not successful across-the-board. Fascinating nonetheless. Then there is the Yonkers Protocol.

  25. The Yonkers Protocol? Would that be weed eat, mow repeat?

  26. Yes and if you're elderly with arthritis you have to hire somebody.

  27. That's why John Deere offers a riding mower with turbo-charged V-8
    engine and six cup holders. Woo Hoo!

  28. IF you can afford one. We ain't all Rockefeller. My sister tells me pay off my homeowners insurance all in one shot. I have to explain to her I'm not Rockefeller...or Rockefeller's cousin.

  29. Told my wife that I was born a Rockefeller, but was accidently switched at birth and grew up in a log cabin. Going rate for mowing a lawn here is $50, but I got a kid that does a good job for $25. Out here on the edge of town, I don't have a sidewalk. Take that, Yonkers.

  30. People walk in the road over there? You're driving home a little tired - "oh shit!"

    1. Yep, walk in the street. Strollers with babies, dogs on leashes and a lady that pushes a bulldog in a baby carriage. Not much car traffic. Wife goes for a walk every morning. Cars see an old lady and stop. (one offered a ride home) America is what America was, I guess.

    2. I take it no red light traffic cams either.

    3. Can't afford them. Busy trying to arrest old lady librarians.

    4. The ironic thing is the vast majority of books in a public library probably make for dry and even boring reading. Also as you've said kids are gonna get their jollies elsewhere.

  31. Idaho legislature is like watching the Three Stooges, except there are a lot more. Wonder if they could straighten out Yonkers and Scarsdale.

  32. Idaho Attorney General is spending all our tax dollars on fighting
    Open Primaries ballots. Some pervert may vote Dem, ya know?
    Big petition, signed by thousands. He hates voters. Even the Idaho
    SCOTUS considers him wierd.

  33. For years, idaho voters lived in fear of "Black Helicopters" wanted to secede or join Mississippi. Last week the Forest Service arrested a
    rich rancher who flew a RED helicopter over wild Elk herds, marked the trophy ones, landed, shot them and sold them to rich Eastern wannabe Elk hunters. New State Motto - Idaho Ain't No Yonkers.

  34. People like that are scum.
