Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Is TikTok no longer a threat?

 Haven't heard much lately.  Where do the candidates stand?

Figured out a way to fix ad-hominem.  During the Trump/Harris debate give each candidate ten minutes of pure ad-hominem against the other.

Trump:  "When did you become black?"

Harris:  "What's that dead animal on top of your head?"

Then onto the Issues.


  1. Trump: "Tim Walz will unleash hell on Earth." He'd only be a VP though. They don't do much. Not really sure what they do all day. Our custodian works harder.

    Harris chose the Minnesota Governor as her running mate. 60 years old, pro-union, military veteran and former teacher. To shore up the Democratic vote in the Midwest.

  2. Have you seen the TikTok ads? They're short and powerful.."I wouldn't have lived if it wasn't for TikTok..." They even had one with nuns talking about what TikTok helped them do......The Chinese are SO much smarter than we are.........Is it wholly Chinese or any American ownership?

  3. Mostly Chinese is my understanding. The Biden Administration wanted the guy to sell it and all would be ok. Is that in the Constitution?

  4. BB any thoughts on Tim "Hell On Earth" Walz? I thought she was gonna go with the affable moderate guy from PA.

  5. Farmer, Command Master Sgt, in Army, HS teacher. Supposedly quite humorous.. Dunno, I thought she was going with Taylor Swift.

  6. It is said politics makes strange bedfellows. A post over at GeeeZ about Republicans for Harris -" I’m wondering how Mike Pence could support a Democrat who’s pretty much counting on her pro abortion stance to win." If my boss sent an army of thugs chanting hang BB
    and wanted my vote it would be an issue. Crickey, as the Aussies say

    1. One commenter at her blog made sense about this. Even if a Republican HATES Trump why would they still vote for a Democrat? It's not logical.


    2. Vengeance? Is there a vengeance vote? Curious - how many
      Republicans that HATE Trump will vote for him?

    3. Even so why would a Republican who hates Trump all of a sudden adopt the principles of the Democratic Party? On the flip side why would a Democrat who hates the Harris/Walz ticket adopt the principles of the Republican Party?

  7. Harris, Walz and Vance were all in my home town of Eau Claire WI today. They haven't been on National news since the solvent recycling place burned down and shut the interstate for two days. Was talking with travelers in Montana one time. One said is that you-Claire? Other said or EEE-Claire? I said oh claire and they said I talked funny.

  8. Tik Tok - some clever retail bakery outfit will come out with
    Tik Tok Dough. Chinese probably already selling Tik Toc watches.

  9. I see some Iranian bunch hacked Trump's campaign computers.
    Must not have had Norton. Creeps - they will break into "Lost" next.

  10. What no LifeLock Trump family plan in effect?

  11. What's the deal with Elon Musk and Trump? Do they play ultra high
    stakes poker?

  12. He keeps his name in the news somehow.

  13. At first I though Elon Musk was perfume for canines.

  14. I see Elon is interested in buying part of Uber. Driverless AI cars, take you anywhere. Wonder about paying - you lay your credit card on the dash? And the TIP. If you tip a driverless car, does it have to pay income taxes? Don't worry, I still drive myself. As for AI, at this point it is all bad. Can it do anything good at all? Why is the stock market so entranced with AI?

  15. How do driverless cars give each other the finger?

  16. How do they fill their gas tank? Will there be driverless police cars?
    What's next?
