Monday, August 05, 2024

While you're watching the Olympics


Health food stores are a kind of niche market.  They give off a kind of eco-hippy vibe and  I don't think they can always sustain themselves businesswise as several have closed in my County of Westchester, NY alone.  They're great if you're looking for a non-fluoride toothpaste or aluminum-free solutions to your armpit funk but not so great for everyday basic grocery shopping imo.  Their tea tree oil mouthwash did help me with a bad case of gingivitis though but I still want my Little Debbies.

I never understood veganism.  I get vegetarianism but what do vegans have against eggs and milk exactly?  Eat a vegan cake or cookie and it's full of oil.  Never understood how it took off as a concept and reached the status of trendy to the point of vegan restaurants and cookbooks.  Pity the poor kid being thrown a birthday party by vegan parents.

Lastly I wouldn't trust the bathroom tissue in these organic markets.


  1. Their food pyramid must be bizarre.

  2. Sampling the Olympics. If I tried half the things those gymnasts do they'd have to call the paramedics.

  3. I was trying to find normal bread in one of these places and everything was vegan. Just wanted buns for my hot dogs.

  4. You got your herbivores and your canivores and your omnivores. You got your McDonalds, your Burger Kings and your Vegan places. Why do I drive through Wendy's and feel like Neanderthal? You got any raw
    giant sloth?

  5. Five Guys. Never went there heard they're expensive. Who are the five guys? When two pass on do they call themselves Three Guys?

  6. If my math is correct, they should be 40% cheaper.

  7. Lol.

    Right now I hear they're expensive with fries and a drink you have to buy separate. No value meals? In today's economy?

  8. Some consumers think if something costs too much, it must be really good. Say you need wheels. The former would get a Ferrari, the latter, a used Subaru.

  9. Reason people are willing to spend over a thousand dollars on an iPhone. Is Candy Crush or Solitaire any better?

  10. People spend a lot on luxuries, cruises, deck furniture, Christian Bros,
    hobbies, electronic gizmos. and complain about the price of eggs.
    Beats me.

  11. Watered down Olympics. What's next- synchronized bowling?
    Three legged 50 yard dash? Blueberry pie eating relay? Watched high diving today. Told the Mrs. I would lose 2 points for screaming on the way down.

  12. The only thing they don't have yet is chicken spitting.

  13. Local college announced a Masters Degree in Cyber Accounting.
    Lot of cyber security classes, AI etc. High paying. Thinking Z-Man
    could zip right through that, make a ton of $$$ and finally figure out

    1. Google just lost a big antitrust case but probably won't amount to a hill of beans.

  14. Go Yonkers Spitters! Beat N Korean Hen stabbers....

  15. That fencing competition is pretty tepid. Electric signal, no blood.

  16. Missed it. So it wasn't exactly Hamlet.

  17. It was like Johnny Depp poking at another Johnny Depp.

  18. The skimpy outfits on the women volleyball players. For a minute I thought it was the Playboy Channel.

  19. Synchronous bikini sand jumping. Not sure how they score it.

  20. I never cared for TV bowling, golf or deer hunting. I like hard hitting action like the guy who builds tree houses around the country. Yawn.

  21. Watching golf has a kind of melatonin effect for me.

  22. Team break-dancing was on today. No hurdles, no pummel horse, just head spinning.

  23. A lot of clinical sites are cautious about veganism - they miss out on
    a lot of vitamins and minerals and hang out at the healthfood supplement store. I recall back in the day when Saty was on some
    Hindu vegetarian thing and ended up in the ER with acute pancreatitis. Vitamin B12 is only found it meats. Never quite sure if the practitioners do it for health or kindness to animals.

  24. To me veganism is a few levels above anorexia.

  25. Their diet is worse than the ferals around your place. Parsley gobblers.

  26. I'm assuming no Christian Brothers just vapor-distilled water with electrolytes for taste.

  27. That's a thought. Almost all hard liquor and beer is free of animal origin. Vegan orgy - just avoid the worm in the bottom of tequila.

  28. Got an e-mail from niece back east. She remembered my Dan smoking a pipe. She liked the smell and is going to have her husband start, but
    what did Granpa smoke? Half and Half, that was his all time brand.
    She wrote back thank you, is that half tobacco and half Yikes?

  29. Ain't as easy as smoking a cigar. Ever just have a stogie?

  30. On occasion, like somebody had a baby. Tried a package of cheroots one time. I'm probably no the tycoon type, ya know?

  31. Olympic Committee takes back medal from US gymnast over a minor
    technicality. Like that guy that can get 25 years in prison for buying
    a gun, somebody's son, I guess. The square wheel of justice.

  32. It's like I stopped watching Jeopardy when a contestant got a hard question right but didn't phrase it in the form of a question and Alex Trebek disqualified it.

  33. Exactly. Pisses me and Mrs. too. I'm thinking the contestants go through some sort of prep session. Really- "Who wrote 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'? " Ding- "Samuel Taylor Coleridge." Wrong, you didn't say who or what. Ding, "What he said but with 'who wrote'; in front" Correct! $750 for Feral Cat Z-Man of Yonkers. "I choose the category Yonkers Lawn Regulations. - commercial -
    Getting right down there with Judge Judy.

  34. The show is a little pompous imo. Family Feud is the other extreme. It's like they're having a hard time making up questions - If you were gonna puke where would you puke?

  35. It's like the old College Bowl - snap answers, no pondering. My oldest daughter, who is reasonably intelligent, can sit for half and hour trying to decide what to get from a menu.

  36. Yes then they get the pen out and circle something. Big decision.

  37. I usually look at the on-line menu and make a Jeopardy type order.
    Beer, most times Stella Artois and if Mexican Estrella Jalisco. Not much seafood in the mountain west.

  38. I have those Stella Artois glasses. What no fried calamari?

  39. Back in the early blogging day there was a blog called "Hard Astarboard". Guy by the name of Seth, conservative, Las Vegas security chief, dabbled in espionage etc. Gone now. But he was interested in beer from out west and I suggested the Misssoula Brewing Co. 'Moose Drool' a dark brown ale. He actually ordered some by mail for some secret meeting. it was a hit, more or less.
    He was jailed in Venezuala for a time and on a hit list. Probably
    in a cold cell in Belarus now. Over the years, I tried all the different beer types. Ended up with fairly mild lagers like Leinenkugels from
    Chippewa Falls ,Wi and Coors Lite. (with C Bros chaser)

  40. I've already forgot the Olympics. News is faster than my comprehension anymore.

  41. Same. It's like life's a blur. Once upon a time I had Lyme Disease now I deal with Yonkers property tax.

  42. ONG, did you overeat Key Lyme Pie?

  43. Lady up by Spokane going to Paris for the para olympics - long distance
    wheelchair. She's won the Boston, NY and LA marathons and dozens of other wheelchair races in US and Canada. Just finished grad school with a PhD. Why do I feel lazy?

  44. I can barely roll out of bed in the morning and takes me time to get out of my car. Past my prime.

  45. You gotta stay alert - a lot of cats depending on you.

  46. When I wake up in the morning I'm feeding cats for a half hour then I sit down to have my first cup of coffee. They eat first before I eat.
