Sunday, August 04, 2024

The age of snark

 I recently took a 3+ year hiatus from blogging and came back.  The reason for the rest period was twofold.  First the toxic nature of our political environment being foremost.  Secondly you couldn't have a rational discussion of covid at the time so I chose to ride that one out.  So eventually I decided to return but nothing has really changed.  

The toxicity of politics has only gotten worse.  There are commenters in the blogosphere who are constantly argumentative, rancorous, have a contrarian spirit and who make no attempts to search for common ground.  They don't understand the point you are making (feigned ignorance?) and distort your words through their own political filter.  I think part of the reason for our current political environment is a kind of overreaction to Trump.  He may win he may lose but the hyperbole and rhetoric continues unabated even in the wake of the recent assassination attempt.  I don't want to be a party to that and find it horrible.

It might be pretentious to call blogging an art form but this is a time for creative decision-making for me anyway.  Maybe Lista had the right idea blog only for yourself.  Everyone has a different philosophy of blogging.  If you don't fit in here find another blog that resonates with you.  There are plenty out there.

That's it for now.  Stay free:)


  1. It is vicious and irrational out there. To avoid rattlers and vipers, tread lightly. I'm just a gartersnake.

  2. My favorite snake growing up. Avoid the bigger ones they're cranky.

  3. Never met an Anaconda I liked.

  4. Really bad movie is "Anaconda" starring Jennifer Lopez and Jon Voigt.

  5. Rotten Tomatoes gives it 24%. Did the snake overplay its role?

  6. I would say yes. It was even on a Spanish station once.

  7. Saw in the paper some guy saw a snake on highway. Thinking it might get run over, he pulled over, threw a shirt over it and grabbed it. Timber rattler. Bit him. Quite a trip to the ER and he almost died from anaphylaxis. Moral- two snakes in a bush are better than one in the hand. or sumpin.

  8. Amateur herpetologist as a kid. Never came across a poisonous serpent but bet I could recognize one. It pays to have some knowledge. It's like snapping turtles are known to frequently cross roads during breeding season but I ain't grabbing one by the tail to get it off the road. Guy's heart was in the right place but obviously never read any of them field guides.

  9. Why did the snake cross the road?
    To get the chicken.

  10. Politics has always been partisan. IMO, when Trump comes on abnormally strong, the push back is logically the same. Politics is not my main interest, so mea culpa.

  11. Questioning Walz' military record not saying if you're a journalist you shouldn't go down that rabbit hole but as a presidential candidate I don't think it necessarily pulls voters to your side. Thoughts from an amateur pundit.

  12. It seems to me that pushing the other sides weakness instead of pushing your strengths is a zero sum game.

  13. High road low road. Judge Judy effect?

    1. Can't imagine her on the Supreme Court. To heck with the constitution - it's MY opinion that counts. -click-

    2. She'd issue a scathing minority opinion that you have to have your cat on a leash if he goes outside.

  14. Is JD Vance related to Cyrus Vance - or JD Salinger?

  15. Snark -Displaying a witty and contemptuous attitude.
    caustic mocking sarcastic.
    Kudos on the title 'The Age of Snark' A+ for clever

  16. Whenever possible I always try to go with a catchy title. Who Will Win The Election? doesn't suit me. Don't want to be low effort.

  17. Maybe something Shakspearian - "To Vote or Not To Vote, That is the Question" ?

  18. Chinese pronounciation - Head engineer gave talk to employees about an up coming union meeting. 'Election' of course came out as 'Erection' and 500 people guffawed.

  19. Classic. Always trouble with the l and the r.

  20. Tis the Season to by Jorri, far ra ra. I'd like a Sterra Rarisco beer prease. I said Rarisco, diddle I - plick?

  21. Even happens in plain English
    Shoplifters will be prostituted.

  22. Wonder what happened to Lista? Her hubby was quite a bit older, they survived a CA forest fire. Last email I got from her was same old Lista,
    half dozen bible quotes, capitals letters in wrong places run on sentences. BTW 'Lista' was a blog name, I forget her real name.

  23. Like Lana Del Rey. John Wayne wasn't his real name either.

  24. Right -
    Micheal Caine - Maurice Micklewhite, Carmen Electra Tara Liegh Patrick, Whoopie Goldberg-Caryn Johnson, Meg Ryan- Margaret Hyra, Rihanna- Robyn Fenty, Ben Kinsley- Krishna Bhanji. I'd like to be
    Warren Buffet, ya know?

  25. Didn't know there was so many. Marlon Brando - Marlon Brando.
