Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I am a solipsistic, self-absorbed, self-pitying, narcissistic and vindictive gay American

I am so not on Jim McGreevey's side in his nasty custody battle with ex-wife Dina Matos McGreevey regarding their young daughter Jacqueline. McGreevey, former Democratic governor of New Jersey, resigned the statehouse in August 2004 when scandal swirled when he, um, tapped his lover Golan Cipel for the job of Director of the NJ Dept. of Homeland Security. He wrote a coming out book about it all called simply The Confession in which he admits that, even when he was acting governor, he had quickie and anonymous gay sex at various rest stops along the Interstate. His ex-wife has now come out with her own version of their marriage, Silent Partner. McG wants little Jackie to spend at least half her time with him and his male lover, Australian money manager Mark O'Donnell, and in court papers filed he says her intent to block this shows her "irrational fears of his sexuality" (or perhaps all too rational fears). Quoth he:

"She is in deep denial. Why would she question what I have made clear? To try and lessen my gayness by making me bisexual is a clear form of homophobia." So now calling someone a bisexual is some kind of slur? and how did he have sex with her all those years?

What is going on in this guy's head?


  1. Seems to me that he is trying to shift the attention away from his infidelity to make his ex look like the bad person in all of this.

  2. He's also pushing the gay agenda, particularly as regards custody of children, to the hilt. Why gays should shun him is that he never should have married this woman and had children with her in the first place. He's a bad person to be pushing your political agenda. And she's right about that big nude pic of some male hunk lying in his bedroom, their young daughter shouldn't have to see this.

    What if she's visiting and she goes to use the bathroom and the door is open and Mark and McG are in the shower together and Mark is washing his pecker? I mean kids are known to have accidentally walked into sexual situations involving their parents. What if she has a couple of gerbils as pets and one day she comes home from school and they're missing (ok, that one was way over the line).

  3. I'll tell you what it is mimi, latency, he describes these things in such loving detail. Put your Playgirl down already.

  4. This guy's head is messed up but the scary thing is he doesn't even know it. If he was gay to begin with why did he marry her and procreate and don't tell me it was societal pressure to be straight, in this day and age? He hurt her deeply, cut her to her soul's core, and then he acts all normal and rational in court. It's awesome.

  5. The time of his coming out is suspect in so many ways and he had no right to marry two women and father two children when he was "confused." He used and abused both women and his position as governor (Ooh, sounds like an all too familiar story) and his coming out seemed more orchestrated. Anyone with the least awareness of body language can tell the guy is lying out of both sides of his mouth. One thing you can say for Jim is that he is the consummate political choreographer.
