Been meaning to do this post for awhile. When the SPLC and the ADL list someone or a group (usually conservatives) as "anti-government" or "anti-government extremists" you're supposed to go OMG No! but the phrase itself is not automatically good or bad. In order to be pro-government you have to have a government worth supporting. If you oppose the governments of say North Korea or Putin's Russia nobody says that's a bad thing. A libertarian supports limited government. Only an anarchist is opposed to all government. Most of us just pay our taxes and follow the law. To be 100% pro-the government you're probably a fan of statism which is really worship of the State. Most of us criticize government from time to time. Property taxes are too high too many regulations whatever. I think this term "anti-government" is used most often by aggressive defenders of the status quo. It is designed to intimidate you into not criticizing the government or the State TOO MUCH. If you or your group wind up on the SPLC and ADL lists your political philosophy is automatically assumed to be bad and people are supposed to avoid you. They mix you in with the Nazis and the skinheads when maybe all you wanna do is eliminate the federal income tax. I always say as usual do your own research and have a nice day.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thursday, October 03, 2024
Does your vet need to know Shakespeare?
Does your gastroenterologist need to know calculus? How many existentialists does it take to change a light bulb? You do not need to be a well-rounded individual unless you're Chris Christie. Many conservatives like Charlie Kirk are now making the case that you do not need a liberal arts college education to get ahead in life. Worked under a young and talented chef back in the day. He had a little higher education under his belt but he preferred to dive into the labor market at an early age. You learn by doing. Teach kids how to make money. I vastly recommend trade schools over college unless college is your thing. I'll never forget the tour our chef friend took us on at the famed Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park New York. Young people zeroing in on their passion that's what it's all about. In France our chef friend said chefs are practically revered. He also said if you're a chef you'll never be out of a job. College graduates on the other hand often have trouble landing their dream job right away. Paying back student loans another current issue although the CIA costs a pretty penny too.
College. What a racket.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Kamala Harris' politically alienating campaign
Yes I realize the automatic rebuttal here that Trump is alienating but she is supposed to be the anti-Trump and a uniter and a healer. A key part of her campaign of course is abortion but that's a subject that's alienating by its very nature. It's like if a standup comedian made a night's worth of fat jokes but half his audience was fat. By emphasizing or over-emphasizing the abortion issue by default you're alienating people who may not even have strong political positions on this but who in their spiritual gut feel abortion is not a great thing. If push came to shove and they were unemployed they wouldn"t feel comfortable working in an abortion clinic say. Basically what she's doing is appealing to the default voters in her party's base but who else? How big is the who else camp that would even be swayed by this? It's kind of settled into a philosophical issue for many. Discuss it over a pipe smoking session? That's enough of a ramble.
Is this post alienating enough?
Friday, September 06, 2024
If Trump loses he'll have an existential meltdown
I think it can go either way but I also think that maybe the SOLE reason he's running again is he felt he should have won the last time. I too had trouble processing this. Think about it Joe Biden got a historic number of record votes. More than Ronald Reagan more than Barack Obama. The charisma of wet cardboard. Didn't see too many Biden lawn signs either. Georgia going blue absolutely blew my mind. Now Hillary lost 2016 and was bitter about it for a long time. Lots of talk about Russian interference but it all played out and she decided against a rematch. IMO Trump however looks at things in more poetic and even grandiose terms. By running again he feels he's trying to right some cosmic injustice. What's the karmic deal yo? Might explain his disorganized utterances of late he's not philosophically grounded. Just my thoughts but I think this goes beyond MAGA.
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
Thoughts on the gun control debate (yet again)
It's amazing how fast time is going. Looking over the posting date of my last post I hadn't realized so much time had elapsed before coming up with a new idea. Sorry to my handful of fans. Liberals act like if they were in charge tragedies like the recent newsroom shooting in Maryland wouldn't have happened. Then I'm reading some hyperventilating political/social commentators extrapolating from one weird individual living in his own self-contained weird mental universe that there's some kind of male rage/war against Women. Well as one conservative blogger here said some time ago back in the day re Newtown sometimes bizarre and tragic things happen and there's almost nothing we could have done about it, nothing that could have prevented it so the whole gun control debate becomes a kind of cosmetic discussion imo. Then there's this thing about some revenge porn law that seems to have gotten stuck in the New York State Legislature that won't pass and folks are blaming Google. I'm no attorney but isn't it already illegal to post say nude pictures of myself without my consent on the Web not that you'd want to see? In our zeal to pass new laws based on the latest tragic social circumstance we should first check what's already on the books that maybe need to be better enforced. If you're having sex maybe don't leave the smartphone out? Here's the problem: reality itself is weird and bizarre and tragic things happen, sometimes rarely and in the case of guns for some reason in cycles. There are bizarre and odd individuals walking amongst us right now. All I can say and offer is don't make eye contact:)
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The bogging down effect of social conservatism
Friday, January 15, 2016
The post-50 years
It must be in keeping with the aging trend but I find myself sleeping less. I fall asleep ok but I find myself prematurely waking and most of the time not really getting back to sleep. An alternative Alex Jones theory of tinnitus: maybe we can simply hear things other folks can't hear. While others may enjoy their joblessness it has a weird effect on me. It brings to the fore any depressive issues that may exist and when you're past the half-century mark you think alot more about your own mortality. Life really is short and tortoises live alot longer than man. Also when you get older you start taking the issue of hell more seriously, at least I do but I was raised Catholic and it never really leaves you. I've blogged about this before, I actually don't like work but I also don't like being out of work if that makes any sense.